Secret Society: Raising Calamity Class Disciples

Chapter 44 A Final Visit

Chapter 44 A Final Visit

"Someone who can find him?" Eulene knitted his brows.

"You." Xavier smiled.

Eulene relaxed her eyes in understanding. She knew exactly what he meant.

Days passed. Everything returned back to normal. Miss Maisel had been already somewhat expecting the news. Moreover, she was accustomed to living without her eldest daughter. After ensuring that she was completely fine- both physically and mentally, Xavier and Eulene finally left the house.

The Zeitmann's Tower chimed thrice. The sun was dazzling high in the sky, with no clouds to block its way. Xavier and Eulene readied themselves and departed from the house. In a matter of minutes, they crossed the golden cornfields and reached the main road.

There awaited a familiar face. Wilbur jumped down from his seat and bowed, taking off his hat. One thing about the scene was terribly unfamiliar- and unsettling. The smile that had seemed to glue to his face, was nowhere to be seen.

He could not even look Xavier and Eulene in the eyes.

The duo understood what was going on.

"You don't have to worry," Xavier said. "Revealing everything to the authorities was the right thing to do."


"If I was disappointed or angry, I wouldn't have called you here, would I?" Xavier interrupted him. A couple of hours ago, Xavier tipped a nearby coachman to notify Wilbur. Apparently, every coachman in the town knew of the 'Jolly Willy'.

Wilbur finally, looked at Xavier's eyes, before turning to Eulene. Seeing the smile on her face, he could not keep his lips straight any longer. The smile returned to his face. It seemed like his face was aching from forcefully keeping up the non-smiley look.

"Please hop on, young sir and young miss." Wilbur put his hat back on and opened the carriage door. "Today's ride is on me."

Xavier gave way and gestured Eulene to get in first.

Eulene was surprised. This was the first time the bastard was showing such gentlemanly gestures. But when she remembered that she was not going through the best of days, the pieces seemed to come together. Maybe the bastard was not that much of a bastard after all.

Eulene got stepped into the carriage and sat at her usual spot. Xavier followed and sat opposite her.

Wilbur closed the door and jumped back to his seat at the front. He did not waste any time and whipped the reins. He was already accustomed to his regular customers' habits.

The small window behind him would open right about…

Swish. It opened.

The smile on Will's face intensified, but he kept his eyes on the road.

"Take us to Doctor Joseph Heart's address. Not his facility, but his house." Xavier slid the window back to a close.

The psychiatrist's house was not far away from his workplace- at the easternmost region of the town. Hence it took a whole hour to reach their destination despite the non-existent traffic.

The carriage stopped right outside a small mansion. Like before, Xavier gave way to Eulene first and then exited himself.

The duo's eyes fell on their destination. Behind a sturdy wall and a tidy yard, lay a small two-storeyed mansion. Though it fell short of the Electal Lord's residence, it was of no doubt that the family who resided in there were of blue blood and extraordinary origins. After all, not everyone could afford a manor like this in a small town like Derbury.

There was a uniformed guard standing at the gates. Witnessing Xavier's high-class attire, and Eulene's beauty, he did not even bother to ask them any questions and led them to the mansion's entrance.

Both Xavier and Eulene scanned through the entire house with their senses and powers. As expected, the doctor was not there. But they cared little.

A well outfitted butler received them from the door and led them to the guest room.

Xavier and Eulene sat on the sofas before the butler requested them to wait and left.

Eulene contemplated on something before turning to Xavier. [I am going to do something after this meeting. I don't want to have any sort of ties with the murderer. So, don't be surprised later.]

Xavier frowned. But he did not question anything. He had some conjectures in mind.josei

Xavier then busied himself on inspecting the guest-room. There was a large black and white picture of a couple and their children- a son and a daughter. Right next to it, was another picture of the same size- of a couple. And the male looked extremely familiar- Joseph Hearts.

The lady beside him was beautiful. Just the picture alone was exuding grace and elegance. One could easily understand why someone as 'perfect' as Doctor Hearts came all the way from Aramon to court her.

Xavier turned back to the earlier picture and focused on the young girl. She greatly resembled the lady- Doctor Heart's wife.

He had a gist of who the people in the picture were. Next, his eyes moved to a couple of the certificates. All of them had one name- Hugh Ponting. They declared the achievements of the physician- his educational qualifications, decorations and services.

Even the showpieces were those of sculpted human organs and skeletons- some recently crafted, and some from decades ago. Clearly, the noble family was that of a long line of physicians.

Finally, Xavier's eyes landed on a small photograph. There were two young men, with their arms over the others' shoulders and bright smiles on their faces. The older one looked looked liked the younger version of Doctor Hearts.

As for the other one, his facial features were a bit different from normal human beings- with a flattened face, short neck and upward slanting eyelids. Even the smile on his face looked childish. Clearly, he was going through some form of disorder.

Nevertheless, Xavier could sense the brotherly affection from the photo.

The door to the guest room suddenly opened. A lady walked in.

She looked even more beautiful in person, as her blond hair and green eyes, along with her bright dress added colours to the already wondrous figure.

Xavier immediately stood up. Eulene followed.

"Greetings, Miss Hearts." Xavier took off his hat and bowed. "I am Xavier Godwin. Pardon us for the sudden intrusion."

"Greetings." The lady curtsied. "What brings you here to our humble abode."

Xavier's eyes turned serious as he donned his hat back on.

"We are here to catch your husband."

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