Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: Talisman knowledge.

After resolving the matter of his mother, Marvin returned to his room. He could not wait for Sunday to arrive as that is the day when he will go out on a date with his beautiful childhood friend and soon-to-be wife Bai Yue.

The next day he woke up to his sister calling him for breakfast. After eating it and teasing his little baby for a while to fulfill his duties as a good brother, Marvin went out of the house and called Celeste.

«Ring... Ring... Ring» Celeste was feeding her younger siblings with dumpling life cute faces when her phone rang.

"Sister, I am big enough to eat without your help and I will look after Lil chu too. You can take the call." Her little brother with a baby face said.

Ku knew that the call might be related to her work. He wanted to share the burden of the family with her. Hence, he offered to help her by looking after his little sister.josei

"Okay, take good care of her. I'll be back soon!" Celeste patted their head before walking inside the kitchen and picked her phone connected to a charging table.

«Guardian Angel» The moment she saw who it is, her eyes brightened up. She hurriedly picks up the call.

"Hi, I hope I didn't disturb you by calling so early in the morning," Marvin said. His voice was muffled by the mask and it sounded husky.

"Ah, no problem. Though why did you call me?" Celeste said while tensely leaning against a wall. As much as she was excited to talk with him, she was just as much nervous.

"I would like to purchase dozens of rank-10 talisman paper by today. If you got them in stock just tell me the time and location and I'll come to you," Marvin said straightforwardly.

He only had 13 talisman paper left. Three of them were rank-10 talisman paper. Whereas, ten of them were «Perfect Quality Talisman Paper». He got them from completing the Quest «Road to Becoming an Inscriptionist».

"I got about three dozens of rank-10 talisman paper. Let's meet right away. 33rd Street, Neko park." Celeste said.

"Then I will get there in five minutes," Marvin replied before he began dressing up to go out of the house.

Celeste also applied make-up on her face and dressed up specially to meet Marvin.

After wearing his "Mask", he hurriedly went there, purchasing 3 sets of rank-10 talisman paper by paying 5000 Federation Cash to Celeste.

"Wait!" Celeste exclaimed when she saw Marvin leaving.

"What is it?" He asked after turning around.

In the face of his godly eyes, the little cuties couldn't standstill. Although she wanted to lose herself in his soul mesmerizing silver eyes, she thought that it will be disrespectful to God and lowered her gaze.

"Umm… Masked Hero, can you tell me your name? I don't even know what to call you." Celeste asked while nervously fidgeting with her fingers.

Marvin remembered that he had never told her his name. But he also didn't want to expose his actual identity to her, as he was supposedly protecting himself and his family from unfortunate events by hiding his identity that has killed Dale Gale. Thus, after thinking for a while, he said: "You can call me Vin. And if Gale family members come looking for you then don't hesitate to give me a call. I will come to teach them a lesson."

Vin was Marvin's nickname but it was only used by his mother. He created this persona "Vin" because this secret identity will help him protect his family and loved ones from troubles. And allow him to fight and kill people with massive backgrounds without any hesitation. He will be using this secret identity to do vigilante acts or outright kill annoying pests.

"Vin!" Celeste cheerfully exclaimed, seeing Marvin going away, her heart couldn't help but beat faster than before, as her blushing face turned redder.

She was no different than a young maiden in love.

While walking back to her house, Celeste wondered whether Vin noticed that she specially dressed up from him…

"He probably didn't." She said under her breath before entering the house.




Once he returned home, Marvin started to craft talismans. He has successfully grasped the crafting of rank-10 basic talismans. Creating dozens of them in a single day without failing even once, was a pretty normal task for him.

Time trickled by. Within the comfort of his dimly lit room, Marvin created one talisman after another. He had a concentrated and focused expression on his face as wielded the magic-conducting brush like a spear, executed smooth and familiar movements, and inscribed magical rune designs on the talisman papers placed on the table.

"Talisman crafting is a major source of income. The more I create them the faster we will become richer. For a better future!"

He was entirely immersed in a type of completely determined state. His only thoughts were creating as much talisman he can to save up enough to purchase a house in a secure society. The price of a house in a secure society like Gangnam in the lower-district was too high, so Marvin still couldn't afford it.

A single house with 3 bedrooms cost 1 million Federation dollars. He needed to save a million dollars to get a luxury house in a good society. He was planning to get it done by the end of this month.

Under this determined state, 33 blank rank-10 talisman paper transformed into talismans with complicated and profound patterns of various colors. He has created rank-10 basic talismans that were famous amongst the customers and will be sold easily within some days.

