Secret Killer

Chapter 75 - Wedding Photo

Chapter 75 - Wedding Photo

"Noooo!" Layla ran out of the bathroom while laughing and giggling. 

She was naked, and her body was dripping wet.

"Yeeeees!" Leon dashed out of the bathroom and chased after Layla.

Layla ran around the entire house, and Leon chased after her.

Of course, Leon could easily catch Layla if he wanted to, but he was letting her have some fun.

After a while, Layla stopped when she got tired and sat on the couch in the living room.

Leon sat beside her and drank Ida's milk from the bottle. It had become his favorite drink now.

The television was on, and Layla was switching channels to find something interesting to watch. She switched to the news channel, and for some reason, Leon's photo was being displayed on the screen.

Of course, he was wearing the mask, and it was his secret killer photo.

"Why are you on the news?" Layla asked and sat on Leon's lap. "What did you do this time?"

"Well, I have done many things, so I am not quite sure what as I am as clueless as you are," Leon scoffed. "Turn up the volume."

Layla increased the volume and listened to what the reporter was saying.

[Once again, the secret killer has spread his terror,] said the reported.


[This time, he killed an innocent cake shop owner and robbed the shop. He also stole all the cakes.]

"..." Leon raised his brows and muttered, "I didn't do it."

[Here is the footage of him running away from the shop after killing the shop owner and robbing the shop.]

The footage was indeed of Leon, but he didn't kill the shop owner nor rob the store.

Layla glanced at Leon and asked, "Was it you?"

"No," Leon replied.

"Then why are they framing you?" 

"I don't know." Leon frowned his face and uttered, "I don't know."

Leon was furious because he was getting blamed for something he hadn't done. If Leon had done it and they had accused him, then he wouldn't have minded because he was getting free fame. But he didn't like getting framed for something he hadn't done.

Leon sighed and took out Eren's gun from his bag. He looked at it and muttered, "I have to get rid of this too."josei

He then took out the family photo he had taken from Liam.

"Layla.." Leon nudged Layla and said, "look at this."

Layla looked at the photo and frowned her face at Leon after saying, "Why is it so dirty?"

"It's not mine," Leon replied. "I got it from the detective who is looking into me."

"How did he get this photo?" Layla asked with a confused look on her face.

She stood up and grabbed the other family photo hanging on the wall. Then, she compared them with each other and said, "They are the same, but the angle is a little different."

"When was this photo taken?" Leon asked Layla.

"I think it was when your mother married my father; it was taken on their wedding day." Layla pointed her finger at the photo in the frame and said, "This one was taken from the studio's camera. And this one… I don't remember, but it's the same photo."

"I am going to kill the detective once I get a hold of his address," Leon asserted.

"I think you shouldn't," Layla muttered.

"He had this photo, and that means he plans to involve you in all this too." Leon gritted his teeth and said, "And that's a death wish."

"Maybe he had the photo for some other reason?" Layla wondered. "If he truly planned to do something, he would have come here, you know?"


"What was the name of the detective?"

"I don't know. If I knew his name, then it would have been easy to track him down. But his initials are Mr.L," Leon replied.

"Do you have his photo?" Layla asked with a curious yet calm look on his photo.

"Why would I have his photo?" Leon furrowed his brows at Layla and asked, "Why do you want his photo?"

"I have this gut feeling that…"


"First, show me his photo," Layla insisted.

Leon searched for detective L on the internet, and a few of his photos came up. Leon clicked on the worst photo and showed it to Layla.

"Here he is."

Leon looked at the photo carefully and said, "Doesn't he look like Liam to you?"

"Hah?!" Leon snorted and uttered, "From what angle?"

"I think I remember where this photo was taken." Layla turned to Leon with a serious look on her face and said, "It was taken from your mother's phone."

"Wait… wait… wait a minute…" Leon grabbed his head in his hands and uttered, "No. If he was Liam, then I would have recognized him. He was my brother."

Layla rubbed her hand on Leon's back and said, "I don't blame you. You were—"

"No! He is not Liam!" Leon yelled. "Don't you remember what happened that day?!"


That day, when they were at the hotel, Layla wanted to go to the washroom, so Leon's mother asked Leon to go with her. Leon reluctantly agreed and went with Layla, although he wanted to punish Layla by locking the door from the outside.

That day, it was his birthday, and Layla was trying her best to ruin it. At that time, Leon hated Layla, and Layla hated Leon.

However, when they were on their way back, all the bombs exploded, and the entire hotel building collapsed, taking the lives of thousands and burying the rest under it.

Out of all the bombs, one bomb was planted beneath the table where Leon and his family were sitting.

"Don't you remember how my mother's head came rolling near my feet? Do you not remember those screams and blood?! We were trapped under the debris for two whole days!"

"But what if Liam wasn't around? What if he survived?" Layla asked in a gentle voice. "There is a possibility, right?"

"If… if he is truly Liam, then why were we the only ones sent to that shit hole where we were always tortured?! Why were we the only ones who suffered?!"

"Maybe there is a reason for that?"

"I don't care. I don't give a shit. Even if he is Liam, I am going to kill him!" Leon declared in a solemn voice.


Question- Just curious, but is anyone interested in Leon and Layla's childhood moments?

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