Secret Killer

Chapter 44 - Torturing The Masochist

Chapter 44 - Torturing The Masochist

After some minutes, Anna came out of the bathroom and cooked dinner for both of them.

Leon was reluctant to eat it, so he asked Anna to eat it first.

"Why would I mix something inside?" Anna uttered as she took a bite first. She chewed and swallowed the bite and said, "See?"

"Maybe you have already taken an antidote?"

Leon was afraid that she might have mixed poison inside, even though he was standing right beside her when she was cooking.

However, Leon was afraid for nothing. His superhuman powers would have automatically killed any poison or virus in his body. In fact, his body is immune to such stuff.

After eating the food, Leon glanced at Anna to see her staring at him. Her hands were on the table, and she was resting her head on her hands.

"What?" Leon asked.

"Hurry up. I am waiting for my torture~" Anna said in a cheerful voice.

Anna's behavior was making Leon more and more furious. UP until now, everyone had feared Leon, whether he was going to torture them or kill them. But Anna, however, wasn't scared at all.

Leon still had to learn the true meaning of masochist, and Anna had yet to know the definition of a sadist.

After eating, Leon stood up and approached Anna to start the torture. But Anna stopped him and said, "I will wash the dishes first."

"There is no need." Leon grabbed Anna's hand and dragged her to his torture room, where he had various types of equipment decorated on the table and the wall.

In the middle of the room, there was a unique chair with straps and belts on it to tie and hold the victims.

"Wow~!" Anna awed. "Is this heaven?"

Leon had gotten used to Anna's commentary, but she was still getting on his nerves. He pushed Anna on the chair and tied her up. josei

He tied her legs and hands but made sure to knot it extra so she couldn't escape. Then, he tied the belts around her stomach and waist, and chest and back.

"You could have made it tighter…" Anna muttered.

Leon ignored Anna and continued to tie her up. Once he was done with tieing her body, he proceeded to tape her mouth.

"Wait! Not my mouth," Anna begged. "And don't torture me on my face either. Otherwise, people would ask me about it, and I suck at lying."

'You did lie like a pro when you defended me from that detective, though,' Leon thought. 'That reminds me, I have to kill him too.'

"It doesn't matter." Leon tapped Anna's mouth and uttered, "You are going to die soon, after all."

Leon couldn't see what Anna was trying to say, nor could he see the grin on her face, but he could feel that she was laughing, as though she was trying to mock Leon.

Without wasting any time, Leon punched Anna in the face. He punched her so hard that the chair tilted and almost fell to the floor. But Leon grabbed it and placed it back on the spot.

After that, Leon slapped and punched Anna in the face a couple of times. Her face was swollen, and the white tape turned red.

Then, Leon walked to the table where different torture tools were placed from low to moderate to high degree torture.

Leon wanted to start from low, so he grabbed the whip and struck it on the ground.


Leon walked to the chair while striking the whip on the ground, which kept making the TAP sound.

He stood in front of Anna and thought he would see tears in her eyes, but much to his surprise, Anna seemed happy, and her eyes looked as though she was in deep pleasure.

Leon gritted his teeth and continued whipping Anna on all parts of her body.






Leon thought she was grunting in pain, but in truth, she was moaning in pleasure.

After whipping Anna for some minutes, Leon threw the whip on the ground and walked to the table to grab another weapon.

He gazed at the moderate degree torture tools and grabbed the electroshock tool.

'I only have three moderate degree torture weapons. Maybe I should buy some more of them,' Leon wondered. 'But I have already ordered some high degree torture weapon from the black market.'

When Leon moved to his apartment, he had already decided to make a special room for torture, but there wasn't a free room. But upon inspecting further, Leon found a secret room hidden behind the closet, which led to a secret room.

When Leon entered there for the first time, he found a bunch of bloodstain clothes and some used torture weapons. Even the walls were dyed with blood, and several words were written with blood in different languages. Leon tried to decipher the language using the internet, but he couldn't find any leads, so he lost interest.

He also found some notes and dresses on the small shelf on the wall. When he looked around the city, he found the back market and many more illegal places where mafias and all the underground business took place.

Fortunately, he got access to some of them with the help of the password written on the note.

After grabbing the electroshock tool, Leon walked to the chair and zapped Anna.

Ana shivered due to shock and let out another moan: "Mnh~!"

Leon increased the voltage and moved his hand to zap Anna again.


But Leon's phone rang, and he stopped.

Leon would have ignored the call, but the only person who would call Leon was Layla. But when he looked at the caller's name, he frowned his face and sighed in frustration.

It was a call from his university.


Author's Note- I apologize for not uploading yesterday. I went to the hospital with my mom for her check-up and thought 'maybe I should have one too'. I was also feeling strange for a couple of weeks.

The doctor said many things, but when he mentioned, "You have a fever."

I was like, "What the—!"

Then he asked how long have I been feeling that way, and I said, "Maybe 2-3 weeks. I am not sure." Because I didn't notice it at all.

He didn't say anything, but he looked mad.

I wrote two chapters for my other books yesterday and was going to write for this one, but I fell asleep after eating my meds.

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