Second World

Chapter 331 - 331. World Races

Chapter 331 - 331. World Races

"Sorry, must have slipped my mind. Orc is a race different than us humans. They have larger and sturdier physiology. In terms of physical ability, they are much stronger than basic humans. Their nation was governed by the council of ten, which comprised of the Lord Chiefs from ten of the largest tribes in their country. The head of this council is the Grand Chief, who was selected from among the ten Lord Chiefs of those largest tribes."

Jack was not foreign to Orcs. As a veteran player of RPG games, he had dealt with this type of creature in past games. Although their depictions were different from game to game, they had several common denominators. They were always portrayed as brutish, aggressive, and ugly as hell. They had different colors of skin in different iterations, but mostly it was of a darker tone.

'A nation ruled by monsters?' Jack thought.

"Orcs are not monsters, they are a race, same as humans," Peniel who heard his thought, said.

"Anyway, I urge you to be careful," Guss said. "Although it has been a long time since we last had a conflict with them, those savages can be pretty unpredictable. My scouts also mentioned that they had been showing provocative attitudes at the border. I am afraid they might be up to something."

"We will be careful. Did your scout noticed any large forces from their side?"

"No, just several small contingents. Nothing that would be a menace to the size of your army."

Commander Quintus nodded. "All right, if we meet them, we will act according to the situation. Now, let's talk about the details on our supply."

While they talked about the boring details, Jack turned his attention to Peniel, 'Hey, exactly how many nations are there in this world? And How many races are there?'

"There are many nations, but if we are talking about the main ones who hold the largest land and powers, there are seven of them. Coincidentally, there are also seven dominant races. Each race governed those largest nations."

'I assume Themisphere is the human's largest nation then.'

"Yes, as Verremor is Orc's. The other largest nations are Palgrost, which is governed by the Dwarfs, Aurebor by the Elves, Hydrurond by the Draconians, Liguritudum by the Ethereals, and the last is Sangrod, which at first impression, appears to be a nation governed by humans."

'But they are not?'

"Most of the denizens of Sangrod are indeed humans, but the upper echelons of the governing body is comprised of a different being entirely."

'Which is?'


'Say what?!' Jack almost blurted out loud.

"Vampire. An almost immortal being who derives its sustenance from blood, mostly human blood, or the blood of the other dominant races."

'I know what a vampire is,' Jack said. He just never thought that this world would have this creature as well. There are werewolves in the form of beast transformation from Beastmaster class, and now there are vampires as well. The two famous classic monsters. This world had just gotten a lot more interesting.

"What are you getting excited for?" Peniel asked when she sensed Jack's excitement.

'I just thought this world is much more interesting than I originally thought. Tell me more about the Draconians and Ethereals. What are they like?' Jack didn't ask about the dwarfs and elves, those two are standard fantasy creatures, similar to orcs.

"The Draconians are human with the lineage of a dragon, so you can consider them half-dragon."

'Dragon? Wow, wouldn't that make them completely superior to the other races?'

"Every race had its advantages and disadvantages. Although the Draconians are related to dragons, their relation is very thin. Their race also has as many weak peasants as the human race does. All of them still need to train in order to become stronger, the same as other races. Although a draconian do tend to have higher HP and better physical attributes."

'Still, dragon lineage, that sounds really cool. I bet they have dragons protecting their nation then.'

"On the contrary, Draconians are hated by the Dragon race, especially the True Dragons."

'How so?'

"Because Dragons viewed that race as an affront to their noble lineage. True Dragons have already considered lesser dragons as a disgrace, much less the Draconian race."

'Oh… Then I pity them.'

"What is there to pity? It's not like dragons considered other races any better. Apart from the Gods and Demigods, True Dragon only respects another True Dragon. All others they considered as beneath them."

'Phew, this world is much more complex than it seemed. Now I'm slightly afraid to go out there and see the whole world.'

"Your mouth said afraid, but why do I feel excitement instead out of you. Cut the crap, will you?"

'Hehe, now tell me about the Ethereals.'

"Ethereals can be considered as the reverse of Draconians. Their race has higher Stamina/MP and better mental attributes if compared to the other races. Oh, and another thing, they can't speak."

'Can't speak? You mean they don't have a language?'

"No. I mean they can't speak, because they have no mouth."

'Uh, I don't know how to respond to that… Wait! If they can't speak, how can they rule a nation? Don't tell me they built their civilization using sign languages?'

"Although they can't speak, doesn't mean they can't communicate. They communicate with others telepathically."

'They have telepathy?'

"Yes. It is one of their special traits. But not the kind of mind-reading ones, at least for the weak ones. Their telepathy is a basic projection of thoughts to another being. Similar to what we are doing right now."

'What an interesting race. I will need to visit their nation sometime.'

"Unfortunately, their nation is one of which you will have a problem going into." josei

'Why is that? Is it very far?'

"That is one of it, but the most deciding factor is because you are a member of the kingdom faction of Themisphere. Do you remember when I explained that some Kingdom factions are hostile to each other? There are two such factions that are hostile to Themisphere kingdom. One is Verremor of the Orc, the other is Liguritudum of the Ethereal race."

'Bugger,' Jack cursed. 'How did these kingdoms end up being enemies to each other anyway?'

"Do you really want me to narrate the history of this world's nations? It will take a very long time. That prince is already watching you as if you are a retard."

Jack turned to the Prince after Peniel's notice. Prince Alonzo did stare at him with a smiling face.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to stare," the Prince said apologetically. "It's just that you are very expressive when you are thinking. It is as if you are talking to yourself intensely."

Jack felt embarrassed hearing the Prince's words. He did become too absorbed with his conversation with Peniel.

Duke Alfredo and Commander Quintus stood up. It appeared their discussions had ended. They gave Guss a military salute and said, "thank you for everything. We will be in your care for these two days."

Guss returned their salutes. The others also stood up and gave their salutes. Including Jack, who followed their leads.

Guss called for an officer outside the room and instructed him to lead the Duke and the others to their resting quarters. When they were about to leave, Jack said, "I still have something to speak with Commander Guss."

The Duke turned back at him, as Guss who had just sat back down and about to review the documents on his table looked up at him.

"Um, I have a quest that involves the commander," Jack explained.

The Duke didn't question him. He nodded as he said, "you are free to do as you please. You can stay here with us or at the inn with your friends. Just remember to gather again with the army two days from now, and stay out of trouble."

Jack thanked the Duke and gave him a slight bow.

"You have some business with me?" Guss asked when the others had left.

"Yes, I have been given a quest from Gruff. He asked me–"

Jack's words were interrupted by Guss as he suddenly stood up and said, "Gruff? Don't tell me, he sent you to represent him?"

Jack answered, "as a matter of fact, he did. I am to listen to your request and–"

Jack's words were again interrupted, in a more violent way this time as Guss slammed his hand on his table. "That lazy no-good brother!"

Brother…? Ah, no wonder they looked similar.

"Let me guess, you are a member of his League of Champions faction?"

Jack nodded.

"Did he tell you what the task is about?"

Jack shook his head, "but he did say it was an easy task and won't take long to complete."

"If it is easy, do you think I bother to call for his faction's aid?"

Uh-oh, Jack said in his mind. But he remembered the quest difficulty was only B.

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