Secret Society: Raising Calamity Class Disciples

Chapter 12 Catch Them All

Chapter 12 Catch Them All

Derbury forest.

It would be inaccurate to call the place a forest anymore. The dense and lush forest was long gone. All there was left were shambled grounds and piles of uprooted trees. At the centre was a gigantic ditch formed from the astronomical impact.

The shine of the moon made it look like the remains of an ancient enchanted forest even though the forest was destroyed not even an hour ago.

There was not a single sign of life anywhere to be found. All the animals, even the insects, had escaped long ago. And as for the neighbouring residents, they did not dare to approach the crash-site and the source of those paranormal occurings.

Despite the post apocalyptic state of the forest, it was quiet and serene. But not anymore.

A flash of lightning thundered across the night sky and crashed near the crater, scattering sparks and dust everywhere. When the thunder disappeared and the dust settled, a tall long haired man who appeared in his early thirties stepped forward.

Strands of thunder flickered, orbiting his lavish black coat as his piercing eyes scanned across the region.

A few seconds later, the Earth near him bulged, before a human figure rose up from the ground. Soil cascaded down the newcomer's body and soon, a bearded middle aged man wearing a flat cap appeared. He was shorter, but bulkier than his comrade.

"You are late," said the long haired man, Thompson.

"As if you are the first to arrive here," retorted the middle aged Cassius.

"Enough." A third voice interrupted them. Both Thompson and Cassius moved away from each other as a young man, looking no older than 25, appeared out of thin air and stood between them. He was tall and lean, wearing a brown coat, with a face capable of stealing second glances from even the most aloof of women. A brown hat covered his silky black hair, while his grey eyes were fixed on the scene ahead.

"No matter from which angle I look at it, this doesn't look like a simple case of astronomical impact," Thompson said, "How can there be not a single government kinetic in a city as major as Derbury." He clicked his tongue. "Where's Mr. Clark of the anti-kinetics department? Thought he was chasing one here to Derbury."

"He already reported to 'The Thirteenth'," said the young man. "Reportedly, the subject was declared non-malignant."josei

"The object…" The middle aged man, Cassius, frowned as he stared at the centre of the destroyed crater. "It's taken. And looks like the process wasn't so quiet and peaceful."

"But our mission still remains," said the youngest of the trio, and the strongest- David Ashdown. "Let's see who dared to steal a property of the state, shall we?" He turned to Cassius.

The middle aged man licked his lips. "Humidity 12%. Back at the station, it was 55%. Clearly hydromancy was used, and a high level one at that." He frowned and turned towards the North. "I can sense higher humidity at that direction."

David turned North. His grey eyes glinted gold. "Ice," he said, "all the water here was condensed to a gigantic block of ice."

"And as for geomancy, I don't have to say anything, do I?" Cassius fixed his eyes on the devastated crater.

David nodded and turned to Thompson.

The long haired man removed the glove from his right hand. "The temperature here is 34.6 Cel, 6 units more than the average temperature in Derbury. I don't know about pyromancy, but sensing the magnetic turbulence here, I am sure electromancy was used." He wasted no time and wore the glove back.

David nodded. "Water, Earth, Lightning- all of these used were at level 3." He looked up at the black sky as the golden hue took over his eyes again. Soon, the hue disappeared and he looked back down, before walking to a certain spot near the ditch. The others followed.

David, who was wearing a set of white gloves, crouched down and dusted the ground. Pieces of torn roots were uncovered, along with shard of metals. "Usage of level 3 xylomancy confirmed, along with the ability to hybridise elements."

"Adding woods, it's 4 elements now." Thompson frowned. "All of them level 3, even the ability to hybridise elements. They came prepared."

"Was it the Zeughaus?" Cassius asked. "After all, they have the best mechanists. I am quite sure they have already created a telescope capable of even peering into the moon by now."

"Negative." David stood back up. "We have friendly relationships with Visgoth, the host state of Zeughaus. And they are smart enough to know the risks."

"Maybe it's the Iskalci then," Thompson said. "Those socialists have the best information system in the world."

"That's a possibility." David nodded.

Cassius stayed silent for a few seconds before opening his mouth. "Do you think Caelestis have their hands in this? After all, they can peer into future?"

