Secret Society: Raising Calamity Class Disciples

Chapter 26 Guns Beat Swords

Chapter 26 Guns Beat Swords

There were six newcomers- all wearing the same grey shirts and flat caps with revolvers cocked in their hands.josei

Xavier gave Eulene a glance. She nodded and charged back towards the entrance while Xavier stood up to take some attention away from her. He fired some shots and downed another enemy.

Eulene took a new position facing the entrance, her back facing Xavier.

Xavier was a master marksman, felling opponents with every shot he took. The enemy side which once had a dozen of men dwindled to a number which could be counted by one hand.

Eulene, on the other hand, was having the time of her life. Sometimes she jumped out from the cover- shooting; sometimes she rolled out and fire shots; other times she slid from one cover to another while firing. And the most absurd of all- sometimes she would just run from one pile to another, experimenting if she had the plot armour of those main characters or not- of being untouchable by bullets.

And apparently, she was a main character. The times where she had to dodge a little with unseeable speed while bullets came at her did not count of course.

As for her own shots, though she missed more often than not, she had more or less used every trick in the book- literally. And while she was at it, she brought down four of gangsters.

Eulene was loving it. She would even sometimes stare at the silvery weapon and apologise to her sword in her mind. She had found a new favourite.

But a time came when she made a blunder- a terrible one. She, with all her excitement, fired a shot; and with her immortal vision, she noticed that it was going to hit its target straight in the forehead.

Eulene panicked and gave Xavier a look. Seeing that he was busy, she decided to do something herself.

Qi coiled in her body. Eulene raced against the very bullet she shot, and just when it was about to pierce into the man's forehead, she pinched the bullet- stopping it.

She sighed in relief. But the gangster was utterly flabbergasted, with eyes and mouth opened agape- as if his soul left his body. What did he just witness? The woman ghosted out of nowhere.

"Forget everything," Eulene said in an apologetic voice and struck the man on his neck- knocking him unconscious. She wasted no time and flashed back to her spot.

She scanned the scene and sighed in relief. Thankfully, nobody had witnessed her actions… or so she thought.

Idiot! Xavier cursed in his mind. He had to use illusion created through lumomancy to hide her unimaginable speed from the third party.

After dozens of shots fired from both sides, the battle was finally coming to an end. While Eulene took out six gangsters that came to reinforce, Xavier had taken care of the main force.

Now, only two remained- the round man who had yet to fire a shot since the battle began, and Fred who had a sharpshooting rifle as his weapon. And both hid behind tricky covers, with no scopes to directly shoot them. Fred, especially, was the trickiest- as he climbed and took position behind the tip of one of the largest pile and had a great vantage point.

Neither did the two gangsters shoot back. It was a standstill.

"Just surrender and answer our questions," Xavier said in a slightly loud voice. But the silent atmosphere of the warehouse passed the message to them.

"You come to our turf! Shoot my boys! And expect me to answer your fucking questions!?" Fred roared and shot his rifle, but the bullet failed to pierce through the thick pile of sacks.

Xavier had already discovered what these sands hid. It was flour- smuggled rations to be exact. And the prior gunfight had whitened parts of the warehouse floor.

A lot of the ground white grain was still in the air- musking the scenery white.

"If you had just answered my question, none of your men would have been shot." Xavier was as nonchalant as ever. "Surrender now. Don't you see that none of them is dead?"

"You think they will live?" Fred snorted. "Who would want to treat us?"

Eulene shouted, "He is… 'was' a doctor. He'll treat everyone."

Fred fired another shot. "Do you take me for a fool?! This man just shot down ten men alone. And you want me to believe he's a doctor."

"Hey!" Eulene yelled. "What do you mean 'alone'? I shot-"


Fred shot again, this time at Eulene- interrupting her. "You are getting no answers today."

"Tsk. Tsk." Xavier's tongue-clicks resounded through the warehouse. "Do you think you can run away from the Detectivete after kidnapping the foreign minister's son?"

"What?!" Fred exclaimed, panic evident in his voice. "I kidnapped nobody!"

"He was kidnapped at the time of the impact. And you are refusing to answer what you were doing at the time. If you are not the culprit, who can be?" Xavier said with a smirk.

"How could I kidnap him?! I was at the whorehouse- fucking the madam!" Fred answered, his panic yet to run away.

Xavier sighed. He was not the man.

"Drop your gun and surrender," Xavier warned, "else, you will have to face all of Detectivete."

"Fuck you! I kidnapped no one!" Fred discharged another bullet. This time, the bullet hit the middle of nowhere- neither close to Xavier, nor Eulene who sneaked close to a cover neighbouring Xavier's.

Xavier heaved yet another sigh. This was going nowhere. He had to do something.

He aimed somewhere near the cover behind which the fat gangster was hiding, and pulled the trigger.

Bang! The bullet glided through the air. Just when it neared the target, the projectile bent to the side- changing trajectory- and pierced through one of the man's button and then into his massive abdomen.

His shirt burst open while blood and fat gushed out from his abdomen. The unhealthy man fainted just at the sight of his blood.

Xavier fired another shot. The piece of metal curved mid air and hit the giant's shoulder. He lost the balance and fell from a three meter height, breaking quite a few bones.

"The bigger they are," Xavier blew the smoke coming out from his gun's nozzle, "the harder they fall."

"How did you do it?" Eulene asked. The slow bullets could not hide from her eyes.

"Idiot," Xavier blurted. "Bullets have magnetic properties."

Eulene scowled. She has had enough of this bastard. She aimed her gun at Xavier's head and pulled the trigger.

Xavier nonchalantly dodged the snail-paced bullet and aimed his weapon at Eulene.

One battle was over, and another began.

After the appetiser, came the main dish. And unlike the former, this dish was not meant to be shared.

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