Second World

Chapter 610 - 610. Infiltration Into Enemy’s Headquarters

Chapter 610 - 610. Infiltration Into Enemy’s Headquarters

"Really? I do remember this guy hit Corporated United right back during our protection status," John said while pointing to Jack.

"He did it by himself," Peniel uttered. "The world system didn't recognize that as a proper offense. Just like how a number of units or outworlders needed to die for the system to provide you a protection status, a decent number of attackers were also needed to be calculated as a battle between guilds."

"Hm… I guess you are an anomaly," John said to Jack.

"Should we wait one week then?" Jack asked.

After some thought, John said, "I don't think others know this feature. Also, I am still confident they won't dare to attack us again after the last battle. Let's gamble it. Our enemies won't be expecting us to hit them so early. Since we have the advantage of you as a mole, this should be the best time to ambush them.

After agreeing to proceed with the offense, everyone was dismissed.


Before everyone left, Jack came to John and asked, "Hey, earlier today, when I'm kicking your ass…"

"When we were dueling, you mean?" John corrected.

"Sure. When I'm kicking your ass, you cast the mirror image spell, but my mana sense can't seem to make out which one of you is the real one. How do you do that?"

John smirked at the words.

"Are you so eager to have your ass kicked again?" Jack asked.

Domon who was nearby, came over after hearing it. "Are you talking about the spell where he displays multiple copies of himself?"

"Yes, that's the one," Jack answered.

"He had practiced a lot on that move, particularly to fool people who have the ability of mana sense. He distributed his mana amongst his copies," Domon explained.

"Distribute his mana? How did he do that?" Jack asked.

"He has touched the realm of mana manipulation. Still very basic though, but a start nevertheless," Domon replied.

Jack's eyes turned wide at John.

"Hahahaha…! That expression is priceless. Now you see I'm not someone you can underestimate even in a fight. Although, of course, I prefer to avoid one if I can. Fighting is, after all, for expendable pawns such as yourself," John said in his usual conceited way.

"But… he has mastered his mana sensing?" Jack asked Domon, ignoring John.

"Not quite fully yet, but he is pretty far already, probably near your level. To tell you the truth, I'm also surprised that he can start manipulating mana before fully mastering mana sensing," Domon said.

"It's me who is surprised by you, outworlders," Peniel said.

"There should be natives that are good in this mana sensing and mana manipulation as well, right?" Jack asked Peniel.

"Yes, but very rare. You people made it look so easy," she answered.

"Well. If there is such a mechanism, that means it is implemented by someone who understands martial arts. I don't see Wilted as that person. Probably that partner of hers, the main designer, who had added this feature," Jack said. "Anyway, now that we know mana manipulation is possible even without fully mastering mana sensing, I can probably do that as well."

"No, nope. I seriously doubt that. This is reserved for a genius such as me," John said.

Jack, again, ignored him. He said to his grandfather, "Let's go into the Time Chamber. You have given me some pointers when we were inside the Valley of Tempus, but I didn't really get it since I've only started learning mana sense then. I would like you to teach me again." josei

"You know I won't turn you down if you want to learn. Let's go," Domon said. He led the way to the Time Chamber. He had frequented the chamber very often, after all.


Jack spent the remaining of the day until late at night inside the Time Chamber, listening to Domon's tutor while trying some practical training. Despite his diligence, he still couldn't manipulate mana yet by the end of the session, but he now slightly grasped some understanding of the technique.

If mana sensing could be described as listening to the mana to know where they were and how they moved. Manipulating mana was akin to communicating with them. Telling them or maybe more correct was to say persuading them to move and act as one wish.

Jack couldn't do it yet, but the mana had started to react to him when he tried some sort of communication. Jack could feel their vibration when he sent his thought at them, even if they didn't do as he wished them to.

Jack didn't try to force his advancement. He could only do it one step at a time, as he always did with everything. John probably was indeed a genius in this department, but Jack never let the comparison with others who do better than he weigh him down. If any, he used it as a motivation to catch up.

The next morning, Jack didn't leave directly. He had planned to fuse and level up equipment for the guild. Because of learning mana manipulation, that task had been delayed. So he used the Time Chamber again in the morning for that task.