"Phew~ I'm finally done," Marvin said before slumping back on his chair. He created only 33 talismans. It is because he was out of rank-10 Talisman papers and also because he was feeling tired and extremely bored. His determined state left him by the time he created the 33rd talisman. However, he didn't want to waste the rest of his day by indulging in the sin of sloth.

After storing the talismans he just created in the storage of his magic ring, Marvin brought out the «perfect quality talisman paper» and the «Divine Inscription Book» from Noah's inventory. He wasn't using his Perfect Quality Talisman paper because they were too unique to be wasted.

[Perfect Quality Talisman paper

Ranking: Intermediate-grade rank-10

Durability: 100%

Effect: On this piece of paper, the Guardian will be able to create a basic-grade and intermediate-grade talisman!

Special Effect: The Effect of the talisman will be boosted by two times!]

The effect of this talisman paper was too unique. If he creates a rank-10 Flame Wave talisman paper by using this talisman paper then its offensive power will be two times that of a normal rank-10 Flame Wave Talisman. Furthermore, he can create talismans beyond rank-10 basic talisman by using this perfect quality talisman paper.

"Noah, may I ask how an item as mystical as this can be created?" Marvin said. Although he felt delighted by owning ten of these, he wanted more.

‹These talismans paper are created by reshaping the Etherwood and finishing the product by giving it a finishing touch of "Life Force"› Noah said.

However, Marvin didn't know what Life Force and Etherwood are. He has never heard of objects like these in his entire life.

"Noah, what is Etherwood, and I have heard about the essence of life but what is Life Force?"

‹Ethewood is a timber obtained from trees that have absorbed a lot of magic power during their growth and lifetime. The material is able to conduct Mana very well and is therefore used to create Intermediate-grade rank-1 to rank-10 talisman papers, magic staff, parts of magical weapons, and components of magic constructs. Whereas Life Force is created when Magic power is fused with the essence of life. Life force is one of the strongest energy in the universe› Noah explained.

Even though he knew that Noah has a lot of knowledge, Marvin still felt impressed.

"How can I feel and control the essence of Life?" Marvin asked. He was interested in Life Force and wanted to attain it.

‹The Gamer will need to become and reach the peak of Battle Master before he can feel his essence of life›

"Battle Master!" Marvin's eyes shone as he remembered the slave trader he killed.

Darth was the only Battle Master he met and killed in his life. He has never seen any other Battle Master. Plus, there was no information about Battle Master present in his school or net either.

"How can I become a Battle Master?" He asked Noah.

‹You'll need an awakening stone. There might be none present in this world, but they are bound to be present in the world where Darth came from. However, there might be awakening stones present in the store. But I will have no access to it until you reach level 10› Noah said.

"Okay, I will have to wait for next month, only two weeks left," Marvin said before focusing his attention on the Divine Inscription Book.

He wanted to learn to craft intermediate-grade talismans. For that reason, he needed intermediate-grade magical rune designs and knowledge about what intermediate grade talisman is.

Normally, a person would have to sell an arm and a leg to buy the corresponding books for intermediate grade magical rune designs and talisman. However, according to Noah, the divine inscription book contains every bit of information he needs.

Marvin opened it and started reading it. The book was filled with theories. Each one of them was so impressive that Marvin felt mind blown. Furthermore, some of them were explained in such a simple way that even common folk with average intelligence will be able to understand it without a problem.

«Divine Inscription Book»: Talismans are divided into three grades. They are,

«No.1: Basic-grade talismans. You'll need to memorize and learn how to draw Basic-grade magical rune designs to create basic-grade talismans»

«No.2: Intermediate-grade talismans: You'll need to memorize and learn how to draw intermediate-grade magical rune designs to create these types of talismans»

«No.3: Advance-Grade Talisman: You'll need to memorize and learn how to draw Advanced-grade magical rune designs to create them»

«There are five types of talismans»

«No.1: Enchantment types talismans: These types of talismans can be used to strengthen a person's body or objects such as weapons»

«No.2: Magic Type Talismans: These types of talismans conjure spells to attack, shield, or support the user. For example, the Flame Wave Talisman and lesser healing talisman»

«No.3: Special type Talisman: These talismans have special effects. The invisibility talisman is a special type of talisman»

«No.4: Auxiliary Talisman: Talismans that are used for auxiliary purposes such as long-distance communication talisman and voice recording talisman etc are defined as Auxiliary Talisman»

Marvin was disturbed by the last types of talismans. It was called «Demonic Talisman». It had the effect of controlling the mind of a beast or human and force them to do what one's will.

However, rather than magical beast blood, it needed the blood of a tortured human!

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