Second World

Chapter 1213 1213. Helping The Army’s Retreat

Chapter 1213 1213. Helping The Army’s Retreat

In a grove nearby not far from the battlefield where Liguritudum and Aurebor fought Hydrurond's second army, a battalion of five hundred draconian soldiers was running away from the battlefield.

The one leading this fleeing battalion was a dominion commander named Pagram. He was a level 78 rare elite draconian. Beside him was his trusted subordinate, Gyseo, who was a level 75 special elite with the rank of dominion captain.

The two and the soldiers following them were in very bad condition. None of them had full HP. The worst was their expressions. They had the look of the defeated. They didn't even run with full might. They felt extremely disgraced for running away, but their bodies just moved on their own. After seeing their Lord Dominator's death and their comrades killed in bulk, they just couldn't continue fighting.

They heard sounds from the back. They looked back and saw a large number of enemies approaching through the trees of the grove. The enemy's number far outnumbered them. The fear that caused them to flee the battlefield returned. This fear caused them to pick up their running pace.

Then they saw a group of people coming from the front. They were outworlders. Since the incident of the serial killings, none of them had a good opinion of the outworlders. Additionally, these outworlders were elven. They were surely the enemy outworlders from the Aurebor Dynasty.

Pagram gritted his teeth. Were these their ends? If it was so, then let them die in battle. He yelled a rallying cry, "My brethren! If this is the day we die, let us die a glorious death…!!!"

The draconian soldiers' fighting spirit was ignited again under Pagram's battle cry. They readied their weapons to face the incoming enemies.

The outworlders from the front arrived first. When they readied themselves for a clash, the leader of the outworlder who was a beautiful woman holding a long red spear, called to them, "Hurry and escape! We will try to delay the enemies!"

When they were still confused, they noticed then that these outworlders were not elven. They were humans. To them, humans and elves looked almost alike. They had heard some human outworlders aiding their army in the battle these past few days. They didn't truly think much about it then.

Pagram immediately ordered his battalion to hold. The human outworlders ran past them and clashed with the ethereal army in the back.

"Sir, what should we do…?" Gyseo asked.

When Jeanny saw the draconian soldiers didn't move, she shouted, "Hurry up and leave!! What are you doing just standing there for?!"

After hearing her words, Pagram gave the order for his people to resume their escape. His pride told him to stay and fought together with these human outworlders but the outworlder leader's steely tone and expression made him decide otherwise.

Seeing the draconian soldiers start moving away, Jeanny heaved a relieved sigh. The members she brought here were those who still had the extra life from the resurrection chapel. It was already two weeks since she was killed by Master, so the resurrection chapel's one-week cooldown for her was also already over.

Fighting beside her were Paytowin, Domon, and Leavemealone.

Paytowin used his mothership bombardment, raining missiles and bullets on the ethereal soldiers. In his hands was a long rifle. That was not his equipped weapon. Instead, the rifle was summoned from his skill, Brave Rifle. It was Brave Techno Warrior's level 60 skill.

The rifle shot laser beams and had a high firing rate. It lasted five minutes. During that duration, Paytowin was a long-ranged gunner who dealt 200% light damage with each shot. Successful hits also reduced the target's defense by 10%, but the effect was not stackable.

Paytowin was also activating his Brave Techno Suit which he had max-leveled. At max level, the suit had a third skill, anti-gravity. This skill allowed Paytowin to fly as long as he was wearing the brave techno suit.josei

With the brave rifle, Paytowin flew in the air while firing at the enemies while his Brave King rampaged through the enemy ranks.

"Watch out!" Domon jumped up by kicking a tree to where Paytowin was floating. His glaive clashed with something hard but invisible right beside Paytowin. A person materialized then.

It was Soundeffect, the assassin from World Maker who had clashed with Jack before. Soundeffect was using his skill, Concealed Ghost Attack, to try to ambush Paytowin.

Soundeffect didn't expect his invisible attack to fail. He looked at Domon in rage.

Paytowin sent Domon a grateful glance before resuming firing at the enemies using his brave rifle.

Soundeffect knew Domon was a formidable opponent. He didn't dare to face him alone. It's a good thing they far outnumbered the enemy. Several ethereal soldiers came to back him up as they ganged on Domon.

Domon's glaive had changed shape into a tiger armament. Domon used Death Carrying Cyclone on these enemies that encircled him. The tiger armament produced a destructive wave following Domon's roundhouse slash. The wave struck all his enemies and sent them stumbling back.

"His opponent is me!" A loud voice thundered as Wong barged through Everlasting Heavenly Legends' members.

"You and me, Domon! It's time to settle who is better between us!" Wong exclaimed.

But his advance was stopped by a fireball who turned out to be Leavemealone in white tiger emperor coated with a flame suit.

"You again!" Wong scolded in frustration. "Domon! Are you going to continue letting this cub fight for you? Are you so afraid of me?!"

Leavemealone didn't care for Wong's words. He continued sending punches and kicks at Wong. None of his attacks hit. But with Flame God Suit active, even being near caused damage. Wong had no choice but to activate Steel Body to reduce this AOE fire damage.

Domon looked around. The enemies far outnumbered them. Jeanny had informed them to prepare for death to save the fleeing draconian soldiers. With the resurrection chapel, they would only lose one level. Still, if there was a way for them not to die…

Domon shouted at Wong, "Wong! Tell your people to stand down! I accept your duel!!"

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