Second World

Chapter 498 - 498. Arriving At Blacksmith Circle

Chapter 498 - 498. Arriving At Blacksmith Circle

Jack heard screams from the row of trees, where the other half of his opponents were. 'They were fighting another person?' Jack thought in surprise.

Jack didn't stop just because of this unexpected development, his body continued to move for the offense. Yellow Death also didn't stop shooting, but his mouth which was silent all this time had started to spout nonsense, "How dare you ambush us! Using number against us."

Jack was incensed. 'Ambush? Number? You are one to talk!' Jack didn't scold back, however, he decided to just end this ruse. His Whirlwind Falchion was replaced by Rapid Dazing staff, five runes were formed simultaneously. The spell formation completed and ten crimson chains shot out.

His four opponents were nearby each other so all of them were within the area affected by Myriad Ensnaring Chains spell. The Berserker, Knight, and Rogue were caught off-guard and easily seized by the chains. Yellow Death was a bit further, he continued jumping backward as he shot at the chains that were coming at him.

Jack was slightly impressed. Yellow Death's accuracy during movement was not that far from the kung-fu fighting cowboy he had fought in the past. After several near-capture, Yellow Death managed to escape the Myriad Ensnaring Chains' AOE radius.

Although he managed to save himself, Yellow Death could only watch helplessly as Jack dished out attacks on his fellow teammates. He tried shooting at Jack, but Jack's fast movement made him hard to hit. Not to mention Jack's high HP and high recovery made a few successful hits to be ineffective.

Seeing that the mission was lost, Yellow Death decided to cut the loss. He summoned his steed and ran away as his three teammates fell.

Jack looked at the fleeing Yellow Death and smirked, "You people should have studied more about your prey before starting your hunt."

After finishing with his three opponents, Jack blew his red whistle and Pandora appeared. He climbed onto her, but before he gave chase, he turned and looked at the row of trees where the other half of Yellow Death's team was supposed to be. The shouting from that side had ended. He saw a figure come out of the tree.


"Didn't I ask you to wait at our destination?" Jack shouted at him.

"I take order from the prince, not you!" He shouted back.

Jack didn't talk further, he set his sight on Yellow Death who was getting further and had Pandora start galloping.

Yellow Death was waiting for the combat status to end, so he could use the Guild Return scroll to teleport back to their Guild Headquarters. He had organized this strike team under the order of White Death. Scarface had adamantly opposed this mission but White Death was not interested to listen to the excuse of a failure. Yellow Death had the same thoughts, at least until this moment. He never expected a single player could be so unreasonably unbalanced in comparison to other players.

And what of that native that was with him? It didn't look like that native was his companion. Yellow Death had seen White Death's native companion, so he knew a companion could be summoned at will. This native was more like tag-along due to a quest. Yellow Death had waited until the two separated before he had his team take action. He didn't expect the native to circle back to them.

The Guild Return scroll was ready in Yellow Death's hand, he would activate him the moment he was out of combat. Strange, he should be far enough to be considered out of combat. His steed was a rare grade, after all. He heard approaching galloping sounds. He turned back and saw something that made his heart jump.

Jack, who Yellow Death was trying his best to flee from, was coming with a very fast speed on the back of a horse that was on fire. Yellow Death had heard a report about Jack appearing during the Guild Headquarters battle on a flaming steed, and the report indicated this hellish steed to be very fast, but he never really put such a report in mind. In his thought, his rare steed should not be slower. Yellow Death never imagined the fire horse's speed to be so abnormally frightening.

Once Pandora came by Yellow Death's side, Jack said to him, "The next time you guys want to form a team to take me down, better make sure it was the full team of the Mighty Transforming Death Rangers."

Yellow Death was confused at first hearing Jack's words, before he cursed inside upon realization, 'Damn it! Did he just liken the top members of Death Associates to a children's television series?"

Yellow Death aimed his rifle and shot at Jack, who blocked the shot using Magic Shield.

"Mam, some help?" Jack sent his thought to Pandora, who snorted. Her psychic attack caused Yellow Death's mount to rear up in a panic.

