Second World

1339 Chapter 1339

1339 Chapter 1339

Jack was about the execute the ethereal but he caught sight of an incoming attack. His wrench changed direction and a clang was heard when it collided with a flying stone.

The stone was fired from a slingshot, which was held by someone inside a sidecar of a motorcycle. This motorcycle was currently coming at high speed. Both the motorcycle's rider and the slingshot user were wearing full-face helmets.

The ethereal whom Jack almost executed was about to retaliate using his wooden bat, but the call from the motorcycle's rider stopped him.

This same voice also caused Jack to freeze.

"Everyone! Stopped fighting…!!" The female voice of the rider ordered.

She stopped the motorcycle and climbed down before she took off her helmet. Grace's beautiful face was seen then. She ran towards Jack.

"Grace! I finally find you. I know you are–!" Jack didn't finish his sentence, because Grace had rushed onto him and hugged him.

"Uh… Um… This is nice," Jack chuckled.

Grace let go of him and gave him a pouting face. She knocked on his head. "You, dummy! Next time listen, will you? You can't just rush into unknown places carelessly. Didn't I already tell you I have a bad feeling about the mist?!"

"Uh…yes… yes… It's my fault…," Jack kept on nodding as if a student who was being admonished by a teacher.

The others didn't know what to do about the situation. They were about to tear each other apart a moment ago. They now just stood there waiting for Grace to explain the situation.

Naomi and Stefan were sprawling on the ground next to the wrecked car. The ice wall had disappeared and they were also confused by the series of events.

"The most beautiful woman… Damn, that guy is not joking," Stefan muttered.

"Even as a woman, I must admit I also agree with that statement," Naomi said.

"Boss… Who is he…?" Aren't he with the ones who attacked us not long ago?" The ethereal asked Grace.

"No. He is a friend. He is not part of the team from before," Grace answered.

"Boss?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, she is our boss. I am her lieutenant," The one who was in the motorcycle's sidecar said. He had climbed out and was now walking toward them.

"This voice…," Jack uttered.

"Yeah, it's me," Spring Crown took off his helmet. "It's amusing, isn't it? Allies have become enemies and enemies have become allies. Speaking of which. Boss, although he is your boyfriend, he is from a different team. The game is supposed to have us killing the ones from the other team. Are you not afraid something bad might happen if we get friendly with our enemies?"

"The enemies are those who have forced us into playing this sick game in the first place," Grace replied.


"I agree, boss… But we are still powerless against these beings who force this game onto us," Spring Crown said.

"By the way, your real boss is in my team," Jack told Spring Crown.

"What…?! Are you serious? You are not joking, right? Oh, I would have done anything to be on your team. To see the two of you working together. That would have been hilarious!"

"Uh… We are not exactly working together," Jack said.

"Where is he? I still can't believe he comes into this place. He must have gotten rather impatient. Ugh… Now, I'm not sure I want to be free of this place. I will get an earful when this is over."

"He ran off by himself once this battle royale game started. What a prick," Jack said.

"I won't argue with you about that," Spring Crown said.

"Forget about him. You said you thought us to be someone who attacked you earlier?" Jack asked Grace.

"Yes. We lost some people in the attack," Grace answered. "We have been laying traps around the place in case they return."

"You have wasted your traps on us then," Jack said.

"Yeah. You also owed us a car and two shields!" Stefan exclaimed. He was now looking at his wrecked car sadly.

The strong collision with the ice wall had taken out one of their shields. The ice wall must be one of those effects which Aglea said could deal damage to them aside from their weapons. Both Stefan and Naomi only had one shield left.

"I'm sorry. Here, for your shields," Grace said and handed them two adhesive bandages. "I can't do anything about your car, though."

Stefan was still sulking beside his car. Naomi accepted the bandages from Grace.

"I must say, you found a lot of tools in such a short time," Jack remarked.

"Spring Crown and I scoured the place. There happened to be quite a number of them as long as you pay attention," Grace said.

"I think no one can beat you two in terms of attentiveness," Jack said.

"I don't think so. I believe you have sharp eyes as well. You just didn't give what you see enough thought."

"You are just saying that to make me feel better."

"No, I'm being serious."

Spring Crown's eyes had been darting between Jack and Grace. He could see that he had practically been forgotten at this point.

"All right, folks. Let us clear the space a bit. Let these two lovebirds catch up with one another," Spring Crown announced.

"What lovebirds?!" A voice suddenly exclaimed.

Grace facepalmed once she heard the voice. Spring Crown, on the other hand, was grinning widely. He was very happy to hear the voice.

"You! How dare you stand so near to my dear?! Move away from her now!" An elven man in a priest's garment approached. He had been running from where Grace's motorcycle came from. He had been chasing the vehicle on foot.

"De… Dear…?" Jack was flabbergasted.

  "Yes, I am Evan. Grace and I, we are a pair. You, sir, should be ashamed of yourself," Evan said.

"Is he on your team?" Jack asked Grace. "He is pissing me off. I can't promise I won't beat him."

"Is that a challenge, sir? Well then, your challenge is accepted! For my love, I challenge you to a duel to the death!" Evan brandished a shortsword. "Who wins will prove himself worthy of Grace's love!"

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