Second World

Chapter 463 - 463. Garland Thunderhand

Chapter 463 - 463. Garland Thunderhand

Jack looked at the eleven monsters in dismay. Was this imperial rescue still not enough? There were still many Dread Knights around the horde, which were occupying most of the high-level officers of the army. Who would deal with these eleven Rare Elites?

The High Lich's HP was not that much higher than the Crypt Ogre despite five levels higher, but Jack figured that was due to it being a magical class. The understanding that it was a magical class worried Jack. Magical classes were the ones most likely to possess AOE spells, which meant against low-level players, numbers were not a factor.

The Crypt Ogre looked much like the one-horned ogre Jack had fought before, except this one was without a horn and its skin had all kinds of disgusting blisters and decays. The ogre here was also three times the size of the Horned Ogre from before, which meant it was freaking huge, although not as gargantuan as the Grim Sand Drake.

Jack hurriedly pulled out from the fight and ran back towards Heavenly Citadel's defensive wall again. At the same time, he sent a message telling everyone to retreat. Assisting the army against those eleven would simply be suicide.

The others quickly retreated.. If anyone else asked them to retreat, probably not all of them would listen. But if even one such as Jack was scared enough to retreat, then they should be terrified.

Jack's premonition was proven. As he ran away. The High Lich cast a spell with a six-runes spell formation. Pillars of black fog started falling from the sky. When the pillars touched the ground, the fog spread out. All the soldiers touched by this fog had their HP dropped rapidly. Their armors were rapidly decaying. Some with lighter armor even had the armor completely dissolved into nothing. The undead, though, was completely fine amongst the fog. It appeared that this fog only affected the livings.

That one spell had killed many of the Themisphere soldiers. While the ones with higher levels and HP hurriedly scurried to escape the fog. Those that escaped the fog no longer had their HP decreased.

The High Lich flew up. It was carrying a skull-head staff. It lifted its staff and another six-runes spell formation started to form again.

'Shit! The army won't last long if this continues,' Jack said in his mind. He had run out of ideas. What more could he do to save the headquarters?

As the sixth rune was about to form, a thick pillar of lightning shot down from the sky. The High Lich canceled its spell and use its staff to block the lightning. A transparent bubble stopped the lightning from touching the Lich's body.

"Hahaha! I thought there is no worthy opponent, guess me coming here is not a waste. I can stretch my muscle a bit," a thunderous voice was heard.

A bearded large man who was slightly obese was seen walking in the air. Every step of his feet crackled with electricity as if his every step was supported by electric platforms. His steps were slow, but in just a few breaths, he already covered a large distance and arrived in front of the High Lich.

Jack didn't know what was the level of this heavy-looking man, he was too far away for him to use Inspect. Jack was not crazy enough to approach just to satisfy his curiosity. However, from the man's demeanor, he should not be any less powerful than the High Lich.

While the High Lich and the obese man were having a staring contest, the ten Crypt Ogres started to move. Their heavy bodies created slight tremors with each step. With ten of them marching, they created a small earthquake. Jack looked grimly and knew that these ten alone would create much havoc to the army. josei

However, before the ten Crypt Ogres could travel far, the obese man spread his two arms. "Stay," he whispered, and yet, Jack and the others could hear his whisper clearly.

Columns of lightning came down from the sky, creating a fence all around him. Both he, the High Lich, and the ten Crypth Ogres were confined within this lightning fence. One of the Crypt Ogre tried slamming the fence, but the impact created a repulsion force that threw its heavy mass tens of meters back.

The fat man on the air threw a yellow orb down. When the orb touched the ground, it exploded with blinding light. When the light subsided, everyone saw a giant humanoid shape with a body as if made of yellow lightning. Its size was a little bigger than the ten Crypth Ogres around it, its skin was slightly transparent as it continued to crackle with electricity.

'It's a Lightning Golem,' Peniel told Jack from her hidden dimension. 'A very high-level one at that. The guy on the air is very powerful.'

