Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 240 Lady Of The Night (64)

Chapter 240 Lady Of The Night (64)

(Northern Region- Outskirts Of New Atlantic City)

(Unnamed Forest)

A large tent had been constructed behind a cliff. This tent could house around twenty people and had been specially modified.

The material that made up the tent had been coated in a thick adhesive coat of paint that blocked out all sunlight from penetrating to its interior.

This made the inside of the tent completely dark despite the fact that the midday sun was shining brightly overhead.

A gorgeous female vampires wearing a navy-blue dress stood in the middle of a strange red circle.

She was surrounded by eleven vampires who held various weapons in their arms.

Some held swords, bow and arrows, daggers, and whips while others carried more modern weaponry like guns or grenades.

"Are you ready?" Princess Esme whispered softly.

The vampires surrounding her nodded and a terrifying smile flashed across the female vampire's face.

Everything was prepared.

By the end of today... Camilla would be dead.

House Mornt and Prince Antonio would be the two rulers of vampire kind... well at least until she killed that old fool and took all that power and authority for herself.

Princess Esme could hardly contain her excitement as she imagined a future as the sole ruler of all the vampires.

Not since the First Ancestor had a vampire managed to unite all of their race into a single faction.

Esme wanted to be the successor to the great one. The father of all vampires and the one who had gifted them their immortality.

The crimson lines on the ground wriggles and squirmed slightly as if they were alive. Magical energy filled the air and the darkness inside the tent seemed to become solid.

Princess Esme held up an ancient book in her right hand and flipped over to the page where the teleportation spell was located.

It was all thanks to this book.

Her greatest treasure.

"Immortui lanuae castrum!" Princess Esme whispered as she could feel her lifeforce slowly draining away.

Blood magic always had a price but to an immortal taking away lifespan was like reducing the waters of the sea by scooping out a cup.

The crimson lines on the ground glowed fiercely, and a terrible pressure descended on the vampires in the circle.

This pressure was so fierce that it sent most of the vampires to their knees.

"What... what is happening?" Princess Esme cried out in shook as she felt the drain on her lifespan suddenly intensify a hundredfold.

This didn't make any sense.

A mass teleportation spell should only use around two hundred years of life, but the female vampire could feel her immortality slowly slip away.

Princess Esme screamed in horror as she glanced at her arm and saw wrinkles slowly begin to crawl up her pale flesh.

Her long reddish hair began to shrivel up and flecks of grey could be seen spreading out from the roots of her hair.

"NO! NO! I HAVE TO CANCEL!" Princess Esme screamed in pain as she felt a cold object penetrate her ribcage.

She tried to turn around to see the face of her unknown attacker, but the blade twisted and sliced her heart into two pieces.

Princess Esme who was one of the most powerful vampires to ever live... died without even a whimper.

Her body disintegrated into specks of dust which flowed into the still active crimson lines.

Screams and cries of pain echoed through the tent as the surviving vampires were picked off one by one.

Some begged... some cursed... some tried to flee... but it was all useless.

The crimson lines of magic on the ground prevented anyone from escaping which meant that the vampires were now lambs to the slaughter.

As the last vampire collapsed on the ground motionless with the life draining out from his crimson eyes... a dark chuckle echoed through the room.

A figure stepped out from the shadows of the tent and a twisted grin of pleasure could be seen on his face.

He stretched out his right hand and a raven cawed loudly outside the tent.

The mysterious figure slowly lowered the hood of his cloak to reveal a face that was covered by dark runes and scars.

Prince Samuel let out a moan of pleasure as he felt the lifeforce and energy of the twelve vampires in flow into his body.

His cloudy and unfocused eye briefly turned back to normal as his skeleton-like physique began to fill out with muscle.

"This power... it's been centuries..." Prince Samuel muttered quietly to himself as a sad expression flashed across his face.

The crimson lines on the ground disappeared and were replaced by a new pattern that throbbed and hummed with power.

Prince Samuel knew that his visions always came true, but he was especially pleased with how easy his fellow vampire high lord had been to manipulate.

Princess Esme was nothing more than an overambitious schemer always ready to expand her territory.

Samuel had preyed on her ambitions by intentionally giving her an ancient spell book to 'discover' in a ruin near her castle.

She never knew the truth.

Oh... most of the spells were indeed powerful and the anti-magic rune was real but the teleportation spell...

That was the trap.

Samuel rubbed his fingers together as he felt anticipation fill his heart. He muttered a few incomprehensible words under his breath and his figure vanished from the room.

It was time for his vision to come to fruition.





(Castle Eden- Training Field)

Mary swung her sword at a target located at the back of the field and a wave of golden flames erupted from the tip of her blade.

The flames travelled in a straight line and reached the target in a matter of seconds. The wooden dummy exploded into thousands of flaming pieces.

The young woman smiled beneath the white helmet that was covering her face.

She had gotten up early today since she just could not fall asleep last night.

The unpleasant feeling that something was about to go wrong had only gotten worse over the last few days.

Mary wasn't sure what to do about it since she had tried all the methods that she knew to calm herself down, but nothing worked.

Finally, she decided that it was probably best to do some heavy training until she tired herself out and then she would finally be able to get some sleep.

So, for this training session she was wearing her full suit of armour and practising the hunting techniques that used a lot of sunlight energy.josei

Mary adjusted her stance and prepared to launch another attack when what seemed to be an earthquake shook the castle.

She barely managed to stay upright as the castle shook furiously from side to side.

A loud cracking noise echoed through the castle and strange eerie red lines appeared on the floor.

"What the hell..." Mary's voice trailed off as she was thrown against the nearest wall with so much force that the back of her armour instantly cracked.

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