There was a lot of common equipment from the two months stock. In fact, their warehouse space was almost full due to them. Jeanny had planned to sell some away if Jack still didn't come back to deal with this pile.

Jack fused two sets of super rare heavy armors for Jeanny and Giant Steve, a set of super rare medium armors for Domon, two sets of super rare light armors for Fierce Flame and Viral Cora, and two sets of super rare cloth armors for John and Trinity Dawn. He also gave the seven of them super rare weapons. Although there was a lot of equipment stock, it was still not enough to make super rare equipment sets for every core member, so he just prioritized those seven first.

The remaining equipment he fused into rare equipment and put into warehouse stock for members to exchange using their contribution points.

The task took him lots of hours. When he came out of the Time Chamber, it was past noon already. Due to leveling up so much equipment, Jack's Blacksmith grade increased to Advanced Expert.

He handed the super rare equipment to Jeanny. She, in return, had duplicated ten magic crystals using the Book of Creation's ability and gave them to Jack.

Jack left her and John to organize the troops while he left for Death Associate's guild headquarters.


Jack departed from Theneward after teleporting there. He changed into Unrivaled Arcaner before he left the city. He didn't use Pandora. His steed was too unique. He would be identified from a mile away. He instead bought a common horse from the stable near the city's gate.

He had sent a message to Scarface yesterday informing him that he will be coming to guild headquarters today. Scarface replied that he was glad that he finally decided to show up. Scarface told Jack that he had given instructions to members to receive him when he arrive. He only needed to announce his name.

Jack found it a bit weird. Why was he given such special treatment? It's as if he was an important member visiting the headquarters instead of someone who had been absent for quite some time.

He didn't think too much of it. He only needed to stay inside the headquarters until the commotion started and then it was his turn to act.

After a few hours of riding, when the sun was already low on the horizon, his destination came into view. Death Associates' headquarters, Death Hall, was situated around forested hills on one side and expansive grasslands on another. A large river passed by right beside one side of its defensive walls.

Jack came through from the grasslands' side. There were lots of native soldiers patrolling there, as well as several mid-level parties hunting monsters for exp. From what he saw, Death Associates' advancement in developing their native soldiers was not behind Everlasting Heavenly Legends. They had plenty of squires, archers, knights, cavalries, mages, and priests. Their mages had slightly different appearances, their robes were more extravagant. Jack figured it must be a variant converted by using an insignia.

Jack made sure to take off his Cloak of Shadow so everyone could inspect him. Since he was registered as a member of Death Associates, people just left him alone after finding out he was a member. But when he arrived at the wall gate, he was stopped by two native knights stationed there.

The Knights scrutinized him. After using their inspects and finding out he was Unrivalled Arcaner, they asked him to wait. Someone will be coming to fetch him shortly.

'Fetch me?' Jack wondered. Such a high-profile treatment.

Not long after, two people who he knew came, Bigarm and Earmouth. They were both still advanced class, Knight and Mage at level 43. Why the two were among the guild's upper echelon, he would never understand.

"You finally show up after so long," Earmouth said in a not-so-friendly way.

"Why do they send you two to fetch me? If I am not welcome here, just say the words. I will leave," Jack replied haughtily.

"You dolt! You never present for the guild and you still dare to act so high and mighty?" Bigarm said with hostility.

"I can act however I want!"

"Stand down!" Stonecleave, who was now a level 44 Weapon Master appeared and stopped the verbal confrontation from continuing. He came with a few other players.

"Arcaner, come! We have been waiting for you. There is a task that we need your help with," Stonecleave said. He gestured for Jack to follow him.

Jack did. As he walked. He saw the other players Stoncleave brought, together with Bigarm and Earmouth, were walking by his sides and behind him. He felt like he was being escorted.

'Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?' He thought. He didn't feel good about this situation. But he had come this far, he decided to continue. If anything bad happened, he was confident he could still force his way out.

The group ushered him into a room where he waited for almost an hour. After that, he was being taken to a building that was supposed to be the warehouse. When he entered, it was surprisingly empty from goods, but filled with players instead. At the center was Scarface. Amongst the crowd, he saw some familiar faces, Red Death, Yellow Death, Warpath, and Grimclaw.

Scarface, upon seeing Jack arrive, called out, "Unrivaled! Finally, you've decided to grace us with your presence.. Come! we have something we need confirmation from you."

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