Secret Marriage: Reborn as A Beautiful Model Student

Chapter 303

Chapter 303: He Had Come in the Wind and Rain! (2)

Chapter 303: He Had Come in the Wind and Rain! (2)

“Listen. What is that sound?”

Ye Tianxin listened to the chuffing sound outside. It sounded faint in the roaring wind and rain.

“It’s a helicopter!”

Wei Weiwei pointed at the helicopter in delight. It that was preparing to land.

“But they already said that the training would last a week. A helicopter coming at this time wouldn’t be pirates, would it?” Yao Qinghan thought out loud.

Ye Tianxin’s heart beat uncontrollably fast. Her black eyes seemed especially bright in the night.

“No, it can’t be pirates. He is here,” Ye Tianxin announced. Then, she hurriedly went down the stairs despite the darkness.

She stood at the entrance of the cell in the rain and looked at the helicopter. A flash of lightning lit up the sky, revealing the helicopter in the darkness.

The door of the helicopter opened, and Li Qingcang slowly alighted. He was instantly drenched.

The rain was pouring hard, but he didn’t mind.

“Elder Brother Li!” Ye Tianxin exclaimed. She couldn’t contain her excitement at seeing Li Qingcang.

It was him.

It was him.

It was him.

Immense joy engulfed Ye Tianxin.

He was here.

He came despite the wind and rain.

Ye Tianxin’s eyes welled with tears. She knew he would come.

There was a wide smile on her face. She could not help but run towards Li Qingcang.

“I am here.”

Li Qingcang hugged Ye Tianxin tightly in the rain. He lowered his head and looked at Ye Tianxin’s face. She met her gaze.

“Yes, you are here.”

Behind them, Yan Lili got off the helicopter. Her legs were shaking until now. What had happened earlier was very scary.

She saw the two locked in a tight embrace, and she felt as if her heart were pierced by a dozen needles.

He had been willing to risk his life to come to this abandoned island just for her.

“Let’s go in first.”

Li Qingcang carried an emergency lamp into the cell.

The dark and run-down cell became especially bright because of Li Qingcang’s arrival.

Li Qingcang scanned the room and saw the other five girls. He said softly to Ye Tianxin, “I brought food and water. You all go ahead and eat some first.”

He had brought just enough for all of them.

The soldiers who had come with Li Qingcang passed the food to the other girls. Yan Lili entered the cell and took out her work pass.

“Trainees, good evening. I am Instructor Yan Lili from the National Defense University. I am in charge of the mental well-being of every student. I am also the instructor in charge of your psych evaluation.”

Yan Lili was dressed in military uniform and looked pretty and cool. She was not ‘celebrity’ pretty but more of a rugged gem.

Ye Tianxin took small bites from her bread. Li Qingcang held a bottle of mineral water as he stood by the side. His eyes were filled with worry as he looked at her.

“Eat slowly. You might choke. I will take you out for a big meal when we go back,” he promised. josei

“Sure,” Ye Tianxin answered immediately. “But it is so windy, and it is raining so heavy tonight. We can’t leave, can we? I saw that it looked pretty dangerous when the helicopter landed earlier.”

Li Qingcang turned to look at the heavy rain outside.

He took out a towel from a bag and put it on Ye Tianxin’s hair. Then he gently stroke her hair with the towel to dry.

“I will keep you company tonight. Don’t be afraid.”

The other girls stole glances at Ye Tianxin and Li Qingcang.

Wei Weiwei’s face was slightly red as she glared at Mu Yuluo and Yao Qinghan who had created the most fuss.

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