Second World

Chapter 488 - 488. Challenges

Chapter 488 - 488. Challenges

Inside the League of Champions building, Jack saw that the receptionist this time was a different person. So, he approached, introduced himself as a member of the League of Champions, and asked for Gruff.

"What's your name, sir?" The receptionist asked with a smile.

"Unparalleled Warrior," Jack replied.

The receptionist stared at Jack for a while, his smile never disappeared. He then took out the badge scanning device and said, "Please put your badge here for us to check your identity, sir."

'Damn!' Jack cursed inwardly.

"Never mind," Jack said and strutted off.

From this public front hall, Jack headed to one of the openings that brought him to the inner area. He had to show his League of Champions Badge here before being allowed entrance. He went directly to the colosseum hall.

Jack saw some players there, as opposed to before when there were only natives. He went to the wall with the roman numeral XII. He paid the twelve challenge points and was soon brought into the arena dimension.

Inside, he tried to summon his Rapid Dazing Staff but failed. 'So, it is truly so, I can only use physical weapons here.'

It didn't matter, his physical prowess should be enough for current challenges. He unsheathed Storm Breaker and Whirlwind Falchion. Ten level 19 Lizardmen appeared, six of them elite, four were basic monsters. Jack didn't waste time, he danced around them and decimated them within a short time.

Once he was out, he headed directly to the next wall. He proceeded rapidly. So rapid that he attracted the attention of the players inside there.

"Who was he? How come he has so many challenge points?" A pair of male Knight and female Warrior was discussing. They only had enough challenge points to challenge until stage seventeen, even that was because they had spent a lot of time intentionally performing the tasks that earned them challenge points.

"I think he looked familiar…" The female Warrior said.

"Come on, babe. Are you trying to make me jealous," the male Knight said.

"No, seriously. I think I saw him before," the female Warrior insisted. "Let's take a closer look."

They head over to the wall marked with XXV which Jack had disappeared to and waited there. Not long after, Jack came out again. As they were about to greet Jack, they froze.

"De… Demon…!" The female warrior uttered. Realizing what she had just said. She hurriedly covered her mouth. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She said before hurriedly running away with her partner.

Jack was speechless. What the hell was that about? It seemed like John's nasty rumor was still in effect. Jack didn't think too much about it. He went to the next wall again.

The couple who had run away, watched him disappear into stage 26 arena, and heaved a sigh of release. "Damn, that was scary! I thought he was going to chase us."

"You should watch to not blurt out like that. Luckily he was busy, otherwise, we are a goner already," the male Knight said.

"But I don't think he was that crazy, right? This is the League of Champions' base. There are guards here. He won't do anything that will get him apprehended."

"What do you know. I heard he once killed a guy in the noble district, despite there being many guards around. He was so fast that the guards couldn't catch him."

"Serious? What did that poor guy do to get killed?"

"The guy didn't reply to the demon's greeting."

"What? That is so unreasonable. Can't he consider that the guy might be distracted and simply didn't hear his greeting?"


"Let's get out of here. At least until the Demon is not around. Speaking of the Demon, I heard there is another rumor. There was a recording about him beating the shit out of Corporate United people in their Guild Headquarters. He went there by himself and almost destroyed the whole place."

"Are you for real?"

"Yes. Apparently, it is revenge for attacking Everlasting Heavenly Legends a week ago. They are playing the recording now at Raven's Den, my friend just sent me a message about it. How about we go and check it out?"

"Sure, let's go!" josei

The two hurriedly scurried away. When Jack came out again. He looked around, wondering if the couple was still around. He had planned to go over and greet them, to erase the badass image of him that John had spread around without his consent, but he couldn't find them.

"Sigh, never mind then," he said before continuing the challenge.

He used up almost all his challenge points and completed stage 28. Inside that stage, he faced twenty level 30 kobolds. One amongst them was special elite, nine elites, and the rest were basic monsters.

Now that he was an elite class combined with his Formless Flowing Sword Style, he found even special elite of similar level was no longer a challenge. All twenty monsters were routed in a short time.

Inside his League of Champions Badge was now 346 glory points. Too bad he didn't get to stage 30. Otherwise, his rank would have increased and he could access new things for exchange.

'No rush,' he said to himself. He went to the exchange counter and used 180 glory points to exchange for the remaining nine monster books. Now he had the whole collection already.

Finished with his business here. He exited the building, then he headed to the Order of Magi's hut. He planned to use up all his available challenge points today.

He went into the hut and met the young Janus. Jack didn't forget to change into Unrivaled Arcaner first.

"Good afternoon, Mister Storm Wind!" Janus greeted cheerfully.

"So, any chance I get to meet the leader? The real person amongst all of you. Is his name also Janus?" Jack asked.

"Oh? Why do you want to meet our leader?" Janus asked.

"Just curious," Jack shrugged. "Are you even real?" Jack poked Janus' arm. He felt real enough.

"I am real," Janus swatted Jack's hand away. "Now, what can I help you with today? Don't tell me you come here just to poke at me, do you?"

"I want to take the challenges. Can you please summon that door thingy that brings me to the school of witchcraft and wizardry?"

"What school? Are you on drugs or something? If you are looking for a school, you should try the one in the noble district."

"Just trying to make a joke, sorry. Can you please let me enter that constructed space where I can take the challenges?"

"Just walk over there," Janus pointed to behind him. "The door will reveal itself."

Jack went over and as Janus had said, the rectangular void suddenly appeared. Jack and Peniel went through the opening and came out in front of the large obelisk where he had received his Order of Magi Badge.

"Oh? We are brought directly here?" Jack asked. In the past, Janus had taken him through the street of what looked like a town full of witches and wizards.

A voice answered him from the side, "Members of the order will be brought directly here. We have gotten complaints in the past about how everyone has to take a long walk simply to take the challenges."

Jack looked to the side and half-jumped from finding Janus standing right beside him.

"Let me guess, another copy?" Jack asked.

This Janus didn't reply, he instead continued explaining, "Our purpose is to allow members to view and get accustomed to our community. To let them see that they are a part of something big. But they are always in a rush, so we just set so only newly joined members needed to walk through the town to reach here."

"Can I just go ahead and take the challenge?" Jack asked, ignoring everything Janus had just said.

Janus made a gesture for Jack to go ahead.

"Do you give any complementary challenge points again this time?" Jack asked, trying his luck.

Janus shook his head with a smile.

"Can't hurt to ask," Jack shrugged and proceeded to the small obelisk with number 5 floating above it. He interacted with the obelisk and entered the arena space. He was met with five level 14 basic goblins.

Although the monsters were different, the difficulty setup was the same as with League of Champions' challenges. He continued the challenges until he used up his challenge points. He completed challenge stage 23 and was left with 3 challenge points, accumulating 266 Knowledge points. With his previous unused 10 points, he had a total of 276 Knowledge points.

"Would you like to take a look at the exchange list?" Janus offered.

"Any spells on the monthly products? Or still just recipes?" Jack asked.

"Still recipes. Spells only available once you achieve the rank of Novice," Janus answered.

'Seven more stages for that,' Jack thought. To Janus, he said, "I will keep my Knowledge points for new spells."

"It's your choice. Do you want to leave now?" Janus asked.

"Yes," Jack replied.

"You just have to say the words then."


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