Secretly The Billionaire Boss

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 150

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 150

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 150

Chapter 150: Grandfather Grey let out a low rumble of laughter as he watched Kanye. “Seriously?” There was a twist on his lips as he watched Kanye.

“What? You won’t do it?” Kanye was enraged the more.

“Well, the guy is stubborn,” Chloe remarked.

“I’m going to count 1-3 for you to do what the pretty lady just asked or you will regret every time that you have spent on this Earth,” he threatened in a thick voice.

Grey ignored him, not really interested in his threats or what he could actually do. He wouldn’t be there anyways if the elders didn’t insist on meeting that night. Grey was very tired. Well, he had always been tired these days. All he wanted to do was go home to sleep. “_3!” Kanye finished counting. Grey didn’t even know when he started. Anyways, his eyes almost turned red with furry and he raised his hand towards Grey’s cheek.

Suddenly, his hand was suspended in the air. A hand was suddenly preventing it from going down.

Kanye and Grey craned their necks to look at Gregory. There was a dark frown on his face that showed he was really angry.

Kanye seemed to recognize who he was, and his expression fell. “Gre_gory,” he stammered.

“What was he trying to do?” Alfred’s voice came from behind them. “Maybe I didn’t see it well,” Gregory stated in a deep voice and let go of Kanye.” I might have killed him if that had happened.” Kanye let Grey go and turned around to look at Alfred, his eyes went wide with shock.

Meanwhile, since Chloe just came. She didn’t really recognize anyone. But she noted the designer wears that they were putting on. It showed how rich they were. Why was Grey with someone like them?

“What’s happening here?” She asked, perplexed. “Who is the bitch questioning?” A soft voice reached their ears. Chloe turned to look at Aphrodite. She may not know any of the men around but

she knew Aphrodite very well. Aphrodite was like a role model to her. He had always admired her style and hoped she could one day be like her.

“What were you doing again, Kanye? Trying to lay your hands on Grey?” Luciano inquired teasingly Jayden sighed as if he was uninterested. “I guess Kanye is currently fed up with life.” He remarked.

Kanye went on his knees immediately. “No! Please!”

Chloe watched the people, shocked. She was so confused, unlike Kanye who somehow knew who the people were. Chloe was shocked that people were siding with Grey. Even the popular Aphrodite was siding with Grey.

Grey stared at the elders for a while, shocked. It was the first time that they were all coming out to define him. They were always very hidden. So, their current action made him suspicious of who Kanye was. “Kanye should be punished. He had bitten more than he can chew,” Greg remarked.

“No please Gregory. Don’t do this to me. I didn’t know who he was. I just saw him about to enter the room and then,” he stopped for a moment and turned to look at Chloe.” This was all your fault! You told me gibberish and u believed. I didn’t know you are such a liar!” He threw at her without even permitting her to defend herself. He was so annoyed as well. Even though he was still yet to know who Grey was, yet with the big men fighting for him. He knew that Grey was someone very influential. “Please, what’s really happened here? I’m kind of lost,” Chloe said suddenly.” This man standing here is a live-in son- in-law.”

“Shut up bitch, you are starting to make me angry,” Aphrodite said suddenly, cutting Chloe off from what she was about to say next. “Grey is no Son-in-law. He’s our master,” Gregory declared. Every gaze turned towards him. The other elders were shocked as well.

Chloe’s eyes almost went out of their socket as she stared. It actually looked like she heard it all wrong or maybe her ears were playing tricks on her. “What? A master? Grey is a master?” Shock kept her motionless for a moment. “So, you still have the mouth to talk after all you’ve caused? “See, that is the end of it. Just forget about getting the job. And in fact, I’m going to tell everyone what you have tried to do with me!”

Chloe’s eyes went wide again.” What! Please don’t! Don’t ruin my image!” She beseeched softly. “Image?” Kanye hissed. “I’m going to treat your fuck off for making me go against someone that I shouldn’t!” He yelled at her. “No, please. Kanye, don’t do this,” Chloe beseeched. She turned to look at the men one after the other, then back at Grey. “Grey, please. If the words leak out, I would be in deep trouble. Please, I will do anything you want. Just tell Kanye not to say a word.”

Aphrodite sighed.” I will be waiting in the room,” she announced suddenly and walked inside the room with Alfred, Luciano, and Jayden but Gregory stated back. He wanted to see where it would all end. novelbin

Kanye looked over at Grey again. “Please, master. Please, forgive me.”

Grey let out a sigh. “It’s alright. You have been forgiven,” he announced.

Kenya smiled and moved closer to dust the speck of dirt from Grey’s clothes. Then, he turned toward Chloe. “Just forget it. It’s over. Be ready to deal with your reputation.” Chloe shook her head slightly. ” Please, don’t do this. Please, I’m begging you. Grey, please do something.” Grey was still shocked at Chloe’s change in behavior. He had never expected her to beg him. Chloe had always been so arrogant and downgrading. “You will do anything I want right?” Grey inquired. Chloe nodded briefly, desperately. “Please, tell Kenya not to do the shut he just said he would.”

Grey nodded briefly.” No problem. That’s fine but you will have to kneel in front of me and call me grandfather, that’s before I would even consider you.” Chloe swallowed harder.


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