Second World

Chapter 1235 1235. Heading To The Palace

Chapter 1235 1235. Heading To The Palace

Master took the lead himself as the army marched through the gap. He cast his strongest spell, Meteor Fall, at the defending army amassing by the mouth of the gap. The meteor broke the defender's formation, then the land behemoth spearheaded the charge. After such an assault, the defenders were unable to stop the enemy's tide from pouring through the gap.

Among the horde of dead soldiers pouring through the gap, there were also live Liguritudum soldiers. And among these live ones, the most eye-catching was a regiment of ethereals in heavy black armor carrying huge black greatswords. Black lights swirled around them, giving them a dreadful aura.josei

These were Dread Knights, special units available to be trained after one built a Dread Tower, which was a Wonder Building available to Liguritudum after the country received Fear's Blessing.

Aside from giving access to the training of these special units, the Dread Tower also lowered the threshold for a rebellion to appear in the country. That's how Master was able to keep the Liguritudum public in obedience even when he didn't focus much attention on improving the settlements' stats.

The Dread Knights' fear aura caused any nearby enemy difficulty in concentrating their thoughts, similar to Pandora's aura but weaker. This made them ideal units to break through barricades.

Spring Crown walked beside Master as they enter the capital. He looked up at the huge fireball in the sky.

"Um… How long will that immortal prison last?" He asked.

"For a being as powerful as Eoranth, probably four hours," Master answered.

"Four hours? Are you confident we can take down the palace in four hours?"

"We won't if you keep on running your mouth instead of your feet," Master said curtly.

"Ouch! And here I thought you are already comfy with my loquacious personality."

Master didn't respond. He continued walking forward, firing a spell or two at the enemies who came into sight. His soldiers spread out and engaged the enemies to make sure that the path was clear for him.

"Forgive my curiosity, I just can't help it," Spring Crown said. "Is there any drawback to Suzaki for using her immortal prison?"

It took Master a few seconds before answering. He was probably deciding if he should just ignore Spring Crown. "If she dies normally, she will come back to life after one day. If she uses that Immortal Prison, it will be five days before she undergoes her rebirth."

"I see… Which has no impact on us, considering we can only summon her once a week. Well, except if we are back in our capital, of course."

"Enough blabber. Go and clear the way for me!" Master commanded.

"Aye, aye, boss!" Spring Crown replied and rushed forward.

The other heavenly enforcer, Ronald, was already at the front, merrily shooting his way. He enjoyed this war very much. Spring Crown greeted him when he went to the front. Ronald returned the greeting with a shot to his head, which Spring Crown blocked using a shield.

"Hey! You are still holding the grudge from before?" Spring Crown asked.

"Stay away from me!" Ronald warned.

"Suit yourself! I'm going the other side." Before that, Spring Crown looked back at Master and called, "Where is Wong?"

Master ignored the question. Spring Crown went away grumbling. He joined the soldiers on the right side fighting the draconian soldiers while continuing to keep close to Master.

Master himself was sending a message while walking, "Where are you? Wong is no longer around. There is no need for you to hide anymore. I need you to get me into the palace."

He soon got a reply, "I ain't hiding. I'm infiltrating the palace. Just get yourself here as soon as possible."

Several consecutive explosions happened on Master's right side, which made him turn to look. He saw the residue of fiery energy from the explosion.

"Divine skill…," he muttered.

Draconian soldiers and a bunch of players charged through the opening created by the fiery explosions. On the lead was a large humanoid tiger encased in a fiery suit. This weretiger used a charging skill and headed directly to the land behemoth.

Although the land behemoth was much larger, it still stopped advancing after getting crashed by the tiger on fire.

This humanoid tiger was Leavemealone in his White Tiger Emperor form. He activated all his buff and bloodline skills to get his attributes to the max. Even then, the land behemoth seemed to only budge a little from the collision.

  But even so, that was enough. By stopping the land behemoth's advance, it slowed the entire enemy army's advance.

The land behemoth tried stomping Leavemealone, but it was slow. Leavemealone was already out of the danger zone when its foot landed. Leavemealone jumped onto a nearby building and climbed it with the nimbleness of a cat.

Hydrurond's houses were tall. Leavemealone climbed to the tallest part of the roof before jumping away. His fist, which was coated with fire, formed a tiger's image. This tiger image followed his fist and slammed into the land behemoth's head.

The behemoth's head reeled back from the punch. World Maker members who followed Master were dumbfounded by the feat. This land behemoth was a monster that went toe-to-toe with the lord of dragons, after all.

Leavemealone landed on the land behemoth's head and started hitting it at the back of his head while clinging onto it.


A bullet struck Leavemealone's head, causing a critical strike. Luckily, Leavemealone's HP was very high when he was in beast form. He was also protected by the Fire God Suit, so he was in no danger.

Another gunshot was heard. Leavemealone ducked and hid behind the land behemoth's large spines.

The shooter was none other than Ronald. With Leavemealone using the behemoth's spines for cover, he couldn't get a clear shot from down there. He was about to do his trick shot by ricocheting his bullets to hit Leavemealone in his cover when a large ice nail formed on top of him. He rolled away as the Ice Nail stabbed his previous position.

Trinity Dawn was the one who cast the spell. She continued sending spells at Ronald to stop him from bothering Leavemealone.

Many of Everlasting Heavenly Legends' core members were among the defenders charging here. They knew they had to stop Master from reaching the palace. World Maker's core members went and engaged them.

Domon saw Spring Crown and came at him again.

Spring Crown, who saw Domon approaching, said exasperatingly, "Come on, man. Do you have a beef with me or something?"

Master continued to proceed toward the palace. He had many soldiers. Even when his guild members were occupied here, there were still many who opened the path for him.

But an incoming spear forced him to stop. He conjured a magic shield and blocked the spear which was held by Jeanny.

"You…," Master uttered. He was displeased that someone stopped him, but then he smiled. "Good. I thought at first you have died a wilderness death when I saw you not wearing the Amulet of Rebirth when I killed you. It's good that you are not."

Jeanny was confused by Master's words, but she didn't stop her assault. Her spear turned into a blur as she used Hundred Spears.

Master vanished and appeared a distance away with Teleportation. In his previous place was the dark ball from the Gravity Field spell.

"Damn it!" Jeanny cursed. She was held down by the same spell again.

Master ignored her and continued onward. He even cast the shadow army spell. The one thousand shadow creatures rushed forward. He commanded the other soldiers who were not engaging the enemies to do the same. He was short on time.

He summoned his steed, a horse with dragon-like features. It had a dragon's head with two horns and its body was covered by golden scales and red manes. It was a Qilin, a unique-grade steed.

On top of the Qilin, Master rode toward the palace as his minions cleared the path.

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