Second World

Chapter 705. Overwhelming

Chapter 705. Overwhelming

Chapter 705. Overwhelming

Water Lily who was fighting against the wolf pack, could still cast spells. Her concentration was solid enough, the same as Jack who used to cast spells while fighting melee.

She cast Chain Lightning. This spell of hers was the same as Selena's, max-leveled. The lightning from this spell jumped ten times, hitting all ten of Jack's wolves, wounding as well as paralyzing them. She then used the reprieve to cast a big spell, Ice Fall.

When Jack saw the ice block above him, he uttered, "You are using the same trick again?!"

As the large ice block fell, Jack jumped upward.

"Don't think that I will fall for the second time!" Jack's right claw was ablaze with flame. This flaming claw then struck the ice block. Jack suffered a little damage, which meant the Ice Fall damage was more than three times higher than his Flame Strike, but the ice block was knocked aside.

Jack hit the ice block so it now fell near where Water Lily was. Water Lily was stunned by such a crude counter to her spell. She hurriedly ran away. The ice block fell to the sand and created a whirlpool. Jack's wolves had come out of their paralyzation, they also ran away from there, escaping the whirlpool.

When Jack landed back down, Four Winds, Violent Blizzard, and Disco Rain came at him. Jack used his burst slashes, keeping them at bay. He then followed with Drilling Thrust, Devouring Cross, Penta Slash. Each skill for each of his opponents.

The three were reeling back, even with the oasis' buffs, they still suffered damage when clashing directly with Jack's skill.

Jack followed up with spells as they were pushed back. The three fought back with their skills and martial arts as well as perfect coordination. They tried their best to dodge Jack's attacks. They had learned that even when they used attacks to block, Jack could still damage them amply. A direct hit from Jack's skills might even take out their life completely.

As the heated fighting continued, it was clear that the three were at disadvantage. Disco Rain's HP had gone critical. Four Winds and Violent Blizzard's HP was also down to half. Jack, on the other hand, had his life still almost full even without Peniel's healing. His opponents' attack failed to cause any significant damage due to his Gold Scale Armor, coupled with his astonishing body recovery, he was as if an unkillable beast.

"Go!" Four Winds said to Disco Rain. She then disengaged.

To Violent Blizzard, Four Winds said, "Hang in there. His skill won't last forever, we will counter when its duration ended."

What Four Winds said wasn't wrong, Jack's Gold Scale Armor lasted only three minutes, it had only one minute left now. Jack didn't expect these orc players to be this good. Their martial arts and coordination prevented him from landing a clean hit. Even for Violent Blizzard who was the slowest, she used her large greatsword to redirect Jack's attack without directly clashing.

<br/>Violent Blizzard also had ten avenging orbs swirling around her already, but she hadn't used them yet. She must be waiting for Jack's golden fur to turn back to normal. They knew Jack's defense was abnormally high during this gold transformation.

Water Lily, in the meantime, had defeated six of Jack's ten wolves with her spells. But at this time, Therras had defeated Disco Rain's clone. It now used its Tyrannical Charge at Water Lily. She defended using her Magic Shield but it was shattered and she was thrown far away while suffering large damage.

She was not without wounds after fighting Jack's wolves for that long. Therras came over attempting to finish her, but a shadow slammed into it. Familiar black slashes wounded it again while pushing it back.

Disco Rain who was now back to full life had come to Water Lily's aid. "Go!" She said to Water Lily before turning into two again.

'What?!' Jack was fighting against Four Winds and Violent Blizzard but he still had attention on the other part of the battlefield, courtesy of his Hundred Synchronous Thoughts. 'That assassin woman is fully healed and using skills that are supposed to be still in cooldown!'

Jack then saw Water Lily running towards the oasis.

'It's that oasis! That's the source of their buffs as well!' Jack came to a realization. He immediately sent a thought command to his remaining four wolves. They ran at high speed chasing after Water Lily.

Disco Rain saw it and intercepted the wolves while having her clone fight Therras again.

Jack couldn't let them continue using the Oasis effect, he cast Myriad Ensnaring Chains. The crimson chains came out around his two opponents. However, instead of getting entangling, Four Winds two hands blurred and created uncountable starlights around him. Every chain that approached was smacked aside. Violent Blizzard hid within Four Winds' starlight field. josei

Jack had no time to be impressed by that. He used Shooting Dash to disengage from them. Shooting Dash didn't bring him to where Water Lily was but it was close enough for his Wind Slash. Three green energies shot out from his claw.

