Secrets of the Universe

Chapter 192

Chapter 192: The Future of the Sky Steps

*Shui!* *Shui!*

A group of people was traversing the great Cumberland River.

The River seemed endless as it crossed over various islands. Yet, the horizon was filled with its stretches.

The River was the only one that led to the southern sea and further to the other seas.

It was important to the entire archipelago.

Currently, the group consisted of about twenty warriors dressed in different outfits.

After each passing of an island, their numbers would increase but never decrease.

From this, it could be understood that they all had one destination in mind; The Owl Island, home of the Astral Sect!!

Among the large group were two hooded people that garnered attention. Luckily for them, they weren't the only ones with hoods over their head.

*Shui!* *Shui!*

Their speed wasn't also necessary the fastest among them. It was just average.

'Hmmm…. Still a few hours more,' thought one of them.

It was Jake.

His thoughts were rapid as his full concentration was on his feet.

Originally, Jake had planned to board a boat, but he quickly realized that the fastest way was by foot.

He and Kaleyx joined a group of people who used their abilities gained from cultivating to run across the river. Each of them used their optimum speed and had not stopped to take a break.

At first, he had assumed that running on water would be quite technical, but he later realized that it was probably very easy for any [Realm-3] warrior.

The trick was to use one's [Spirit Essence] to forcefully maintain the water retention rate.

Well, that was one way of doing it, the best and common way, but Jake could already walk on water even before he reached [Realm-2].

Granted, he could only run on it, constantly in motion. Once he stopped, he would succumb to the water.

Hence, he used the general method of walking on water.

It had been more than half a day since he had left the Weeping Island.

Jake reckoned that in a few more hours he would arrive at the Owl Island, which was said to be the biggest island in the archipelago.

His curious mind could not help but wonder what he would meet on the island.

Currently, he was among the top strongest individual on the continent, but he knew that he was still a bit far off from being among the true top.

'What a sad life?' sighed Jake.

If he had a choice, he would prefer to dive into his mountain of books and not focus on cultivation, but he needed to be powerful to do that.

Rumors said that the strongest individual on the continent was the Astral Sect Leader, a man at the legendary [Realm-4].

Still, with his immense powers, it was quite too hopeful to think that he could curb the zombie outbreak.

Jake had seen the outbreak with his eyes and knew that there was no stopping it. Not when zombies that could rival the sect leader still walked the continent.

However, the sect leader could at least guarantee his safety, unlike Jake and Kaleyx, who had to complete bounties to guarantee their lives.

'It goes on and on and on…..' mused Jake.

The path was endless. 

But one thing was sure, his goal. People sought fame and power, but Jake sought perfection.

Once he got that, he would sleep. Sleep in the field of stars. Combine with the moon and sun.

His every snore would mark a cosmic cycle.

Jake's eyes beamed at the thought of that, 'Perfection!'

Ultimately, he got motivated to review himself and highlight the parts that were not perfect.

'What a sad life? It seems that almost every part of me is beyond perfect. However, I'm still able to produce an attack power that makes me almost invincible in the same realm,' analyzed Jake.

He went on, 'Hmmm….my body being the main problem. My healing factor is below average and my physical strength is actually embarrassing. Worst of all is my stamina which could prove to be the cause of my death one day.'

In his mind, he played out the multiple battles he had gone through and could find each of his body weaknesses visible in every battle.

It was glaring, like the stars at night.

'I reckon that this would be taken care of once my project is commenced,' realized Jake.

He moved on to the next issue, 'My array of techniques. So far, I have the [Lightning Blade], [Lightning Movement], [Glacial Floor],  [Ice Blade], [Sky Steps], [Lightning Sky Steps], [Giant Sky Steps], and [Revised Limitless Slash]'

'Three attack techniques. One movement technique. One defense technique. Three auxiliary techniques. This might seem like a nice collection, but it's actually bad. I need to upgrade my defense technique. Last time, Kaleyx easily broke through it. 'josei

'My movement technique barely increases my base speed. I could still run normally and still be that fast. Hmmm….This also needs improvement.'

'My attack techniques are too technical. I rarely use the remaining two and only focus on the [Revised Limitless Slash]. This made me too dependent on melee. I need a rain-type of attack or a blast-type, like the [Wind Blades] that Cheyenne threw at me during our battle.  Hmmmm…. I will need to get or create a different type of attack technique.'

'As for my auxiliary techniques, they are perfect! Honestly, they have endless potential and I can still see myself using [Sky Steps] as the basis for other techniques in the future. I just need to improve the original concept, making it something that can grow along with me,' smiled Jake.

He had grown accustomed to the [Sky Steps]. It was only his firm mind keeping him from creating an endless amount of techniques using the [Sky Steps].

Having reached a bottleneck when improving the original [Sky Steps], Jake had found his next path.

He had found a way to improve it beyond what the original creator imagined. In fact, it was not arrogant to say that the [Sky Steps] was already beyond the original creator's imaginations.

Grinning, Jake hoped to see what more wonders he could create from the technique


Half a day later, the group arrived at their destination. 

Different people in all sorts of garments coalesced at the sort of coastal region.

It had been long since their feet had touched new soil and they took their time to revel in this feeling.

While some of them weren't aware, the majority of them saw a huge signboard the moment they landed on the island that said; Owl Island!

On one side of the coast, Kaleyx examined the different people that came with them.

She couldn't rest easy knowing that they were walking around carrying the bounty every warrior in the archipelago dreamed of.

The target on their backs was shinning blaringly.

Sooner or later, people will find out that they were the ones with the bounty.

Kaleyx turned to Jake, who seemed deep in thought, "You feel the urgency too?"

She was confident in her strength, but she knew it wouldn't help her, not when warriors were already desperate, going into a frenzy.

"That guy….." Jake pointed at another hooded young person.

From Jake's perspective, he could feel a strange aura escaping from the man, "He's dangerous."

The aura was boundless, almost like Jake's aura, but it wasn't as calm as him.

If he were to compare, Jake's aura was like a frozen and silent lake. The snake that lurks in the sea, not making any sound, no clue, just a deathly silence.....just like Jake.

While this man's aura was like the blue sea that at first produced no audible sound. On second look, the aura had a thin humming that was disturbing to hear. It was like the sounds one would hear when they think of the calm before the storm.

The humming sound can be heard everywhere. 

Jake didn't like listening to his aura.

"Yeah, I feel it too… it's strange," cautioned Kaleyx.

She then said to Jake, "Let's go."

Mounting the land, the duo walked a few dozen kilometers, before they saw the next signpost.

"Labyrinth Forest," read Jake.

In front of them was a field of flowers that was alluring to all sorts of people.

"So this is the Labryinth Forest. Interesting….." mused Jake.

With his [Akashic Eye] semi-active, he could see a pink trail that twirled everywhere.

Having done his homework on Owl Island, he and Kaleyx knew what the pink trail entailed.

Hence, they were not bothered and entered the forest.

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