The ten Crypt Ogres inside the lightning cage were not intimidated by the Lightning Golem. Undead had no concept of fear. Also, the Crypt Ogres themselves were rather intimidating, there were ten of them some more, so who was at a disadvantage was not yet established.

The closest Crypt Ogre lunged at the golem. It crashed its heavy body and brought the golem skidding several distances back. But at the same time, Jack could see electricity continued to bombard the Crypth Ogre. Jack had taken the risk to return to get a better look, but not too close so he was still outside the spell range of the High Lich.

From the exchange, Jack surmised the Lightning Golem dealt lightning damage to anything that came into melee contact with it. The Crypt Ogre was still clutching the golem, it couldn't feel any pain, but Jack could see it spasming as it maintain its pose. It had been paralyzed.

The Lightning Golem lifted both its arms high. Its two fists got together as they were brought down like a sledgehammer. This make-shift sledgehammer slammed onto the back of the Crypt Ogre that was still clutching at its waist. An electric shockwave radiated out upon the impact, the Crypt Ogre was smashed deep into the earth. Jack saw the ground caved in where the ogre sunk into.

The other Crypt Ogres were halted a step by the electric shockwave created by the impact just now, but they continued their advance again as if nothing had happened. The fight soon turned into a punching brawl between the ten, the one on the ground was not getting up.

'Did it get KO'ed by just one punch?' Jack thought. He saw red numbers appearing upon the impact but he couldn't see the number clearly as he was not close enough.

Jack heard some explosion sounds, he then redirect his gaze up to the two floating figures. Numerous colorful explosions were filling the sky. Black, yellow, and blue. The black was mainly the High Lich's spells, while the yellow and blue were the obese man's. The obese man's spells were all lightning types. Jack noticed the blue lightning was seemingly more powerful than the yellow version.

Before long, Jack could see that the obese man was at an advantage. The High Lich kept getting pushed back until he was at the edge of the lightning fence. It was forced until its back touched the fence, a strong repulsion force struck it. It was not thrown away as the Crypt Ogre did. Yet, it was still heavily paralyzed by it.

Seeing the chance, the obese man didn't relent. He made a grip with its hand as numerous runes appeared. An extremely thick blue-colored lightning shot down from the sky, smashing at where the High Lich was at. The High Lich was completely engulfed by the blue lightning as the lightning continued to snake down to the ground. When it hit the ground, a large explosion occurred.

Jack thought for sure that everyone around the place died when the blinding explosion occurred, including him. But when he could see again, he saw that everyone outside the lightning fence was unharmed. The fence not only prevented physical things from going out, but also the energy from the explosion.

The ground inside the lightning fence was all messed up. Only two things Jack saw were still standing on the ground inside, the lightning golem and the High Lich. The ten Crypt Ogre were all lying down amongst the ruined ground.

The High Lich had been forcefully blasted down from up there to the ground, and Jack saw that its condition was not good. Although an undead was already visually battered from the start, its look at the moment was even more wrecked. It was missing one of its arms.

The Lightning Golem leaped at the High Lich, its two hands were forming that make-shift sledgehammer again, intended to smash the High Lich into a pulp. The High Lich's one remaining hand was still holding its skull-head staff. It trusted it forward at the leaping golem. Five runes were created instantly and a stream of black energy shot out and stabbed into the golem.

The lightning golem was held in the air by the black energy as it eroded the golem from the point of impact. The golem's body which was yellow in color slowly turned dark as the electricity around it died down. It soon turned completely black and stopped moving. The golem then shattered into black dust.

"Hahaha, you still have fighting strength. Not bad," the booming voice of the obese man thundered out. He was now floating down approaching the High Lich.

Since Jack saw that the lightning fence protected any stray energy from going out, he dared to approach further. With the obese man no longer high up in the sky, he was also in range for Jack's Inspection. Jack used the skill on the man.

Garland Thunderhand (Rare Elite Human, Lord Commander), level 70

HP: 800,000

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