Second World

Chapter 758. Divine’s Aid

Chapter 758. Divine’s Aid

Chapter 758. Divine’s Aid

"Grace of Tranquility Potion? Is it good?" Jack asked.josei

Peniel smacked Jack's head. "How can something that is offered by Goddess Serenity to be anything mediocre?" She scolded.

"Uh, I'm not doubting it. I'm just curious about the effect," Jack said.

"If you are curious. Here, Let me give you ten bottles," Serenity said. Ten bottles materialized and floated before Jack.

Jack wasn't going to reject gifts from the Goddess. He took the ten bottles and inspected them.

Grace of Tranquility Potion (super rare consumable)

Effect on NPCs: Fully heal HP & stamina/mana. Cure all afflictions. Increase attributes and defenses by 100%. Grant HP regeneration of 100 HP/second. Immune to all mental status effects. Last 12 hours.

Effect on players: Fully heal HP & stamina/mana. Cure all afflictions. Increase attributes and defenses by 50%. Grant HP regeneration of 50 HP/second. Immune to all mental status effects. Last: 20 minutes.

"A super rare grade consumables!" Jack uttered. It had different effects between being used on natives and players. But rather than calling them different effects, it's more appropriate to say that this potion was much more effective if used on natives. The buffs on natives were double and it also lasted a whole lot longer than when used on players.

"Five thousand… If the Liguritudum's native top combatants use these potions, they might turn the tide," Jack said.

"I hope so. Since I can't interfere directly, this is the best I can do," Serenity said. "Even with this help, I'm pretty certain I will get criticized by Hope and the others."

"Well, like the advice from many classic cheesy romance movies from where I come from, you should follow your heart. Don't be too bothered about what others thought of you," Jack said.

"Did you just advise a Goddess?" Serenity gave Jack a raised eyebrow.

"Did I? I must not be thinking straight then," Jack laughed.

Peniel was speechless with the guy. He truly didn't put any hierarchy in his mind.

Serenity didn't mind Jack's attitude at all. She gave him a warm smile. Her hand waved and another thing appeared. It's a flute. "This is one other thing I want you to give to the outworlder who fights at the Liguritudum's side. Or if you are planning to do that yourself, you are welcome to keep it. I trust you the most anyway."

Jack felt flattered by the statement. He accepted the flute and inspected it.

Pipe of Monster Control (Legendary Artifact)

Takes control of monsters of special elite grades and below within a five thousand meters radius.

Maximum of monsters that can be controlled: 1,000 (will choose the strongest monsters among the available ones)

Duration: 1 day

Cooldown: 5 days

Special Restriction: Can only be used as Goddess Serenity intended

"Le–Legendary…!" Jack almost dropped the flute. One thousand special elite monsters. This would immediately add one battalion to Liguritudum's fighting force for one day. They don't even need to worry about this battalion not surviving, they could send these monsters as the tip of the spear.

"Please take note, though, I place a restriction on that artifact," Serenity reminded. "If it is used for any other purpose other than helping the Liguritudum during their struggle, the artifact won't work. I will not only be criticized if the other Gods and Goddesses find out I give such an item without this restriction."

"Thank you, Lady Serenity!" Jack uttered. "I represent the Liguritudum country and all the freedom-valuing outworlders to thank Your Grace for these aids."

Jack stored the legendary flute.

"Okay, that's all I want to convey. I will leave now. Stay out of danger," Serenity said.

"I'm afraid that will be difficult," Peniel said.

Jack only showed a grin for a response.

"Well, in that case, try your best to keep the peace in your heart," Serenity said.

"That I can do," Jack replied.

Serenity's figure slowly dissipated. When she vanished completely, the air bubble holding the water crumbled.

"What the–" Jack was taken aback as the lake water suddenly battered him and overran the place he was standing at. Peniel had instantly retreated into her hidden dimension before the water hit.

Being submerged underwater again, he couldn't utter any curse words. He thought about the matter that had just happened and then sent a message to Wilted Tree.

Wilted replied soon. "What is it? You know long-range communication is expensive, right? Unless you are near Liguritudum, please don't contact me if it is not important."

"So cold. I contact you because I have an important matter. Something that can aid your cause in keeping Master's force from beating Liguritudum's legal ruler."