David shook his head. "I don't think they would pay the price to divine the fall of a mere meteor. But we can't take those wicked bastards out of the equation." He turned Eastwards. "And most of all, we can't deny the possibility of the existence of an unknown party."

His words caused the other two to scowl.

"Why's she taking so long?" Thompson declared.

"She's here," David looked up, prompting the others to do so as well.

A young woman was floating a few meters above them, slowly lowering to the ground. She was wearing an official coat over her pink dress. Her blond hair fluttered with the breeze as she touched the ground.

"So, how many did you victimise, young miss?" Cassius asked.

She ignored the two men and looked at David. "Fortunately, I did not have to hypnotise anyone."

"Oh?" David raised an eyebrow.

"I met Janet Miller. She witnessed all of the phenomena herself." Chrysa reported.

"Janet Miller?" Cassius rubbed his chin. "That Janet Miller?"

"Yes." Chrysa nodded. "The current official Scrivener of 'The Thirteenth'. She can be trusted."

Chrysa reported everything to the trio- from the rumbles, to the lighting strikes, to the appearance and destruction of the creatures, to the lightworks in the sky, and the fact that everything happened in a matter of 10 seconds.

"10 seconds!?" Both Thompson and Cassius shouted in unison. Even David scowled at her remarks.

"Yes." Chrysa nodded. "Janet has no reason to lie."

David looked down at the ground, pondering. "A tornado- high level aeromancy. Gigantic explosion- pyromancy. A structure of light- lumomancy. Looks like all seven of the elements were used. And all seven were at level 3- at least." He raised his grey eyes up. "Nevertheless, we have enough information now to get some results."

The trio nodded and took multiple steps back, giving David some space.

David turned to the crater. Images began to form in his mind. Two faceless silhouettes stood opposite each other. And soon, one dashed at each other as boulders rocketed up from the ground. A moment later, thunder crashed onto the boulders.

He simulated a whole battle from the information he obtained and the conditions of the scene. Soon, he obtained two valid outcomes from hundreds of scenarios.

"Done." A bead of sweat slid down his forehead.

The trio rushed towards him.

"Who?" The impatient Thompson asked. "How many?"

The others stared at David, awaiting an answer.

"Zeughaus, Iskalci, Caelestis- none of the them were involved."

The three teammates knitted their brows. None of the major state secret societies? Then who?

"And as for the number of participants…" David alternated his gaze between the members. "Two."

"WHAT?!" None of them could keep their calm. But nevertheless, they did not doubt a single word David said.

"There are two scenarios. And one of them is impossible. So, we are left with one."

The others kept quiet, awaiting the answer.

"One of them is a trikinetic, and the other is a tetrakinetic. The trikinetic is specialised in close quarter combat and both of them most probably belong to the same organisation as evidenced by the ability to manifest ethereal creatures. This battle was either a spar, or an internal dispute. Chances are high that it was the latter."

Thompson raised his hand. "Caelestis is the only secret society known to house a tetrakinetic. How are you sure it's not him?"

David shook his head. "Secret societies are called 'secret' societies for a reason. Yes, Caelestis has a tetrakinetic. But why would the only 'known' tetrakinetic in the world infiltrate into an enemy nation and broadcast that a tetrakinetic fought here? No matter how strong a tetrakinetic is, he's not stronger than two trikinetics, is he?"

"I apologise." Thompson bowed. "I was shortsighted."

"Sir," the young woman, Chrysa stepped forward, "I would like to inquire about the other scenario."

David heaved out a sigh. "One of them is a septakinetic. And the other, despite being a dikinetic at most, is able to fight the septakinetic to a draw."

The others did not bat an eye. Impossible scenario indeed.

"Worry not." David smirked. "Even if they were septakinetics, against our- The Thirteenth's- core artefact, they are as weak as nonkinetics- ants waiting to be crushed. All we have to do is to find them."

"But how do we find them?" Cassius asked. "According to your deduction, both of them are part of a secret society we have never heard of before."

"Indeed." Davian nodded, the smile on his face yet to wash away. "But we already have a clue."

The assurance of the greatest detective in the nation calmed the trio's hearts.

"Special Investigation Department, Omega team." David pointed to the East, right where a shabby hut stood soundly amongst the destruction.

"Track the inhabitants of that hut."

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