Second World

Chapter 1787 1787. The Kings of Hell

Chapter 1787 1787. The Kings of Hell

Chapter 1787 1787. The Kings of Hell

The entire battlefield was baffled by the scene. The mobile fortress was so heavy that it could rely on its weight to keep the eldritch beholder from moving around, but it was sent flying simply by one swing from Satan. It was currently slightly tilted to its back.

"Two of the fortress' legs have broken," Tip reported to John.

The remaining six legs tried to push the mobile fortress back to the upright position but their balancing was off.

"Harharhar," Satan laughed. He just stood there after sending the mobile fortress flying.

"Attack! Attackā€¦!!" John sent the command.josei

He had been adjusting the army so that they could attack all the devils at the same time. Satan's position had changed but he had placed himself amid the Allied forces after his charge, so his position became the most vulnerable one. Ranged attacks of various forms came at him from all sides.

He just stood there and let the range attacks hit. Damage numbers came up but the damage was only one-tenth of what they normally inflicted.

"That's tickling," Satan said. His body burst into flames. The damage numbers which were already small to begin with became even smaller. The soldiers realized then that previously, Satan didn't use any defensive skill to mitigate the damage. His defense was just simply so high.

His gigantic hammer was lifted high. It was then brought down to the ground. As soon as his hammer touched the ground, the ground split. Large chunks of rocks flew up from the fissure. Streams of flames followed, forming pillars of fire that burned everything in the area.

The other devils didn't stay idle once the battle started. Leviathan, who had been floating above, let his body fall. His body was so huge that it might as well be a mountain that was falling. The area it covered was so large that there was just not enough time to clear the area.

When the titanic body slammed into the ground, it caused massive physical damage. Those who didn't die were pinned by his heaviness. They couldn't move or do anything.

Leviathan remained there and let those soldiers stay pinned by his heavy body. The other soldiers who were lucky enough to not get pinned immediately struck its huge body. But the same as Satan, Leviathan's defense was also extremely high. Its armor plates glowed with black light. Any damage he received was reflected by half to the attackers.

He opened his extremely wide mouth and started sucking. A powerful vortex of wind was created. This vortex pulled everyone in front of him and sent them right into his mouth. A majority of the soldiers couldn't resist the pull. They were swept up into the air and were dragged screaming as they plunged into the abyss of Leviathan's mouth.

Not far away, Mammon charged into the troops with a polearm weapon that seemed to be made of darkness. The polearm had the shape of a monk's spade. Each of its slashes left a mark of darkness that remained for a period. Those who touched these marks received dark-element damage.

The two wolf heads on his shoulders detached and transformed into two giant wolves composed of darkness. With the two dark wolves, Mammon caused havoc. Dark mists always swirled around the three. Those touched by these mists received debuffs and DOTs.

Following behind Mammon was Belphegor. He just walked slowly into the battlefield instead of charging like the others. This was due to his abnormally large belly that was not proportionate with the rest of his body. He had four large horns on his head and icy wings on his back. These wings were too small compared to his swollen body. If Belphegor could fly, he didn't rely on those wings.

Even though Belphegor walked slowly, his presence was as intimidating as the others. The grounds cracked and trembled following his steps. Those in his path couldn't resist the unnatural fear that gripped their hearts and was assailed by a strong desire to flee. Only those with very high morale were able to stand their ground. 

When these brave soldiers gathered enough courage and charged at Belphegor, he dispersed fumes of icy vapor that spread around him, slowing everyone. While laughing, he poured a large stream of ice breath from his mouth. Those washed by this breath were frozen and received ice damage every second while being frozen.

Belphegor continued walking and stomped on the ones he had frozen. The frozen status his breath inflicted had a sudden-death effect if the frozen targets received sufficient damage. A stomp from Belphegor provided sufficient damage. The frozen statues shattered under his stomps, killing the ones encased within.

Unlike his brethren, Beelzebub didn't advance. He never moved from his spot. He was a devil with a goat head and a pair of giant horns, but his body resembled that of an insect. His insect-like body was covered by several layers of golden carapaces.

When the soldiers started attacking him, Beelzebub's carapaces shifted. Out of the gaps between its carapaces came a swarm of giant golden flies. These flies spread and engaged the soldiers. The flies were fast. They dealt damage using stingers underneath their bodies, but they could also spit corrosive acids that reduce defense. If their HP was lowered to below half, they used kamikaze attacks by exploding themselves, dealing massive earth-element damage to the enemies.

With those golden flies, Beelzebub didn't even need to do anything.

The last devil, Asmodeus, was similar to Beelzebub as he rarely engaged his enemies in melee. Rather than a demon, he looked more like a chimera. He had three heads. The center head was the face of a man with two horns. The two heads by the sides were those of a bull and a sheep. He walked on all four. His two forelegs ended with bird's claws, while his hindlegs were thick and scaly like dragon legs. He had a tail that ended with a serpent head. This tail head spewed red lightning from its mouth.

Asmodeus crawled slowly into the battlefield. Each of his three heads cast spells simultaneously, delivering large AOE damage to the troops.

Each of the six devils reaped many casualties in just their first few clashes. Watching the losses from his war table, John regretted now that he didn't follow Wilted's advice.

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