"Are you talking about Council of Virtus' special squad? They have arrived more than a month already. Their aid allows us to hold the tide but it was only a stalemate at the moment. But at least they lift the pressure off Syndrillis. She is now back to healing herself. Once she gets back to full power, we should be able to gain the upper hand."

"You might not need to wait that long," Jack then narrated to Wilted what had transpired just now and the support that Goddess Serenity provided them.

"Goddess Serenity? You are in the Village of Peace? You successfully passed through the Lost Forest?" Wilted was lost for words. Any of the achievements would have made her speechless, much less all of them together.

"Considering you managed to get to this village just one month after the world changed, I can't see what I did as anything impressive. Why did you come here so early anyway? Is it to get the proficiency bonus?"

"So, you know about that as well? Yes, I am there for utilizing the thirty days of proficiency boost."

"But you should only have a few skills then. What's the point of maxing out the stars of those basic or standard skills?"

"What are you talking about? The ones I aim for are the auxiliary skills, specifically the Diplomacy skill. I need that skill to get through to the royal ruler of Liguritudum. That's how I involve myself in their politics and prevent Master from completely getting the upper hand in conquering this country."

'This place affected the proficiency for Auxiliary skills as well?' Jack thought in surprise. Just now, one of his auxiliary skills, Influence, had increased to Intermediate Expert when he was talking to Goddess Serenity. He credited the increase to he had somehow befriended a divine being. That might have been true, but now he knew this place's proficiency bonus also played a part.

"So, who are you going to send here? I will only be here for ten days," Jack said.

"So short? I thought you have only arrived there? Didn't they let you stay for thirty days? I will go there myself. I can't hand such important items to anyone else. I should be able to arrive in ten days. I will enter directly into the Village of Peace. They might not let me stay, but they should allow me enough time to just take those items from you."

"Okay. In the case that you take longer to arrive, I will give these items to another player named Grace. She is staying here for thirty days," Jack replied and looked into the Chris Memory Stone inside his bag. He could pass this item along when Wilted came. "Oh, by the way, how do you know how to travel into this Village of Peace with a hundred percent certainty?"

"By following the white rats of course. Didn't you use the same method?" Wilted asked.

'White rats?' He then remembered there were indeed different color rats when passing through the nodes. Those white rats must be what Captain Whitebeard referred to as its scouts.

Wilted sent another message, "All right. See you then. Oh, right. Since you are there, try diving into the lake. There should be two more treasure chests lying somewhere inside that lake. There were originally three, but I have taken one of them. I cannot bring too many lockpicks with me at the time."

Jack was astonished to hear the tips. Should he tell her that he was currently trading messages with her from under the lake? He looked around. Nothing that looked like a treasure chest was seen. But the lake was large, they were probably on the other sides. He thanked her for the info.

After ending his messages with Wilted, he sent a message to Jeanny, informing her about this village and the Lost Forest as well as the village's benefits and the certain way to enter. He told her to only informed trusted core members.

Next, he sent a message to Jet, telling him that he had found a way to descend. However, Jet sent a reply, "Jack boy, do you want us to go down there now? It's already night, man."

"It is?" Jack looked up. He was underwater and the lake bed here was pretty deep so not much sunlight reach there. Hence, he wasn't aware of the time. Now that he looked up, there was indeed no more light from above.

'I have spent so much time here?' He thought. He decided to just put the descent on hold to tomorrow. He would also look for the two treasure chests tomorrow. The lake was rather large, he would ask for Jet and Grace to help in locating those chests.

After coming out of the lake, most of the animals were gone already except for some nocturnal ones. Those animals just sent him a curious glance. Jack couldn't believe he spent the entire day under the lake. He headed back towards the hut where they were staying. Most of the village was quiet. The villagers here didn't seem to have much activity once the sun went down.

Arriving in the hut, Jack saw Grace and Jet were busy chatting with Captain Whitebeard. The rat's monkey friend, Shortpaw, was also there.

"I see you have cured your aversion to our little furry friend," Jack said to Grace.

"He is not bad once you get to know him," Grace said.

"Also, it seems that this place not only boosts the proficiencies of combat skills but also auxiliary skills," Jet added. "Both our diplomacy skill has upgraded after talking with the villagers here today."

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