Second World

Chapter 1149 1149. The Greatest Guardian

Chapter 1149 1149. The Greatest Guardian

"Country?" Darmos asked with a puzzled expression.

"Uh, you are not aware of my regal outfit?" Jack asked while making a gesture at his armors.

"What you mortals wear all look the same to me," Darmos replied. "Are you saying you are the sovereign of the human country now?"

"I am the king of Themisphere," Jack confirmed.

Darmos was secretly astonished, but he kept his indifferent face. "Hmph, king, peasant, they are all the same to me. But doesn't Themisphere have Tiemezzys? Where does he go?"

"Um... He left. He was angry because I killed the previous Themisphere's king," Jack answered honestly.


Before Darmos misunderstood, Jack hurriedly recounted the story which ended up placing him as the Themisphere's king. Darmos listened to the story without interrupting.

"Tiemezzys is indeed an emotional dragon. You better pray you don't encounter him when Goddess Serenity is unavailable. Hm... Considering Themisphere is now without a guardian, it is indeed vulnerable."

"So... Are you willing?" Jack asked.

"Willing to do what?" Darmos asked back.

'Damn it! This lizard is playing hard to get,' Jack grumbled within, but his face maintained an amiable smile. "Willing to become the greatest guardian in the greatest kingdom!" Jack announced.

Darmos burst into a laugh after hearing it. "I must admit it is always entertaining whenever you are around, but get that greatest butt of yours and roll it down my mountain."

"Come on, man. Don't you feel bored being alone on this mountain doing nothing? Come with me to the greatest kingdom and we can have fun together."

"What greatest kingdom? Themisphere is just one of the seven main countries. They are all equal in strength. And I'm not bored. I got my duties here!"

"With me as its king, it will be the greatest in the future!" Jack declared.

"Bold words," Darmos mocked.

"It's not bold. It's a promise!" Jack exclaimed. "And you just sit here doing nothing. What duties?"

"The dragonification trial, of course," Darmos replied.

"No outworlder even knows of this place except for me. There is no one coming here for the trial."

"Who says that? I already have people taking the trial aside from you!"josei

"Really? How many people?" Jack asked.

"... One," Darmos answered.

Jack almost fell hearing it. The guy had the gall to use the word 'people' instead of 'person'.

"I bet that person just stumbled upon this place by mistake," Jack said.

"Stumble your head. He came asking specifically for the trial," Darmos replied.

"Really? Was he an outworlder? What race? Did he pass?"

"He is an outworlder, a draconian, and he passed. I might say in flying colors as well. If I hadn't given you the supreme dragon form, he probably would've gotten it. But then again, I don't like the guy. So, he won't get it. All he got is the enhanced dragon form."

"Really? He is that good?"

"Remember the trial where you have to carry me while fighting through monsters without letting any of them touch me?"

Jack nodded.

"He passed that trial without using any cheap trick like you."

"I could also have done it. I just want to save time," Jack reasoned.

"Excuses, excuses," Darmos said with a mocking tone.

"What's the guy's name?" Jack asked.

"... I don't know," Darmos answered.

"How can you not know the name of the person who takes your trial?" Jack asked in disbelief.

"I didn't ask. He never told me. So, I don't know."

"Didn't you use Inspect?"

"Why would I be interested in a mortal? He came to take the trial. I gave it to him. He passed, and he left. End of story. Only you who are so noisy and hang around here unnecessarily."

"Forget about him. My offer, are you interested?"

"Of course not," Darmos answered. "Did you forget already how I scoffed at Syndrillis for involving herself with mortals' affairs? And here you are asking me to do the same?"

"Please, consider it as a favor to me. Both my country and I need your help," Jack said as he knelt before Darmos and then prostrated himself until his head hit the ground. This gesture surprised Darmos.

"I know although you feign indifference, you are a caring dragon. Please know that currently, Liguritudum and Aurebor have already fallen to outworlders by force."

Darmos frowned upon hearing it.

"I know about these outworlders' plans," Jack continued. "They are going to send their forces and take over all seven countries. The leader of these outworlders even has the plan to reach Godhood. If he succeeds, all of us will be his slaves. You will also not be spared. I become the king of Themisphere to stop his plan from coming to fruition. But I know I can't do it alone. I need the greatest dragon to help my country win. That's why I come to you."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere," Darmos responded. "But you are not wrong about the greatest dragon. I might not be the strongest, but I'm the greatest."

"So, will you help?" Jack asked.

"No," Darmos replied flatly.

"Please! We truly need your help," Jack maintained his pose.

pàпdá-ňᴏνêι.сóМ "Get up. It's pointless. I won't join your country," Darmos said.

"I'm not getting up until you agree," Jack said.

"Stubborn fool," Darmos said. "Suit yourself! I'm going inside to sleep."

Darmos stood and entered his hut, leaving Jack alone outside. Not long after, a loud snoring sound was heard from inside the hut.

Jack didn't move. He remained in prostration.

Although Darmos' snoring was heard, he wasn't truly sleeping. He was just pretending to. His mana sense was locked onto Jack. He was wondering how long that kid could stay like that.

He waited for so long that he ended up sleeping for real. When he woke up, it was nighttime already. His sense told him that Jack was still in the same spot with the same pose. He was honestly astonished.

He went out of the hut to tell the kid to stop this pointless request. He won't do what Jack asked, but he also didn't feel good letting Jack stay like that. Without realizing it, he had grown a soft spot for Jack.

When he came to Jack's side and was about to pull him up, he heard a snoring sound. He looked closer and saw Jack drooling as he slept while prostrating on the ground.

"Bloody hell! Just stay like that then!" Darmos cursed and went back into the hut.

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