Yellow Death, taken by surprise from losing control of his mount, was thrown off from its back. He was in the middle of making another shot, which now veered off target.

Jack jumped from Pandora's back at this time. He brandished his two swords and performed a burst of twenty-four rapid slashes which all landed on Yellow Death before he even hit the ground.

The attack should have killed Yellow Death, but he landed on the ground with a sliver of HP. Jack had expected the guy to carry a Sacrificial Dummy as well, same as his teammates, so he was not surprised by this. He instead followed up with another thrust before Yellow Death could get up. His sword sank into Yellow Death's throat, his HP dropped to zero.

Jack saw the guy wearing Amulet of Rebirth though, same as his teammates. Yellow Death's body disintegrated without leaving any drops.

"Well, at least this causes them to spend more coins when buying their next Amulet of Rebirth," Jack muttered. "But they are truly spendthrift. I understand about the amulet, but they even wasted so many Sacrificial Dummy. That was supposed to be rare, right? I haven't even seen one myself."

Peniel answered, "They probably found a place that can give them supply. Some league factions provided it, but it still is not cheap."

"Then they are just dumb to throw those resources at me. Well, it good for me though, in this way I make them squander their funds."

With these enemies vanquished, Jack went back to Samuel.

"You are not that popular amongst your own kinsmen, are you?" Samuel commented after Jack arrived.

"What are you saying? I am very popular. These just now were simply the rotten eggs of our kinds," Jack replied.

Peniel who was on Jack's shoulder shook her head at Samuel. Jack looked at her and she turned away pretending to gaze at the distant scenery.

The two then continued their journey towards Blacksmith Circle.

During the journey, Jack received a call from John, "Expert, are you free?"

"I'm not. Why?" Jack answered.

"Should have guessed. Do you remember the gigantic beehives we passed by during the expedition? Well, Jeanny and I are organizing a raid on that monster settlement. Peniel informed us the rewards of such a place were abundant. Considering our levels and numbers, we should be able to take on that place."

"Oh? You are no longer afraid of the coalition's attack?"

"They seemed to have been scared by you. Their activity had significantly dropped in Thereath. So Jeanny and I thought this is the perfect time to develop while their attention are away. That's why we are targeting that monster settlement."

"Well, I'm in the middle of something here. I'm afraid I can't join." josei

"Fine. We will go by ourselves. I've told Jeanny that with sufficient manpower, I should be able to successfully raid that monster settlement, but she insisted I ask you first."

"What about my grandfather?"

"He is coming with us."

"Then I guess you all should be fine."

"Hey, hey! It will be fine because I will be there, not Domon. You better make sure not to think otherwise!"

"Considering your confidence, I am sure you will do swell."

"Of course we will! You better contribute more to the guild. Otherwise, we will demote you!"

'A*shole! Ain't I contribute already by causing the coalitions to back off?' Jack thought, but he didn't argue with the guy.

Since he had to adjust his pace with Samuel, Jack spent another hour before they arrived at the building where Blacksmith Circle was supposed to be. It was a unique structure that seemed to be carved out of the mountain itself.

The stone color of its walls was the same as the mountain. If it didn't have straight edges that characterized artificial structures, Jack might not notice that there was a building there. The entrance was a large doorless hole that opened up to a wide hall. Entering this opening was akin to entering a cave of a mountain.

Jack and Samuel stood in this wide hall and looked around. The walls around were filled with beautiful murals that seemed to be handcrafted. Jack had no idea what stories were told in these murals, but Samuel appeared to be paying respect to it.

"These murals told the stories of our kingdom," Samuel explained.

"Uh-huh," Jack nodded, trying not to offend the guy despite he had no interest in the history.

"Who is there?!" A rasping voice was heard as a very short man appeared from the hallway that went deeper into the structure.

Jack looked at the man. His stature was short, however, he was by no means young. His face was matured with a beard covering most of his face. His body was thick. His limbs were short but sturdy and muscular. He was wearing work clothes that were dirty and disheveled.

'A dwarf?' Jack thought after seeing the man.

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