Second World

Chapter 1230 1230. The Defense Of Messephyria

Chapter 1230 1230. The Defense Of Messephyria

The pitfalls and barricades hardly slowed the zombie army down. The zombie soldiers just walked over those who had fallen into the pitfalls. The barricades were not proper game structures so they were easily destroyed. There were also not enough of them to make an impact. Master had surprised the defenders with an early arrival so they were poorly prepared.

Among the zombie army, several native soldiers or players mixed within. These living troops carried siege ladders with hooks on their upper ends. These siege ladders were set on the wall and the dead army climbed them with deadly enthusiasm.

Aside from these normal siege ladders, several World Maker players within the dead army also activated a tool they brought. After using the tools, larger siege ladders appeared.

These summoned siege ladders had some kind of a base underneath them. The ladder was slanted at forty-five degrees, allowing the climber to run over the ladder. Due to its heavy base and the angle of the ladder, the defenders on the wall couldn't push these siege ladders away as they did the normal ladders.

Even if these large siege ladders with bases were fewer than the normal ones, their number was still enough to give the defenders headaches.

"How the hell did World Maker produce so many siege tools? Those things are one-time-use! Do they also have an artifact that grant wishes?" Paytowin shouted. "This is seriously cheating!"

"Fight more! Complain less!" Jeanny yelled back. He delivered a Power Strike to a zombie draconian soldier who managed to climb up. This zombie soldier was sent flying and fell back to the ground.

"I wonder if saying Clatu verata nictu will do anything to these zombies," Paytowin said as he shot at the climbing dead soldiers.

eαglesnᴏνel "What the hell was that?" Jeanny asked.

"Nothing. Just something that Jack would certainly say if he is here fighting this army of zombies," Paytowin replied.

Jeanny decided to just stop paying attention to Paytowin's ramblings and focused on preventing the zombie army from scaling their part of the wall. Megan and Arthur had moved further away to help the soldiers there.

Paytowin activated his Brave Techno Suit and Brave Rifle. He sniped the enemies from the air while Brave King and Mihos helped Jeanny stop the enemies from climbing up.

Brave King's appearance was slightly different now. This was because Paytowin had replaced a majority of its parts using upgraded versions he received from Callan via the Legacy of Courage orb. The techno golem still had a lion head but the face on that head now had a fiercer look. The metallic parts that imitated a lion's mane extended far back and made it look like a hedgehog's spine. The golden color all over its body parts was also shinier.

Brave King's power was now almost equal to a mythical grade.

Mihos also didn't remain idle during his travel around the world. He was now level 65. His skill, Gold Sacred Flame, caused extra damage to the undead army. These zombie soldiers, who should be feeling no pain, writhed when Mihos' greatsword enveloped by the golden flame touched them. This made them stop advancing and gave Mihos the chance to strike them with his fist or the pommel of his greatsword, sending them flying back to the ground.

After the zombie army took the brunt of the defender's assaults, World Maker and World Ruler's guild soldiers showed themselves. Led by their guild heroes and guild guardians, they caused the defenders even more difficulty in protecting the wall.

The native defenders continued shooting the mounted ballistae and scorpions on the wall, but there were just too many enemies.

Jeanny sent a command to her guild members to use their war tool, exploding bottle. This was not the time to be stingy. This tool didn't consume many resources so the guild produced a substantial amount. Every member carried some bottles in their inventory.

With that permission, everyone started fishing out the exploding bottles from their inventory and threw them at the zombie army amassing under the wall. The exploding bottle affected a very large area, dealing decent damage to a very large area and burning everyone.

Luckily, the army of darkness ability only protected the dead army from mental status effects, not physical ones. So, they were still burnt by the exploding bottle. And since the dead army was immune to recovery spells, this burn status couldn't be dispelled. They suffered through the full duration.  josei

Jeanny also took another thing out of her inventory. It was a large horn. The Horn of Silver Rhino Emperor from Duke Alfredo.

After the last defeat in the battle against World Maker in the West, Jeanny decided to halt the copying of other items and spent the available mana cores to copy this item, so she could use this horn without wasting the original.

Jeanny activated the item and an enormous silver rhino with three horns appeared outside the wall. The rhino was a level 68 mythical-grade beast, its level followed Jeanny's level. Jeanny thought the creature look more like the prehistoric triceratops than a rhino.

Without delay, this rhino started rampaging around the enemies. It had a charging skill that crushed everything in its path. It was a truly fitting monster to create havoc from within the enemy's ranks.

The horn could be used three times and there was no cooldown. Jeanny didn't hold back. She used the horn another two times. Two more silver rhinos appeared.

Unfortunately, these silver rhinos only lasted one hour. Jeanny directed these rhinos to the most troublesome enemies. He hoped this one hour could buy the defending army time to adjust to the offenses the enemies threw at them. The three silver rhinos crashed through the zombie army and engaged the World Maker and World Ruler's guild guardians.

Some distances away, Hydrurond's two remaining lord dominators, Dytess and Balzrim, were fighting against Liguritudum's high marshall, Oberon, and Aurebor's lord protector, Ashira Sharpsight.

Seeing those high-level mythical natives, Jeanny couldn't help but wonder. She sent a message to Domon to ask Carnelia a question. "When Master revived the fallen soldiers using the Necronomicon, is there a limitation to the power of the revived soldiers? Or the Necronomicon can revive any dead soldiers regardless of levels and grades?"

Before she received a reply from Domon, her question was already answered. Kimat, Hydrurond's level 85 mythical-grade lord dominator that was killed during the battle in the North, was seen floating above the zombie army.

The dead lord dominator cast a spell. A hail of bone spears fell upon the defenders on the wall, causing them difficulty in stopping the zombie army from climbing up. Due to this interruption, some zombie soldiers finally managed to arrive at the top of the wall. Skirmishes now occurred on the wall.

Kimat continued floating along the wall, casting one spell after another and helping the zombie army climb the wall.

"Someone needs to stop that f*cking dead dominator!" The Man yelled. He was almost hit by Kimat's spell just now. The dead had also climbed the part of the wall where he was protecting. He was now in fierce combat with those zombie soldiers.

When everything seemed dire, a soul-piercing roar thundered from the sky. Everyone looked up and saw an enormous shadow behind the dark clouds above.

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