Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 282 The Hunter Who Killed Immortals (33)

Chapter 282 The Hunter Who Killed Immortals (33)

(Southern Region- Xercopolis Empire)

(Capital City)

A year was considered a blink of an eye to immortal cultivators.

Xu Lu looked around the bustling marketplace and tried her best not to bump into the many civilians that were moving around while buying and selling wares.

The saintess glanced at the thin sheet of paper in her hand. The paper contained a map that had been hastily sketched.

The final destination of the map was a building.

Whoever had made the map was not a good artist but still tried to illustrate what the exterior of the building looked like.

Xu Lu could only assume that in reality the two- story building would not be leaning slightly to one side and have missing tiles on its roof.

The saintess walked through the crowd and an invisible pressure formed around her body. This pressure acted as a barrier and prevented the civilians from getting too close.

The capital city of the Xercopolis Empire was in the heart of the southern region of the continent and it was where the objective of her mission was located.

Honestly Xu Lu was still surprised that her master had let her go after her confinement period was over.

She had been cultivating non-stop for a year using the Frozen Hell Art and then her master appeared.

Lei Ying demanded that she go down to the mission hall and in her words…

"Do not bring shame to me by failing yet another mission."

Xu Lu had no choice but to agree.

Besides it was a welcome opportunity to take a break from the Holy Sword Sect and explore the rest of the continent.

The mission that she had chosen was a four star solo mission that involved investigating the disappearance of several disciples of a clan under the Holy Sword Sect's control.josei

The clan leader had a talisman given to him by a previous sect head of the Holy Sword Sect, so he used it to invoke this request.

Xu Lu pulled the white robe even tighter around her body as she walked through a maze of street stalls and bizarre stores.

She was not wearing the robes of a Holy Sword Sect disciple. Instead, she wore generic white robes that most wild cultivators would usually put on.

The mask placed on her face did draw some attention but there were quite a few cultivators around who also concealed their appearances so apart from a few odd glances…

She had blended in quite well.

Why did she not reveal her identity as the saintess?

Well for obvious reasons… if whoever had killed or kidnapped those disciples knew that she was in the city then they could easily disappear or flee.

Xu Lu continued to walk for several more minutes until she finally arrived at a run-down building located at the end of an alleyway.

The building was… a brothel?

Xu Lu's face flushed slightly under the mask as several attractive woman wearing little clothing could be seen hanging around the entrance of the building.

It was quite the culture shock considering that most people that she interacted with in this mission world wore long robes that fell down to their ankles.

Still… she had to be brave.

The person who gave this map to her said that this was where she could find the city's information guild.

Xu Lu took in a few deep breaths and the inhumanly beautiful face of Camilla flashed across her mind.

Yeah… compared to her vampire wife these women were hideous.

The saintess approached the brothel and some of the prostitutes notices her arrival from the distance.

"Good afternoon," Xu Lu politely spoke.

"Ah… a woman… sorry miss… we don't have men working here," one of the women spoke respectfully as she noticed the ethereal aura around Xu Lu's body.

"No. I'm here to speak to the madam," Xu Lu laughed softly and her bell-like giggles left the woman who had spoken to her in a bit of a daze.

"Right… right… come this way," the woman hastily spoke as she walked inside the building with a bit of a blush on her face.

Xu Lu nodded and followed the woman inside the brothel. If her master could see her now, then she would probably have a heart attack.

The esteemed saintess of the Holy Sword Sect… last seen going inside a brothel filled with mortal women.

My goodness! What a scandal!

A small smile flashed across Xu Lu's lips but fortunately it was hidden behind the silvery grey mask that concealed her facial features.

The inside of the brothel was surprisingly… clean?

Soft carpets covered the wooden floors, private rooms were separated by translucent purple or golden curtains that made it possible to see vaguely what was going on inside.

Gasps, moans, and other noises of pleasure filled the air. It was a cacophony of decadence and enjoyment of the flesh.

The woman led Xu Lu through the building and past large private rooms that were clearly for high end clients.

One of the doors swung open and a man exited the private room. His face lit up when he saw Xu Lu in her plain white robes.

"Ahh… baby… why don't you take off that sexy mask of yours," the pot-bellied middle-aged man walked towards Xu Lu with staggering steps.

"These worn-out old whores… they don't excite me anymore… I need something fresh… now come here you…"

"Sorry but I don't work here," Xu Lu calmly replied.

"That doesn't matter… you think I take no for an answer? Strip you slut… I'll pay you well…" the man continued to pressure Xu Lu with his words.

He walked towards Xu Lu and stretched out his arms to grab her body.

The saintess moved her body slightly to the left and the man who was reaching out for her fell to the ground ungracefully.

"YOU BITCH! DO YOU KNOW WHO I…" the man's angry shout was abruptly cut off as Xu Lu knelt down and stared at him with her brown pupils.

A trace of killing intent leaked out of her body and the force of her bloodlust was so high that the man could not breathe under the pressure.

"I hope you don't treat the women in here with that kind of attitude," Xu Lu snarled softly as she stretched out her hand and lightly tapped the man's forehead.

She injected a cold stream of qi from her fingertips and the strand of qi travelled through the man's body and arrived at a certain location.

The man passed out from the cold and a satisfied smirk spread across the saintess' face.

It was a petty act to be sure but… maybe it was a good thing that this man would no longer be able to bear any more children.

"You… you might need to leave the city," the woman guiding Xu Lu stuttered slightly as she took a few steps backwards away from the collapsed man.

"He… he is one of the princes of the empire… quickly! You need to leave now!"

"Don't worry," Xu Lu calmly spoke as she reached into her storage ring and pulled out a small piece of talisman paper.

She pressed the paper against the unconscious man's forehead, and it glowed with a soft yellowish light.

"Now he won't remember anything," Xu Lu explained as she got up from the ground.

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