Second Marriage: My Strongest Bodyguard

Chapter 70 - Sweet Morning

Chapter 70 - Sweet Morning

When it was seven o'clock in the morning, Bryana stretched her sore strengths. She opened her eyes and smiled glancing at Dean who was still asleep while hugging her stomach. The woman smiled amused when she heard the small snoring sound from her husband, then pinched his nose.

"Ughh!" Dean immediately stopped snoring and woke up. He glanced at Bryana who instead chuckled at him. "Don't tease me, honey. I still want to sleep."

"Me too. my body aches because you always fire on me. Thighs, hands, all feel tired."Bryana embraced Dean's chest tightly even though they were still naked in one blanket.

Dean opened his eyes again and glanced at Bryana worriedly. "Are you sick, honey? do I need to call a doctor to examine you? "

"No, that's not necessary."

"But you look very weak. Do we also need to delay our trip to Australia?" asked Dean still worried.

"Ah, I'm not that weak. I just need to rest this morning to restore my strength," Bryana exclaimed confidently.

"You are too strong, I'm just tired because of that and I don't know what to say to the doctor if my situation is like this because of fatigue making love to you?"

Dean smiled faintly and bit his lower lip. "Next time I'll be gentler. Or I'll throw the damn milk away," he exclaimed.

Bryana sighed, then tightened her hug on Dean while kissing his burly chest. there was a distinctive male scent there, and Dean's scent was so addicting. "Honestly ... I like your strength. So, maybe I'm just not used to it to be too tired."

"And honestly, I like your wild attitude. You piss me off." Dean kissed Bryana's face with glee.

"Hahaha ... You think I'm a baby? Haha ...." Bryana chuckled and tickled Dean's stomach.

"Not a baby," said Dean with a chuckle trying to avoid Bryana who was tickling his stomach.


Dean hugged Bryana so tightly she could no longer tickle his stomach, then stared into her bluish eyes so intensely. "You are an angel for me, a beautiful angel who always makes me feel the heaven on earth." Dean kissed Bryana on the lips.

Bryana returned the kiss very softly and a happy smile never left her beautiful face. Ughh, French Kiss was intertwined for a few minutes to raise their excitement but suddenly there was a sound of kids coming from the main door of the room.

"Mommy... Daddy.. open the door! "

Dean sighed, then scratched his head which was not itchy. he smiled uncomfortably at Bryana. "There are kids."

"Yes. Please meet them because I still want to lie here. I want to take a warm bath after this," Bryana exclaimed with a smile so sweet. If no kids came, surely Dean would kiss her and beat her again.

"Okay, I'll take care of them. You just take a rest here, let me prepare warm water for you later," said Dean, then kissed Bryana's forehead.

Dean immediately put his clothes back on, then walked towards the door of the room which was still knocking.

"Mommy ... Daddy..!"

Dean opened the door, but it didn't fully open because he didn't want Calvin and Sofia to enter the room while Bryana was still not wearing clothes and just wrapped a blanket over herself.

"Are you guys already going to school?" Dean asked while staring at Sofia and Calvin, who already looked presentable in their respective school uniforms. Sofia is wearing a knee-length blue dress with a white top wearing a blue vest and her hair is tied up like rabbit ears. while Calvin, wearing green shorts combined with a white top and a green vest with a batik pattern.

"We want to be escorted by mom and dad," said Sofia. Calvin nodded in agreement.

Dean did not flinch for a moment by frowning. "Mommy is not feeling well. Let daddy escort."

"Is mommy sick?" asked Calvin, worriedly. Ah, he's always worried if something happens to his mother.

"Mommy just needs time to rest. Don't worry," said Dean with a reassuring smile.

Because Dean was still at the door and the voices of the children sounded chaotic, Bryana got out of bed and put on her lingerie again, then put on her robe so that her sexy body was not too visible. she walked towards the door with slow steps as her thighs felt completely weak.

"Calvin ... Sofia," Bryana said with a smile.

"Mommy." Calvin scrambled to hug Bryana's waist because he was still short.

"Daddy said, mommy, is sick." Calvin looked up at Bryana.

Bryana squatted in front of both Calvin and Sofia, saying, "Mom just needs time to rest, don't worry. Mom and dad can still take you."

Dean looked at Bryana who wanted to take the kids too. "Jill better stay home. "

"No, I will accompany them. Since yesterday I did not pay attention to them, so today I have to make time for them before we go to Australia," Bryana exclaimed confidently.

"Mommy will go?" Sofia looked sad.

"Mommy will make a baby for us. You don't have to be sad," Calvin said innocently. He looked at Sofia as if he made sure everything would be okay even though their parents were leaving. Maybe he thought that after coming back, his baby could play with him. Oh God...

immediately Dean and Bryana were smiling, holding back laughter. Calvin and Sofia were too innocent and too enthusiastic about wanting a baby.

"You guys go down first. Mom and dad will be ready to take you," said Dean.

Sofia and Calvin nodded in agreement and immediately returned to the ground floor by descending the stairs. Dean and Bryana returned to the room to clean up and get ready to take the kids.


Inside his golden-white room, Raymond smiled at his reflection in the mirror as he buttoned up his black tuxedo, then put on a gray tie and combed his hair in a pompade style.

"Today, I'm going to make you fall in love with me, Kareen. I even wanted to marry you and invite you to move to London. You don't have to work as Bryana's secretary anymore." Raymon monologues to himself. He had fantasized about being accepted by Kareen and would marry him too. Ah, how did he know that Kareen was expecting Dean. but hopefully he can captivate the woman's heart to stop thinking about Dean who already belongs to Bryana.historical

After feeling that he was very neat and handsome, Raymond walked out of the room until he walked past Dean and Bryana's room before crossing the stairs. he glanced at his sister's room and smiled faintly.

"Newlyweds must have stayed up all night to produce new baby," he thought with an amused smile.

Arriving on the ground floor, Raymon saw Calvin and Sofia sitting on the living room sofa watching TV showing a cartoon broadcast.

"Hey, my nephew ... Why haven't you left yet?" Raymond asked, smiling attentively at Sofia and Calvin.

"We are waiting for mom and dad," Sofia replied in her cute voice.

Raymond nodded in understanding and stared intensely at Sofia. 'If Clarissa were still alive, things might not have been like this,' he thought regretfully. Oh ... Wait! It turned out that he knew Clarissa? Did he know about Dean and Clarissa's past? Or .... Is it related?

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