Second World

Chapter 1057 1057. Second Outworlder Monarch

Chapter 1057 1057. Second Outworlder Monarch

"My lord...!" Silph shouted as she broke away from Master's avatar and threw herself in the three elemental dragons' path.

Yet, the dragons were as if alive. The ice and lightning dragon swerved to the side, evading Silph. The fire dragon maintained its path and bit her. The bite delivered high fire damage and burn status. The fire dragon then flew up carrying her, slamming her into the ceiling before dragging her down and slamming her again onto the floor.

Her HP was not in a good condition before she was bitten. She suffered damage from Master's Avatar who was supported by Linda. She was also positioned not far from Igneos, so Master's AOE spells also hit her on occasion.

The last slam by the fire dragon finally took out her HP.

After claiming its victim's life, the fire dragon didn't end. It continued toward its original target, who had been bitten by the lightning and ice dragon. Half of Igneos' body was frozen while the other half was electrocuted.

When the fire dragon came and took its bite as well, the three elemental energies produced a chain reaction and triggered a cataclysmic explosion. The force blew everyone in the vicinity away.

As the dust settled, Igneos was seen leaning on his throne in a pitiful condition. His HP was very low. The throne beside him had also had its HP reduced by one-quarter.josei

"Sto... Stop...," Igneos said weakly. There was a clear fearful expression on his mouthless face.

Master walked up to him. He looked right into his eyes and said flatly, "So long, ex-partner." He then unleashed the second skill of his Wind God Blessing, Wind God Rage.

A sphere of intense wind energy erupted around Master. Torrents of sharp wind ravaged everything within this sphere except for Master. The sharp wind sliced through everything, even the tiniest objects. No spot was spared.

"No, my Lord...!!" Chemos sawtooth greatsword grew to double its original size. He then used it to forcefully drive Urxor back.

Chemos then lunged at the wind sphere that was still raging. He swung his sawtooth greatsword. Loud screeching sounds were heard when the greatsword collided with the wind energy. Chemos tried to keep applying pressure. But in the end, his greatsword was blasted aside violently.

Panicking, he thrust his hand inside the wind sphere, trying to grab Igneos.

"AAARRGGGHHHH...!!!" He screamed as extreme pain coursed from his arm that was inside the wind sphere. He felt like every fiber of his arm was being cut to the tiniest pieces. Even with his high level, he couldn't resist the wind power.

Urxor came back and struck Chemos from behind. Chemos slammed into the wind sphere. Without mercy, Urxor used his hands and pushed Chemos, keeping him in contact with the raging wind sphere. Chemos felt like he was being held against a grinding machine. He screamed in pain as damage number over damage number kept on popping up above him.

Finally, the Wind God Rage ended. The sphere dissolved and the wind dispersed.

Chemos fell to his knees weakly. He looked despairingly and only saw Master beside the throne.

Igneos was nowhere to be seen. His body had been cut to atoms and he ceased to exist. Even a resurrection spell won't be able to bring him back.

Master looked around him. Chemos was no longer showing any fighting spirit, but the others were still fighting. He then turned his attention to the throne. Its HP was half.

After giving it a brief thought, Master commanded his summons to attack the throne. He also resumed casting spells at the throne, continuing to reduce its HP.

Urxor stayed beside Chemos who was still kneeling. His glaive was pressed at the back of Chemos' neck. Chemos' HP was already very low. If Urxor gave him a stab, he would die.

It took a rather long time to deplete the throne's HP. But with no one interrupting, it was just a matter of time.

When the throne was destroyed. Master heard a notification, informing him that he had successfully defeated the current government. He was now the ruler of the Liguritudum Realm.

The destroyed throne magically reformed before him, turning back into an intact throne with full HP.

'As I thought,' Master said in his mind. He then walked over and took a seat on that throne.

The surviving guards by the side of the hall stopped fighting after the throne was destroyed. They all turned to Master and knelt. Spring Crown and the others who were fighting them just a moment ago felt like everything was unreal.

Chemos wasn't affected though. Even though he was still dispirited, his eyes stared at Master with hatred.

"Swear your allegiance to me and you will be spared," Master said to him.

"I would rather die!" Chemos spat.

"Have it your way," Master uttered.

Urxor lifted his glaive before slashing it down. Chemos' HP was sliced clean with that slash. His head also detached from his neck.

The fighting outside the throne room had also stopped. Every native had heard the world notification that their ruler had changed. Everyone had the chance to support the current ruler or chose to leave. The lower-ranked soldiers mostly chose to stay. To them, it didn't really matter who the ruler was as long as it was recognized by the world.

The higher-ranked ones had more free will. Like Morphic who had been fighting with Korku outside the throne room. He also stopped fighting after hearing the notification, but not because he accepted the new ruler. It was simply because it was pointless to continue fighting since there was no more thing to save.

He looked defiantly at Korku who was wickedly grinning back. Without saying anything, he turned and left.

"Our job here is done," Strah said. He turned into black smoke and flew away.

Korku licked her black knife before slowly turning transparent and disappearing.

While the natives in Liguritudum Realm were still reeling from the news about the changing of the monarch, the image of God Fear appeared above the country. His voice boomed across the land, sending the heart of everyone into the depth of terror.

"People of Liguritudum! Starting today, the outworlder Master will be your ruler! He is my representative and he has my blessing to rule this realm. Fear him as you fear me! Or I will make you remember what fear truly is. This country will have my blessing for a year!"

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