Second World

Chapter 402 - 402. Breaking Into The Outpost

Chapter 402 - 402. Breaking Into The Outpost

Earmouth's group who was watching from afar was confused at first when they saw the fireworks, then they were completely baffled by the appearance of two Themisphere armies. These armies were heading to where Jack's group was and those lots appeared to be awaiting the armies with eagerness. They didn't seem unsettled by the sudden appearance of such a large NPC force.

They saw the NPC army arrived at where Jack's group was and started to surround them. There was no hostile movement, however. It even seemed as if that encirclement looked more like a protective formation.

While Earmouth and the others were racking their brain trying to make sense of the phenomenon, Jack and the others were admiring the army that was crowding around them.

"Wow, they were mostly level 40 and 45. Many elite ones among them as well," Giant Steven commented.

"Yeah, I choose these two patrolling groups for a reason," Jack said. "They may not be too far ahead of those outlaws in the outpost, but the equipment looked better and they are more organized. I don't think they will have a problem routing those outlaws."

The two armies were led by a Knight-Captain each, both level 50 of Special Elite grade by the name of Matias and Diego. This Matias was the same one he had delivered a parcel to during his surveying days. That's how he had so easily known where to find this captain to deliver the parcel, he had seen him already a day before.

"Great, let's command them to charge into that outpost!" Bowler exclaimed.

Jack rolled his eyes at him and said, "it doesn't work that way."

"Huh, why?"

"They are only here to protect me, I hold no command over them."

"Then how are you going to have them raid that outpost?"

"I can simply walk in there. The outlaws will attack, and this army will have to fight them in order to protect me."

"Ah, I seeā€¦ that's cunning."

John commented at this time, "I assume that since you don't command them, you don't get any exp point as well for the outlaws they defeated?"

"Yeah, that's why I said there is no need for everyone to come. There is no benefit in this fight except for claiming that outpost after the fight is done. You will all only be spectators here."

"Spectators are fine as well," Jeanny said. "Not every day we can see a battle between NPCs. Most of the ones who didn't follow the expedition haven't experience that war we had with the orcs, this can be a good experience for them."

"All right, but stay in safety behind the army. Don't try to do anything brave or stupid," Jack ordered.

"I think that suggestion is better suited to be given to you," Peniel mocked.

Jack went ahead in the direction of the outpost. The army around him matched his pace, maintaining a protective formation around. Some of the outlaw patrols started to meet with the frontline of the army and got into a clash.

Soon loud alarm was heard from within the outpost, followed by numerous roars and cries. They could see shortly that many outlaws with savage appearances stormed out of the outpost. They showed no fear whatsoever facing the large army in front of them.

"Good Lord! Look at their numbers. If we try to fight them ourselves, we are as good as gone," Pointy Tip exclaimed.

Seeing the approaching outlaw force, the two armies changed formation as they formed a long line facing that incoming force. Footman with shield placed themselves in front as they braced for impact, line of spearman readied behind them with rows of archer further behind firing suppressing fire.

"Too bad we can't command them, you two will give them a great boost with that talent of yours," Jack commented to Jeanny and John. "I guess that talent is largely useless since you don't get much chance to command NPC troops."

"Actually, those talents will be really useful later," Peniel commented.

"How so?" Jack asked.

"Don't tell him. He never bothered to attend our guild meetings," John said to Peniel, which she gladly complied.

"Hey! Are you my guide or his?" Jack complained to her.

While they were chatting leisurely, the armies continued to clash with the outlaws. As expected, the outlaws attacked without any organization. They only attacked with brute force. Although their numbers were great and almost match the Themisphere patrolling troops, the difference in their qualities was apparent from the start despite the two opposing forces' levels were not far apart from one another. Themisphere armies' organized formation managed to hold the savage outlaws' charge while methodically causing damages to them.

Jack didn't take any further steps. He didn't want to disrupt the army's current situation. If he continued to walk forward, the army might be forced to adjust their formation out of their duty to protect him. So he waited as the army slowly but surely beat back the outlaws' assault.

Jack was not in a hurry. There were still more than two hours before the beacon stone's effect wore off. Plenty of time left. There could also be other troops further away on their way here. Things would get much easier if more soldiers joined in.

After half an hour of fighting, the mob of outlaws was thinning. The soldiers also had casualties but the proportion was around one to five. The outlaws stood no chance against the better trained and better-equipped soldiers. During that half-hour, Jack only took a step in between several minutes, simply to keep the pressure up.

Seeing the soldiers were winning and the outlaws were in shambles, Jack saw the risk had lessened. Hence, he did not continue being reserved. He summoned his magic staff and ran forward as he fired his spells and ranged attacks. josei

"Charge! Charge!" He yelled as he ran.

The army was not actually following his order, but since they had to keep Jack in a safe position, they rearranged themselves and followed him to charge in the direction of the outpost.

The other ranged players also joined in and sneaked their ranged attacks to whichever outlaws came into range. Even if they did not get the full exp, they still get a small portion when the soldiers killed the outlaws, as long as they landed a hit.

The Man and his minions felt depressed again because they could not join in on the attacks. He said to Jack, "boss, why every time you take us, it is always against these over-leveled opponents? All we melee can do here is just watch."

"You get exp for free, what is there to complain about?" Bitter Rain said to him.

"A real man only takes a reward from his own effort!" The Man replied.

"I can ask Jeanny to remove you and your people from the team if that means so much to you," Jack told him. At the end of the expedition, Jack's Leadership and Teamwork Skill had increased to Advanced Apprentice, but it was still not enough to form a party with over fifty people. Jeanny's, on the other hand, had increased to Intermediate Expert, allowed her to accommodate a party of up to sixty players, just about right for the total number of their current guild.

"I'm just saying, boss. We will stay at the back," The Man yielded.

The Players' damages were not much to look at, but they still provide some form of assistance. Flame's arrows were especially deadly, as nine out of ten they hit the weak points of their targets, eyes, throats, groins, which caused critical damages. The Man and the others winched when they saw the arrows hit that latter one, they all silently said to themselves to not piss off this quiet woman.

Trinity Dawn's spells were also very helpful. She placed her spells at the most advantageous positions, allowing much leeway for the advancing army.

For the other ranged players, John told them where to hit while Jeanny organized their arrangements and attacking rhythm. The places where they hit turned out to be the weak parts of the enemy's formation, causing the already disorderly enemies to fall into more chaos.

Jack himself was running around doing as he pleased, trying his luck to pick off any outlaw who was already low in health.

They soon broke through into the inner complex of the outpost. The surviving outlaws who used ranged weapons went high into the towers scattered around the outpost as they continued to bombard the soldiers with arrows. The players make sure to stay away from the range of these towers. The outlaw archers already possessed very long ranges, as was experienced by Jack when he first encountered the fortress. Added with the tower height, the range increased further.

Luckily, the soldiers were not defenseless. Some of them were equipped with crossbows, which had a superior range compared to bows. These weapons allowed the soldiers to shoot back at the outlaw archers on the towers despite the disadvantage of height. While the melee soldiers with shield protected the others as they rushed in to get to the archers on top.

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