Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 1380

Chapter 1380: Half fairy medicine, golden years, guarding alien beasts, red eye dragon...

"In the depths of the Three Immortal Caves, there should be a half-immortal medicine."

Yun Tianlai's words made a flash of light in Jun Xiaoyao's eyes.

The half immortal medicine is definitely attractive enough.

Even for people with a high vision like Jun Xiaoyao, it is extremely attractive.

Although the Bodhi of Yaoling Mountain is also a semi-immortal medicine, it is not very attractive to Jun Xiaoyao because it is a blessing in understanding.

"No, Fairy Tian Lai, if there is a half-immortal medicine in Sanxian Cave, will it stay for now?"

Jun Xiaoyao raised his own question.

Yun Tianlai said: "The gentleman also knows that the Sanxian Cave will only be opened within a certain period of time."

"And when it was opened last time, the half-immortal medicine was not fully mature."

"It takes a long time for a half-immortal medicine to mature."

"And if it is an immature half-celestial medicine, the efficacy will be greatly reduced."

"This is the line of my Yunxiao line, and the predecessors who have entered the Three Immortal Caves told me, but I am not sure whether the half-immortal medicine is now mature."

Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly and said, "It turns out that it is."

Yun Tianlai went on to say: "Furthermore, even if the half-immortal medicine is mature, it is not that simple to get it."

"There is a powerful alien beast guarding the half-immortal medicine, and its strength definitely exceeds the Heavenly Sovereign, and at least it is an alien beast of the Profound Sovereign level."

"As for Sanxiandong, only the younger generation of Xianling has the qualifications to enter it and obtain opportunities."

"In the younger generation, few people can deal with alien beasts of that level, so this half-immortal medicine has only existed to this day."

Jun Xiaoyao completely understood.

But he asked: "How do the three of us divide a half-immortal medicine?"

No profit can not afford to be early.

Jun Xiaoyao never does a loss-making business.

Besides, he is now on the verge of breaking through, and he just needs the opportunity of the semi-immortal medicine.

Yun Tianlai said: "That half-immortal medicine looks like a small tree, and the fruit on it is the essence."

Upon hearing Yun Tianlai's words, Jun Xiaoyao nodded and agreed.

Half immortal medicine, the kind that has a whole plant, such as immortal bodhi.

That would be difficult to divide, because the efficacy of the medicine may be lost.

And this kind of fruiting sub-type is better divided.

After a little discussion.

Yun Tianlai took Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Luoli into the depths of Sanxian Cave.

Along the way, they also encountered many strange beasts, broken formations, natural dangers, etc., but they were all easily resolved by Jun Xiaoyao.

Yun Tianlai realized Jiang Luoli's ease and comfort.

In her heart, she couldn't help but feel a little envious.

It is indeed a kind of happiness to have such a powerful Taoist couple who protects his wife.

Several hours later.

Jun Xiaoyao and others stopped in one place, suspended in front of the mountain peak in the void.

Among the peaks, there is a deep valley.

Around the valley, flowers are blooming, and Seocho contends for glory.

The aura seemed to form rain and mist, engulfing in the void.

And in the hazy mist and rain.

As far as Jun Xiaoyao could see, he saw a small golden tree growing in the deepest part of the valley.

The little golden tree is golden all over, just like a gold forged from the tribulations.

The golden rays of light washed up on the tree trunks like water waves.josei

And above the canopy.

There are five longan-sized fruits growing and flowing Xia Rui.

The fragrance of fragrance is clearly audible at such a distance.

The most strange thing is that Jun Xiaoyao actually felt a hazy flow of time on the fruit.

It seems to be the fruit of endless years of time, very strange.

"That half fairy medicine is..."

There is light in Jun Xiaoyao's eyes.

"That's right, it's that half-immortal medicine, the golden years."

Yun Tianlai's breathing was also quick, and there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

The golden years are the name of this half-immortal medicine.

As we all know, each half-immortal medicine has its own different medicinal effects, properties, and abilities.

For example, Immortal Bodhi can improve comprehension.

The golden years, as the name suggests, the effect is very simple.

Those fruits seem to be the condensation of the essence of endless years.

After taking it, it is equivalent to practicing for many years.

This is also the origin of the name of the golden years.

A golden years fruit can be worth countless years of cultivation.

It can be said that this is the most suitable semi-immortal medicine for monks to accumulate their heritage and break through their realm.


Jun Xiaoyao also had a touch of joy in his eyes.

The body of Bodhi, Immortal Bodhi is tasteless to him.

But these golden years happened to be of great help to Jun Xiaoyao.

"However, the five golden years of fruit seem to take a while before they mature."

Yun Tianlai looked at the golden years of fruit and said.

A mature golden age fruit should be the size of a baby's fist.

Now it is only the size of longan.

"No problem, maybe I have a way."

Jun Xiaoyao doesn't mind.

He knew that there was any way to make the golden years of fruit mature in a short period of time.

But before that, there is one biggest obstacle.

It was the strange beast guarding the golden years.

It was an alien beast that looked like a unicorn, covered in thick scale armor.

The limbs are not hooves, but as sharp as eagle claws, the beast eyes are red, and there is a dragon tail behind it.

Unicorn head, eagle claws, dragon tail.

"That's a red-eyed dragon lin." Jun Xiaoyao said.

The Red Eyed Dragon Lin, an ancient alien species, possesses part of the Qilin true blood.

At the moment, the aura of this red-eyed dragon lin is impressively equivalent to the powerful Xuanzun of the human race.

And generally speaking, at the same level, the strength of these alien beasts is obviously stronger than that of human cultivators.

It can be said that ordinary human monks Xuanzun, not to mention killing, want to suppress this red-eyed dragon lin, it is extremely difficult.

"No wonder this half-immortal medicine can exist safely to this day."

Jun Xiaoyao understood.

If Sanxiandong, only the younger generation can enter.

There are indeed few people who can get the half-immortal medicine under the guardianship of the Red Eyed Dragon Lin.

Even, there are not many Tianjiao who can fight with Chi-eye Longlin.

And the Red Eye Longlin was obviously waiting for the golden years to mature completely.

"Xuanzun-level Crimson Eyed Dragon Lin, under normal circumstances, it is not easy for even the Xuanzun strong to deal with, what should we do."

After personally perceiving the aura of this Scarlet Eyed Dragon Lin, Yun Tianlai's face was not very pretty.

The strength of this guarding alien beast was stronger than she had imagined.

"Let me come." Jun Xiaoyao said lightly.

"Master Jun, this..."

Yun Tianlai was taken aback.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Jun Xiaoyao's strength.

But the aura of this red-eyed dragon-lin at the moment is indeed terrifying.

It is definitely not something the younger generation can handle.

"The plan is very simple. I'll lead away the Scarlet Eyed Dragon Lin. Fairy Tian Lai, you and Luo Li will go picking the golden years." Jun Xiaoyao said.

"Brother you in danger?" Jiang Luoli worried.

She believes in Jun Xiaoyao's ability.

But always worry, this has become an instinct.

"Don't worry, a strange beast can't help me." Jun Xiaoyao smiled lightly.

Although his realm has not changed much.

But the power of the Little Thousand Worlds in his body has doubled, and he has the power of two Little Thousand Worlds.

This power is not the power that the Supreme Seven Realms should have.

Jun Xiaoyao is ready to shoot.

However, his psychic perception felt as if he had felt something.

A strange color flashed under his eyes.

However, on the surface, Jun Xiaoyao didn't have any hesitation, and he appeared to attract the attention of Red Eye Long Lin.

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