See You Never, Mr. Lamont by Coral

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 You’re Wrong “You see, her temper, I used to think she was well-mannered, but look at her now, she’s nothing like the Friedan family, not even as polite as Elva,” Thomas gasped for breath. “This child, who wasn’t raised by our side, is just unreliable.” Ervin frowned and worriedly glanced in the direction Claudia had left. Father, like Derrick, had not yet adapted to Claudia’s personality. Just like Claudia, she didn’t manage to fit into this family well. If they wanted Claudia to willingly accept them, they should not have alienated her from the beginning. He solemnly said to his father, “Dad, Claudia is right, it was you who made the mistake.” “At the beginning, I advised you not to interfere with her decisions. She hasn’t grown up with you for over twenty years, and her way of doing things and personality have already formed. We should wait for her to gradually accept us, instead of forcefully arranging her future.” “And also, please don’t get involved in Elva’s matter,” Ervin didn’t tell him the information he had found, although he didn’t want to speculate on Elva’s thoughts, there were too many doubts about Bella’s incident. If Waldron hadn’t checked Claudia’s bloodline first, their whole family might have mistaken Bella for Seraphina. Over the years, not only Derrick and himself, but even their father, have already treated Elva as their own daughter, but they forgot that Elva and they have no blood relationship. 0.00% On Claudia’s first day here, things ended on a sour note, and surprisingly, it was Elva’s idea. Ervin looked at his father’s aged face and said with a hardened heart, “After she recognized us, we didn’t do anything for her. The first thing we should do is to arrange her life. Think about it, is this fair to her?” Thomas caressed the teacup, opened his mouth, and finally sighed, “You’re right, I was confused.”

Elva gave him an idea, and for a moment, he got carried away and didn’t expect this. Thinking it over, it’s not Claudia’s fault. If it were him, he would also get angry. “Let’s arrange the family recognition this weekend since she’s back. Now that she’s returned, it’s our turn to support her.” *** Claudia wanted to go and see Emily, but she found out that she had already gone to bed early. Just as she was about to say goodbye to Ervin, she was stopped by the maid. “Ms. Lloyd, Mr. Friedan said that from now on you will be living here. The biggest room on the third floor has been cleared out for you, and everything inside belongs to you. If you need anything, please feel free to let us know.” She looked outside and indeed it was getting late. Thinking that the Friedan’s manor was too big and inconvenient to go back, she hesitated for a few seconds but still decided to stay. When she reached the third floor, she realized that this room was very sp ac ious, even bigger than Elva’s previous room. I opened a random cabinet and found it filled with a dazzling array of

19.35% 15:421 140 (Vouchers jewelry. However, she was not in the mood to watch. Thinking about what happened on the dining table today, she touched her stomach and her heart pounded, I didn’t sleep all night. The next day, I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. “Edmond came,” said Ervin’s voice, with a hint of resignation. Edmond?

How could he come? She rolled over like a carp, quickly tidied everything up, and hurriedly opened the door, asking Ervin, “How did he know I was here?” Watching her nervous appearance, Ervin smiled and said, “Perhaps you were already under his control.” Edmond was not an ordinary person, so it was not surprising that he could quickly find out someone’s whereabouts. As soon as the father knew that Edmond had arrived, he immediately wanted to call him in, but he was stopped by him. No one should interfere in Claudia and Edmond’s affairs, and no one could interfere. Unless Edmond bullied Claudia, he would not show any mercy. When Claudia hurriedly walked out of the house, she immediately saw Edmond leaning against a motorcycle, with a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, his pupils pitch black and indifferent. 39.19% iVouchers His handsome eyebrows and eyes were blurred in the lingering smoke, with a profound gaze that made it difficult to see clearly. Claudia stopped walking. This Edmond is different from the one in her memory. She had seen this motorcycle in the basement of the Lamont’s manor, it had been sitting there for several years. She thought it was all scrapped, but she didn’t expect that he could still ride it out. She walked up to him and asked, “Why did you come?” Yesterday, I brought home a bunch of gifts and her attitude toward this big “boss” also lowered. Edmond glanced at her and noticed that she was still wearing pajamas underneath her coat, clearly indicating that she had rushed out. I didn’t expect that she could stay overnight at the Friedan family. It seems that she could also live well without him.

He turned off the e-cigarette, walked over to the motorcycle with his hands in his pockets, and picked up a helmet. He threw it to her with one hand and said, “Hop on.” Claudia looked confusedly at the helmet in her hand and asked, “Where to?” “Finalize the divorce procedures.” His voice was faint, as if it came from a distant place. “It’s not like there was a month…” “Not even a month.” A hint of impatience appeared on his face as he 54.54% 15:421 thought of Pedro’s words. Pedro did have the ability to immediately divorce Claudia, but he also had the ability not to. At the moment of divorce, he didn’t want other men to be helping her. Rather than letting other men do it, he would rather do it himself. He got in the car, put on his hat, and his eyes showed no warmth. This motorcycle was his “good friend” for many years. Whenever he was in a bad mood, he would ride this bike out for a spin, and his mood would always improve. Claudia clenched her helmet, her beautiful face turned pale. Although I had already prepared for divorce, when it came to this moment, feelings of reluctance and sadness resurfaced. She thought she would have nearly half a month to sort out her final thoughts, but she didn’t expect him to be so eager to end their marriage. Thinking that Rosalie had already tried on wedding dresses and even ordered the toasting gown, her nose started to feel slightly sour. There was unwillingness, to easily let this couple get married, how could the heart truly be calm. I couldn’t wait for even a month, I was so impatient. The front was covered in a hazy mist… She closed her eyes and put the helmet on her head.

Never worn, it just hangs loosely when put on. 71.28% 15:43 40 Vouchers A hand helped her straighten up and quickly put on the helmet. I hurriedly got in the car, but before I could settle down, the car drove away. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his waist. The man had a strong and muscular waist, without an ounce of excess fat. His clothes fluttered, covering up the panic in her eyes and the blush on her face. The familiar feeling brought her back to that night. Her mind went blank, and suddenly, as if being electrocuted, she detached herself from him and grabbed hold of his clothes. Soon, her stomach started churning again. “Stopped the car…” “Edmond, stop.” The discomfort in her stomach and the strange sensation in her throat made her feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. The wind passed by her ears, drowning out her voice. “Edmond, stop, I don’t feel well!” She hurriedly covered her mouth and couldn’t help but vomit when Edmond stopped. It’s over!

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