Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation

Chapter 97 - 96

Chapter 97 - 96: Tendon Changing and Bone Grinding

Chapter 97: Chapter 96: Tendon Changing and Bone Grinding

Translator: 549690339

In that case, there was no way to keep this person.

However, the information he obtained from this person’s mouth made He Song fixate on the rapist.

“The rapist?”

At the bulletin board of Salt City, He Song’s gaze quickly found the notice about the rapist among others.

In the notice, it clearly warned the residents of Salt City to be vigilant against the rapist lurking around, and publicly disclosed the martial arts skills the rapist had to change appearance and physique.

Obviously, the authorities in Salt City were on guard against the appearance of the rapist.

Leaving the bulletin board.

A glint of spiritual light flashed in He Song’s eyes as he swiftly scanned the crowd before him.

Although the rapist’s martial skills to change appearance and physique were exquisite, He Song believed that if the other party was not a cultivator, they would not be particularly on guard against the Spirit Vision Skill.


The rapist might only have changed their superficial appearance, rather than their overall appearance and physique.

If the appearance and physique hadn’t changed completely, that meant He Song could use the Spirit Vision Skill to observe the inconsistencies within the rapist’s body.

In this way, all he needed to do was use Spirit Vision Skill to investigate and uncover the clues.

Of course, if the rapist maintained a perfect change in appearance and physique at all times, even He Song’s Spirit Vision Skill wouldn’t be able to see through it.

A seemingly normal appearance, only slightly altered to make it look like they’d changed into another person, but with no inconsistencies lurking within.

This was the martial skill to change appearance and physique that He Song wanted to find.

But how could a mortal martial artist who was not a cultivator guard against the Spirit Vision Skill?

So how could they maintain a flawless shift in appearance and physique at all times?

And that was why He Song chose to use the Spirit Vision Skill.

For unprepared mortal martial artists, the existence of cultivators was still somewhat ethereal.

Although the Li Dynasty propagated their existence, true encounters with cultivators were rare among ordinary people, usually occurring only at the pinnacle of mortal society.

Swiftly scanning the surroundings.

A trace of disappointment flickered in He Song’s eyes.

There were no irregularities in the appearances and physiques of the people around.

If he was not here,

Then let’s search slowly.

Anyway, he had the Spirit Vision Skill, as long as he could encounter the rapist, he could easily recognize them.

He Song activated his Spirit Vision Skill and quickly scanned Salt City.

One street.

Two streets.

Three streets.

One grand residence.

Two grand residences.


One after another, the streets were scanned by He Song.

One after another, the mansions were visited by He Song.

As a cultivator, He Song walked extremely fast, and with just a glance, he could judge dozens or even hundreds of people.

With such a rapid search method, there was no way the mortal constables could keep up.

As a result, several hours later, He Song finally found his target in the backyard of a grand residence.

This mansion was large and remarkably exquisite.

Carved beams and painted rafters, flying eaves and gables, pavilions and pagodas, artificial mountains and flowing water, it had everything.

One or two deep corridors connected various parts of the mansion, and from time to time, maids could be seen walking through the corridors, heading in all directions.

In contrast, He Song’s target, who had been searching for hours, had transformed into a servant girl and was closely following a young lady.josei

Standing atop the corridor’s roof tiles, He Song’s gaze swept over the person, the spiritual light in his eyes flickering as he felt a speechless surge within his heart.

The infamous rapist.

Naturally, his gender was male.

But the other party had disguised themselves as a servant girl, and he had realized something was amiss when he scanned them with his Spirit Vision Skill.

They were in Salt City, inside a grand residence, and had become a maidservant for a rich young lady.

With so many factors put together, the identity of the person before him naturally came to light.

The rapist!

“This is not easv to hide. It seems that if I learn this martial skill in the future, I can only use it to change my appearance, not like him.”

Shaking his head, He Song made his way down from the corridor’s roof immediately after identifying the person’s identity and instantly activated the Earth Tunneling Skill, tunneling into the ground.

Once underground, He Song found an unguarded moment and dragged the rapist he had found into the ground, just as he had done when he captured the strong man earlier.

Immediately, he took the rapist through the underground, quickly arriving at a dark corner.

He threw the rapist into the corner and casually prodded him four times.

Four beams of spiritual light instantly pierced through both of the rapist’s wrists and ankles, crippling him in an instant.

Ignoring his screams of pain,

He Song reached out and fished a small bundle from his clothes.

Earlier, when the Spirit Vision Skill swept over, He Song had found that the rapist had no cultivation within him, so naturally he didn’t waste words with him.

Instead, he simply captured him, crippled his hands and feet, and began searching his body.

Opening the small bundle,

He Song quickly found two books inside. “Bones and Muscles Easing Skills”

“Thick Earth Formulas”

Glancing at the titles of the two books, He Song couldn’t help but look down at the still screaming rapist, a flash of surprise crossing his eyes.

He Song had never heard of the Bones and Muscles Easing Skills before, but it should be the martial art that allowed the rapist to change their appearance and physique.

But as for the Thick Earth Formulas… Where they already that commonplace?

Just by catching a random rapist, he could find a copy of the Thick Earth Formulas on them?

“If you don’t want to die, stop screaming.”

Watching the still screaming rapist, He Song frowned and chided softly.

The rapist’s screaming came to an abrupt halt.

“Where did you get these two secret books?” He Song waved the two books in his hand and asked.

How could a mortal rapist have the Thick Earth Formulas?

His former-self, even after becoming a cultivator, had bought the Thick Earth Formulas at the Immortal Pavilion for a spirit stone.

“Reporting to the Immortal Master, this humble one found these two books in a cave, not knowing if they’re real or fake. I have tried to cultivate them, but to no avail, so I have no choice but to carry them on my person and study them all the time in hopes of gaining some insights.”

Sensing the murderous intent in He Song’s eyes, the rapist handed over all he knew.

He was similar to the strong man, having heard of the existence of Immortal Masters.

He Song had brought him from underground to here with such means, which naturally made him understand just who He Song was.

Now, his life and death were in someone else’s hands, so he would answer whatever He Song asked.

However, despite not knowing why He Song was capturing him, his gaze was still spinning around, seemingly searching for an opportunity to escape.

Listening to the rapist’s voice, He Song frowned.

Because the rapist had disguised himself as a maid, his voice sounded female, even when he had screamed out earlier, he did not switch back to a male voice.

This made He Song feel a little uncomfortable listening to it.

“If you can’t speak normally, I can cut off your tongue so you can learn properly..”</

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