Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 962

Chapter 962: Mo? Lu Wei Ying Lu Wu? Ba? Pay the crotch angle┑?/a>

Time passed bit by bit.

With the war on the border, the friction intensified.

A breath of wind and rain is also permeating.

Of course, compared to Xianyu.

The creatures on the alien side are obviously extremely confident in their own side.

They did not see this as a war, but as a hunt.

A hunt for Xianyu Tianjiao!

In the entire God of War Academy, many Tianjiao disciples are gearing up, eager to try, and ready to go to the frontier desert.

And during this time, some news came out one after another.

Part of the immortal emperor's peerless Tianjiao, emperor son and goddess, etc., have gradually awakened.

After all, this time of experience, there will definitely be a seed-level Tianjiao on the side of Xianyu.

So here, we also need some princes and goddesses.

Of course, many people value this experience for another reason.

It is this experience that may give the best performers the title of God of War.

This is the most supreme and glorious title of the young generation in the foreign land.

Enough to make countless Tianjiao crazy.

In addition, the atmosphere of martial arts in the foreign land is very strong.

The title weight of this God of War is even more heavy.

If you can get it, you will be respected by all parties wherever you go in the future.

And in this atmosphere.

An explosive news came out.

The emperor of the Mojie emperor clan awakens and will fight the Chaos Body in the God of War Mountain.

This news, like a boulder falling into the ocean, set off a huge wave.

It can be said that it was the biggest incident before going to the frontier.

Needless to say, Jun Xiaoyao's current reputation has not been defeated since his appearance.

And the Mojie emperor son of the Mojie emperor clan, the strength is not covered.

It is the true young supreme.

This is not like the supreme of the supreme old servant level beside Li Jiu Ming.

But the real Tianjiao Supreme!

The two are both supreme, but there are essential differences!

This battle can be said to be more traction than the previous battle between Jun Xiaoyao and Li Jiudong.

Because before, the two were in the quasi-supreme state.

And now, it is the battle between the supreme and the quasi supreme.

"You said, will Chaos Body challenge?"

"I don't think it should be. The Emperor Mojie is not the kind of ordinary supreme. His strength is extremely strong even among the supreme."

"It depends on how the chaotic body responds. If it should not fight, then the title of the quasi-War God is a bit vain."

"That's not true. The Supreme and the Quasi Supreme are not on the same level in themselves."

Just when many Tianjiao of the God of War Academy paid attention to this matter.

Jun Xiaoyao responded.

Only one word.


When this word came out, it could be said that everyone was unexpected.

The meaning of the word "Yun" is more than just agreement.

There is also a meaning of accepting a challenge.

Emperor Mojie is just a challenger.

And Jun Xiaoyao, like the defender of the throne.

Between the two, there are naturally superiors and inferiorities.

Jun Xiaoyao is putting himself in the upper position and agreeing to the challenge of the lower.

This undoubtedly shocked the Quartet.

"Chaotic body, is this not even the emperor of the immortal emperor?"

"Niu Pian, I must go to the God of War to watch the battle at that time!"

This actually aroused everyone's interest even more.

Even some of the elders of the God of War Academy are interested in them, and they will take a look at that time.

The ancestral land of the Mojie emperor clan, a suspended emperor mountain.

Suddenly, the heaven and the earth were surging with brilliance, and various patterns of law were intertwined in the void.

A strange force is permeating.

In the sky, a bird passed by.

But as soon as it got close to that strange power, the bird fell from the air as if it had lost all its mana.

Amidst the endless brilliance, a transcendent figure came.

It was an extremely handsome man, with long hair to waist, without wind.

The skin is like suet jade, more delicate than women.

Around him, the strange power turned into a tenfold **** ring, covering his body.

The young man is like an ancient mythical god.

He is the son of the Mojie Emperor and one of the seven foreign emperors.

A force of law permeated him.josei

Emperor Mojie is a true young supreme, not a quasi-supreme.

The ten-fold divine ring surrounding him is the manifestation of the power of their emperor family.

All laws do not touch, magic power is immune.

Any magical powers can hardly break through his ten-fold immunity divine ring.

Even the most powerful moves are reduced by the ten layers of immune divine circles.

In the end, when it falls on Emperor Mojie's body, it will be as light as a feather, without the slightest power.

This is the horror of the Mojie emperor.

These immortal emperors in the foreign land must have their reasons why they can become immortal emperors.

Ming Zhao, Mo Jie, Bi An and other emperors all have their own unique bloodline inheriting supernatural powers, which are extremely powerful.

"Emperor, you have trained into a tenfold **** ring, and you need to find a sharpening stone. Chaos body is a good choice."

In the void, the voice of a great figure from the Mojie emperor clan came.

"I know it naturally." Emperor Mojie nodded slightly.

"By the way, also, to figure out the source of the chaotic body's mana immunity, the bloodline magic of our race, can't be spread easily." The big man said solemnly.

"That's for sure, as long as he is defeated, if he is willing to join our clan, he can let him retain this ability."

"But if he doesn't want to join, he can only let him use his supernatural powers."

Emperor Mojie's voice said lightly.

It seemed to defeat the Chaos Body, which was a matter of course.

"Emperor, don't underestimate that chaotic body." The big man said.

Emperor Mojie smiled and said: "If the chaotic body is in the Supreme Realm, then I should treat it with caution."

"But the quasi-supreme and the supreme have an insurmountable gap. I am not the kind of ordinary supreme."

After the emperor Mojie said, he stepped out, as if a **** king was traveling.

For a time, the sky and the earth thundered, and the eyes from all directions converged.

"The Emperor Mojie is out!"

"Interesting, he went directly to the God of War Academy!"

"Follow up, we will witness a wonderful battle of Tianjiao!"

"Maybe the legend that the Chaos Body is not defeated will end in this battle!"

Move the whole body by pulling a hair.

Many ethnic creatures followed closely behind.

This is the real Seven Little Emperor, among the younger generation, he is definitely a top-notch existence.

This battle is also extremely eye-catching, with news coming out before.

Now the Lord appeared and rushed to the God of War Academy.

On the side of the God of War Academy, Jun Xiaoyao received news from Mr. Mu at the first moment.

"Has the emperor Mojie come here?"

There were no waves on Jun Xiaoyao's face. UU reading

Calmly like a lake.

"Little friend, in fact, you don't need to fight, wait until you break through to the Supreme Realm. After all, there is a huge gap between the Supreme and the Quasi Supreme."

Mr. Mu is thinking about Jun Xiaoyao.

Although before, Jun Xiaoyao used the quasi-superior to cultivate himself and kills the supreme.

But the strength of that supreme old servant is obviously not comparable to that of Emperor Mojie.

If Jun Xiaoyao avoids the war, although it will be criticized by a small group of people, it is indeed reasonable.

After all, the realm is different, and this battle is unfair.

"No, Mr. Mu, I will go directly to the God of War Mountain to wait for him." Jun Xiaoyao smiled.

Compared to Emperor Mojie, Jun Xiaoyao was obviously more interested in signing in to the God of War Mountain.

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