Secret Killer

Chapter 7 - Superhuman

Chapter 7 - Superhuman

Layla took her sweet time to chop all the fingers and toes of the man. Then, she looked at Leon and asked, "What should I do now?"

"I can't find any tools; not even a knife," Leon uttered.

Layla pointed her finger at the chemicals on the other side of the room and said, "What about them?"

"That's… for dessert. I am saving them for last," Leon stated.

Layla looked at the man and wondered, "Is he awake, though? I didn't hear him screaming."

"Are his eyes moving?"

"Yes," Layla answered. josei

"Then he is awake." Leon searched the last drawer of the shelf and found a rusted screwdriver. He grabbed it with a sinister smile on his face and walked to the man.

"Well, well, uncle Ryan. How about you smile with that ugly face of yours?"

Ryan was born into a middle-class family with his twin brother Brian— Layla's father. They both were smart and had a promising future waiting for them.

After entering high school, Brian focused on his studies and sacrificed the fun of being a teenager. He wanted to give his parents a better life, so he also started a part-time job so he could earn his own expenses.

Rayn, however, became a delinquent after entering high school. He started hanging out with thugs and eventually became one. He started going out with multiple girls and harassed the girls who rejected him. He blackmailed and threatened the girls who already had boyfriends and cucked them.

However, one girl reported him to the police, and he was arrested, but he was released on parole. His father was fired from his job, and their house economy dropped to the ground.

Brian began to do more part-time jobs to help his family, but Rayn continued hanging out with thugs and always got into serious fights.

Ryan would often steal money from Brian and lose them to drugs and gambling. When Brian found out about it, he confronted Ryan, but he pulled the family card and said he was threatened to do so.

One night, when Brian was working the night shift on school vacation, Ryan came home drunk and killed his parents. Then, he played innocent and called the police saying, 'Someone broke into our house and killed my parents.'

After having no solid evidence, the case was closed and remained unsolved.

Brian moved out after that and focused on his future. But Rayn, however, never stopped taking money from Brian.

Fast forward to ten years, Brian got married and had a daughter. He got the job he wanted, which was to become a civil servant to help people, and Ryan became a scientist with the help of Brian's money, but he never stopped committing crimes.

After r*ping and killing Layla's mother, Ryan began to use his scientific knowledge to commit crimes. He would assault girls and kill people using chemicals. However, he was caught red-handed when he tried to r*pe a girl in a shopping mall and was sent to prison.

The world was facing the problem of overpopulation, so the punishment for crimes like murder and r*pe was instant death after the court hearing. However, there were also innocent who were framed as guilty and were killed for no reason.

Ryan was a successful scientist, and he had contributed his part in helping the country in making bioweapons that enhanced normal humans into superhumans. He was again released on parole, but the lawyer who was fighting against Rayn urged the judge to punish him for his crimes. However, Ryan was only punished for r*pe as he was never caught committing murder.

Ryan was given his own vaccine that made him impotent and gave him permanent erectile dysfunction. He could no longer do anything to the girls.

He was fired from his job, and his license as a scientist was canceled. After the terrorist attack, Ryan was given custody of Leon and Layla. He took out all his pent-up frustrations on them by torturing them.

He wanted to do many unspeakable things to Layla, but due to his permanent erectile dysfunction, he couldn't do anything to her. But that didn't stop him from torturing them.

He tested his unfinished research of bioweapons on Leon by injecting new DNAs and radioactive compounds inside his body. But because of Leon's strong tolerance and resistance, Leon was able to adapt to everything.

Leon gained some unstable superpowers like the healing of minor injuries in a matter of seconds, superstrength, and superspeed that made him stronger than normal humans. Rayn thought Leon was a failure; However, Leon's body was unstable, and he wasn't aware of his powers yet.


Any feedback would be appreciated. Drop reviews so I can know if you are enjoying the story or not.

Look forward to the next chapter. It is going to be dope.

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