Water Lily who sensed the attacks coming, used her long staff as a prop to let her jump high, dodging all three wind energies.

Jack was amazed, he never thought there will be another person who could dodge his fast Wind Slash aside from his grandfather. But after seeing his grandfather do it last time, Jack had been prepared for the next time he used this skill. He used a follow-up attack, Sword of Light, while Water Lily was still in the air.

Disco Rain had come to Jack's back before Jack executed Sword of Light, attempting to disrupt Jack's attack, but Jack just tanked the backstab. His Gold Scale Armor was not yet over.

Water Lily had no footing to escape the Sword of Light. The fast crescent light cut her body and depleted the few HP she had left.

"Rain, move away!" Violent Blizzard yelled. She was still protected by Four Winds' starlight field. Her sword was alighted with a blue aura that formed a gigantic sword with wings image. She slashed down her Blue Wing Slash.

Disco Rain had used Vanish to teleport away. Jack was fast enough to dodge a direct hit but the wings' wave aura still hit him. He suffered damage from it. His remaining wolves were also hit by this wave and they were all taken out.

As Jack regained his bearing, Four Winds used Jump Assault to reach him, his Myriad Ensnaring Chains' duration had ended. Jack parried the assault. Disco Rain wanted to come aid but Four Winds said to her, "Finish his pet! We will take turns wearing him down after."

Disco followed the command and went over to help her clone fight Therras, while Violent Blizzard ran over to help Four Winds. Four Winds used his Starlight Field martial arts to keep Jack on his toes. Jack returned in kind using his sword art.

Jack glanced and saw his Therras' HP was getting less and less. The two Disco Rains attacked from two sides and took turns in attacking. That assassin was too expert and fast for Therras to keep up.

Jack sent his pet a command. It used its Overbearing Stomp on the soft sand. Jack had consciously been preventing Therras from using this skill, until now. The result was what Jack was hoping for. The stomp upset the sandy ground enough that it caused a sand whirlpool. Disco Rain was too close to Therras and she had already used her Vanish not long ago. She screamed as both Therras and her clone got dragged down into the sand.

"Rain…!" Violent Blizzard yelled.

"Keep your head in the game!" Four Winds reprimanded. They couldn't afford to get distracted. Jack's attacks were too deadly.

Jack's golden fur turned back to black at this time. His Gold Scale Armor was over already.

"Blizzard, it's time!" Four Winds exclaimed.

Violent Blizzard's HP was at thirty percent already at the time. She activated Last Stand, Righteous Fury, and then sent a heavy slash using Raging Strike.

Four Winds also used some sort of unusual skill, his body turned large to almost two times his original size. Jack felt Four Wind's aura spiked. Four Wind's HP was also refilled and even doubled. The giant orc used Heavy Cleave as his two axes came at Jack.

"That's Titan Strength!" Jack heard Peniel yell after seeing Four Winds' transformation.

But Jack wasn't paying attention, he had been waiting for the two to go on a full offensive. The two had been focusing on evasion and defense that Jack found it difficult to hit them. He activated Overlimit. As his two opponent's attacks came, his body split into shadows.

Four Winds and Violent Blizzard were taken aback by Jack's sudden disappearance. Multiple of Jack's shadows appeared around them. It was the Hundred Shadow Strikes skill from Commander Quintus.


Hundred Shadow Strikes, level 1/20 (Active skill, range, requires melee weapon)

Split into ten shadows, each shadow deals 200% darkness damage, 10% added Critical Chance, 30% chance to cause Cursed effect.

Range: 10 meters

Cooldown: 2 hours

Stamina: 150


Ten shadows slashed at Jack's two adversaries. Jack had waited until the enemies went for full attacks before using this skill to make sure it hit, but Jack had underestimated this skill. The shadows were so fast that the two hardly had the time to react. Violent Blizzard whose HP was already low was taken out by a single slash even when she had the damage reduction buff from Last Stand and Righteous Fury.

Four Winds was fast and reactive enough to take defensive maneuvers but when his weapon clanged with Jack's shadowy slash, Jack could feel a portion of his attack phased through the defense. The description of the skill didn't mention any ignored defense effect, but it seemed there was this secret effect to the skill.

Furthermore, the Overlimit also boosted the damage. Four Winds increased size backfired and caused him difficulty to perform evasive maneuvers. His HP which had been refilled by Titan's Strength was rapidly cut down.

By the end of the hundred Shadow Strikes, Four Winds and Violent Blizzard had fallen to the ground. The unique-grade skill was too overwhelming to resist.

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