Secretly The Billionaire Boss

Chapter 378

Chapter 378

Chapter 378

Chapter 378: Not working

"I will be the one to call the police because this is my company!" Grey yelled at them.

Seth ignored him as he moved aside to speak with whoever he wanted.

"Please sir, we need to finish up with the interview! You can't barge in like this. It's uncalled for!" The lady scolded.

Smith looked at her with clenched teeth." You better watch your mouth or you will be beaten!" He yelled at her.

The lady recoiled back in fear.

Grey regarded Smith for a moment. "If you don't leave at this moment, you will regret it," he warned.

"Or what?" Smith had a smirk on his face as he watched Grey. ‘There's absolutely nothing you can do. How were you even able to find this place? I bet you took loans from the bank so that you would be able to get the order but I'm sorry to shut your illusion, this order is ours!" He stated strongly and with so much determination before he moved to join Seth.

The lady turned to Grey. "What do we do about it, boss?"

Grey regarded the lady for a moment. "Who are you by the way?"

The lady smiled. "I'm Rose and I assume you are the CEO of the Diamond base company. Miss Maria appointed me as the secretary," she revealed.

Grey nodded once. "Send a message to all the applicants that the interview has been rescheduled to tomorrow morning."

Rose bowed slightly. "Alright boss," she responded and walked away.

Grey pulled out his phone and placed a call to Alfred. He picked it up immediately. "Hello, Hercules. I was going to call you actually concerning Beatrice."

Grey heart skipped a beat. "Yea, what about her? Is she alright?"

"Not really. The doctor said they found a trace of a hard substance in her system. This is why her brain is shutting down several times. But now that they've seen the cause of the problem, they would be able to provide the solution," he explained.

Grey released a sigh. "Alright. Thank you but I need your help here."

"Yes, is everything alright?"

"Not really. Smith and Seth just showed up and they are threatening to call the police over here. I will need your help."

"No problem, Hercules. I will send someone higher in position than who they would send," Alfred responded.

"Good, thank you. Let's talk later then," he hung up as Seth was already moving nearer.

"Who are you calling? Do you think you can escape today like you did last night? You must be joking!" He spat out.

Grey released a sigh. ‘You need to leave now. This isn't your company and you have no right to tell me to leave."

Aman entered the lobby and his gaze searched around. "Boss," he directed at Grey and moved closer. 'We are here with the furniture already," he announced.

Seth smiled softly as a loud screech sounded from outside.

The man looked back and as if sensing danger rushed out of the lobby. Grey and Seth followed after.

The police were actually talking with the driver and before Grey knew it, the police had already collected the keys from him. The police looked up at Grey and their gaze locked for a moment. Then, he moved closer.

"You must be Grey," he pointed an accusing finger at him.

"May I ask the reason why you had to collect the keys from the driver? And you still stopped them from unpacking. Is something wrong?" Grey demanded as he acted clueless.

Well, Alfred was going to handle the situation anyways.

The police regarded him for a moment, with a dark frown. "Interesting," he turned around towards his fellow policemen. "Get inside and drag out whoever is in. We are closing the company!" He announced.

"On what account?" Grey yelled back.

"I told you that you were going to regret it!" Seth whispered to him.

"You can't close the company without a reason!" Grey fired at him.

‘Who said there isn’t?" Smith said suddenly as he walked closer. "I am the witness."

The police nodded briefly with a smile on his face. ‘That will be used against you in the court of law."

Grey watched the police for a moment, then looked at Seth. "You can't get away with this."

"Oh, we have already," Seth laughed.

"I guess our work here is done. We can leave right?" Seth demanded from Smith.

Smith looked at Grey. "Let's wait for the police to finish with what he's doing so we can be assured that Grey is done for," he voiced out.

"But the car belonged to US. Please, let's take it back. It's a company car," the man from earlier tried to change the police mind.

The police ignored his pleas and turned around. "Next time, When you are asked a question, you answer," his last word didn't finish when his phone started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket sluggishly.

On seeing the name on the screen, his heart made a sudden thug. It was his boss.

He cleared his throat meaningfully and took a few steps away. "Hello boss he went quiet for a moment as the caller continued to talk. "Al-alright boss," he stammered and turned to look at Grey, a smile playing on his lips slowly. "I-," he stopped and swallowed harder.

"My boss wants to speak with you," he announced.

Smith looked at Grey, shocked for a moment. Then he looked at Seth. "Is something happening?"

Seth focused on Grey. "I'm surprised as well."

Grey looked up at the policeman. "And why should I do that?"

"Please, just do so. I’m so sorry," he pleaded softly.

Grey nodded once and took the phone from him. He placed it against his ear. "Hello."

"Hello, is this Grey?" A deep voice inquired.

"Yes and this policeman said you are his boss. He has been harassing me for a while and even threatened to close up my company without a reason," he complained.

"Seriously?" The man roared. "Put me on speaker, please."

Grey complied.

"Samson! You better get your ass out of that place before you are arrested. I'm going to send a backup team over to that place immediately!" He threatened.

"Boss, I will do as you want!" Samson said. He wasn’t expecting things to go so badly. Seth actually paid him some amount of money to threaten Grey.

"And you are fired for pulling such a trick behind my back! Without no official justification!"

Seth and Smith were left in shock at what just happened.

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