Second World

Chapter 1218 1218. Postpone

Chapter 1218 1218. Postpone

Wong saw the four incoming dragons with trepidation. Even if one of them hit him, he was finished. He had no more sacrificial dummies in his inventory.

When he abhorred the fact of losing to his disciple for the second time and the possibility of him reverting to level one, a pair of fists came between him and the dragons.

These fists struck the four dragons with incredible precision, but the owner of these fists was still pushed back by the shockwaves of the impacts.

Wong grabbed Domon's body and prevented him from being pushed back further.

The two looked at each other. There was a silent recognition and appreciation in their eyes, but they didn't say anything to one another.

"An extremely powerful art. I never thought I will live to lay eyes on this lost ancient art, much less experience it. I must thank you for this chance," Domon praised.

"Long! Where did you learn the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms?" Wong asked.

"Hehe. That's the problem with you, master. You are just too old-fashioned," Long chuckled. "Your understanding of getting strong is just repeating the same boring training. I for one, traveled the world after crippling you. I joined a group and went from one excavation site to another, especially ruins that have a history with past martial art legends. I happened upon an ancient manuscript in one of these ruins. A manuscript that contained this ancient art."

"By a group, I reckon you mean a tomb robber group?" Domon asked.

Long simply grinned at the words. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, know that these tomb robbers I traveled with didn't leave the ruin where I get the manuscript. I don't want people to come hunting for me knowing that I have this art."

"You are always a vile man," Wong spat.

"And yet, you still train me," Long shrugged and chuckled. "Anyway, I spent a lot of time trying to study the manuscript but I never managed to learn the art. Until the world turned into this one. This wonderful world full of mana. I had a breakthrough then. You can't imagine the exhilaration I felt. I beat you then, Master. I can beat you even more easily now!"

"You ungrateful dog! I will break every bone in your body…!!!" Wong yelled. He was about to lunge forward but Domon stopped him.

"Drink a healing potion," Domon advised.

"Master Domon, the legend who held the ten-year world championship reign. It is an honor to finally talk to you in the open," Long said. His words sounded respectful, but his tone was not. "Why do you protect this loser? You defeated him as I did. Losers meant nothing to us, winners. Furthermore, he is also your enemy, remember? If I take him out, it will benefit you and your guild."

"Perhaps. But seeing a disciple beats up his master never sits well with me. A disciple surpassing his master is a good achievement, but defeating and beating are two different things. You are just a bully who has no respect for the person who has trained you."

"I can't argue with you about that," Long snickered.

Long stared at the two in silence. Both Domon and Wong looked ready for battle. Domon had also reequipped his armor and was holding his glaive.

Domon didn't see Long as someone who respected martial ethics. Long was more the type who tried anything to win, but Domon could also see that Long was an extremely talented martial artist. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to defeat Wong at such a young age and also successfully learned an ancient martial art.

Long finally broke the silence, "As much as I wanted to beat up the two of you and prove once and for all that I am the strongest martial artist to ever exist, I don't think now is the right time. So, let's postpone our fight and do this some other time."

Long retreated while staring at his two opponents. He said to Wong, "Master, it's up to you if you still want to return to the guild but know that I won't hide anymore. If you can stand seeing me next to you, then by all means, come back with me. Hahaha!"

He turned and dashed away at high speed. His movement speed was not something Domon or Wong could catch up to.josei

Wong slammed his fist to the ground. "DAMNNN…!!!" He bellowed.

"I never imagine you to have such a troublesome disciple," Domon remarked.

Wong didn't respond. His mind and heart were full of turmoil. All he wanted was to find Long and paid him back for what he had done to him. But now after he finally found Long, that brat proved to be more than he could handle. Not just because he had a powerful martial art, but from the clash just now, Wong could gauge their difference. Long's attributes were exceptionally high.

Domon had the same conclusion too. That's why he stopped Wong from attacking rashly. If it was a pure martial art contest, then Domon was confident he would win, but he doubted Long was the kind of person who cared about this kind of fair competition.

Without restraints, Domon estimated that even if Wong and he fought together, the chance of winning was not certain. Domon had a feeling that this Long person was similar to his grandson who could utilize game skills as well as martial arts. This world favored people like them.

After Long was out of sight, Domon asked Wong, "What will you do?"

Wong didn't answer. He opened his status window, went to the guild page, and quit the guild. He then rose, turned, and walked away.

Since Wong didn't answer, Domon used his Inspect. He saw Wong's guild marker disappear.

"How about following me to my guild?" Domon offered. "You will be safe there."

Wong stopped. Without looking back, he uttered a single word, "No." He resumed walking away again.

Domon looked at the orc moving away. He felt a great sense of sadness for that guy. Getting betrayed by your disciple is the worst thing that can happen to a teacher. All that hard work of nurturing a pup just to get bitten in return. No one should experience that.

But he knew that Wong was a prideful grandmaster. If Wong didn't want help, then he won't force it. He should just be content that now the enemy's heavenly enforcers had gone down by one.

He looked at where Jeanny had escaped to. He hoped those ethereal troops didn't catch up to them. He summoned his steed and galloped in their direction.

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