Seized by the System

Chapter 443

Chapter 443: The Power of Protection

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Upon hearing those words, Brett felt immensely touched; just how good of a master did it have?

Not only did he seriously consider its safety, he even helped it look for a Master… If only he would help it find a wife too.

No, it could not be such a greedy dog. It should be more proactive so that it would be able to locate treasures for its owner…

It immediately lifted its head high, “Thank you so much, master.”

Fang Ning pondered things for a bit before he asked, “What kind of Master are you looking for?”

Brett’s big black eyes rolled around as it thought things through. A while later, it answered, “I want someone pale, with big eyes, a sharp jawline, and about the same height as me. It would be best if it were someone from the Spirit Fox Tribe. I heard that their tribe would be descending this year…”

Fang Ning’s uneasiness grew as Brett spoke. Unable to resist it any longer, he sighed, “I never expected that the once simple and honest Black Dog would become nothing more than a calculative mutt… This motivation from the source itself is truly terrifying.”

“I don’t understand. Mind explaining things in a simpler way?” asked the System in ignorance.

“Listen to the Black Dog’s description. How is that looking for a Master? It’s obviously looking for a wife. Unfortunately, it’s trying to become Yang Guo, but I doubt it would be able to find a Little Dragon Maiden for itself…” said Fang Ning as he shook his head. 1

“Oh oh, this Black Dog is quite smart; it actually learned how to exploit public services for private gain. Ah, he that lies down with dogs really does get up with fleas…” sighed the System.

“I somehow feel like you’re scolding me instead…” said Fang Ning in confusion.

A System Notification appeared then. [The Host has seen through the System’s Verbal Ability. Intuition increased, Intuition currently at Beginner Level.]

“Hehe.” At the appearance of the System Notification, Fang Ning could only reply as so.

“D*mn, these principles keep acting against me,” grumbled the System.

Fang Ning ignored the idiot of a System and instead patiently told the Black Dog, “Brett, things will only get more dangerous from now on. The only way you’ll be able to protect the people you want to protect is if you grow stronger yourself first… True power comes from the belief of protection, not from destruction and slaughter.”

Brett’s black eyes were wide as it listened intently.

It swallowed its bowl of chicken soup in a single gulp as tears brimmed in its eyes. It nodded its head as it said, “Thank you for your teachings, master, I understand now. Please do find a strict and strong Master for me…”

“Hmm, very well, I’ll definitely seek out a powerful Master for you. You’ll definitely improve drastically,” hummed Fang Ning in satisfaction.

“Mr. Rich Boss, you’re quite good at pulling the wool over the dog’s eyes,” said the System in admiration.

“Haha, non-human living creatures have always been easy to fool,” said Fang Ning proudly.

“Why do I feel like you’re scolding me?” asked the System.

A System Notification appeared then, [The System has seen through the Host’s Verbal Ability. Intuition increased.]

Fang Ning paid no attention to the System Notification and instead went back into the System Space after giving orders to the Black Dog once more.

Vigilante A then bid farewell to the Black Dog.

The Black Dog continued to look for treasures for its master diligently.

Although it was not as smart as Old Yellow, which meant it could not locate evil beings that were hidden for its master, it boasted excellent physical strength and a favorable sense of smell; even locating a single piece of treasure was enough to top Old Yellow’s effort for a whole year.

As this thought repeated itself in the Black Dog’s mind, it dug into the ground and soon disappeared from sight.

Once Fang Ning had entered the System Space, he walked right up to the Draconic Penitentiary but stopped right outside it. His silhouette shifted before he disappeared into the Draconic Arcane Realm.

“What are you doing?” asked the System in confusion.

“Oh, I originally wanted to go look for Anderson but then I realized that they used to be an evil devil, so what kind of Masters would they be able to recommend? If the Black Dog is led down the wrong path, that would only spell more trouble for us. It would be better if I asked the River God instead, since he’s still a righteous character.”

However, when Fang Ning walked into the River God’s villa, he found that it was empty…

“Ugh, where is that fellow now? Sir System, locate him for me,” said Fang Ning in exasperation.

“Alright, I’ll do that right now,” answered the System uncharacteristically fast, making Fang Ning feel slightly uneasy.

A heartbeat later, the System spoke, “He’s together with the Sky Eagle. They’re taking photos along a mountain range, I think they’re probably doing an outdoor live broadcast?”

“Haha, that fellow really is a proactive one. I merely mentioned that I would have the Sky Eagle bring him out one day, and he had immediately left,” sighed Fang Ning, “Let’s catch up to them.”

High in the air, Vigilante A’s flying sword switched directions before flying off towards a certain place at high speed.

The River God was currently seated on the Sky Eagle’s back, and he really was doing an outdoor live broadcast.

He said into his tablet’s camera, “My dearest river fans, look at these rivers that snake around these mountains. Everyone, which river do you think I should pick as my source?”

‘Haha, this River God really knows how to connect with common folk!’ Fang Ning could not help but praise the River God. If the River God were to suffer from a lack of worshippers in the future, Fang Ning would change his name to Ning Fang.

Several voices emitted from the tablet, each speaking over the other in a cacophony.

It went without saying that the ones speaking were definitely the supreme VIP users of the live broadcasting platform.

“There’s no need to even ask, you should, of course, choose the Yellow River 2 . It’s the river that birthed China so it holds a lot of symbolism for us. It’s the best place for you to develop, River God,” said a female voice in admiration.

“Haha, although the Yellow River has an extensive history, it’s past its prime.The Yangtze 3 is better; it is not only the core of the economy now, it is also the most densely populated one,” said a male voice with no intention of being modest.

“The Yellow River!” insisted the female voice.

“The Yangtze!”

“The Yellow River!”

The River God’s comical face lit up with a smile as he said, “Please don’t argue, the pair of you. Both rivers have their own merits, so the decision is definitely a difficult one. Why not we find someone of authority to decide for us?”

“Who possesses this authority?” asked the voices at the same time.

“He’s already here,” said the River God as he lifted his head to look into the distance.

Fang Ning slumbered over, not even noticing that the River God actually had his tablet’s HD camera aimed at him.

“Ah, isn’t that the great hero?”


“The great hero never does live broadcasts, what a waste.”

“You’re spewing nonsense. The Venerable One travels thousands of miles in a single day and deals with a myriad of problems daily. How would he have the time for live broadcasts?”

Within the live broadcast chatroom, everyone had immediately chucked the River God into the back of their minds as they fervently discussed the Venerable Dragon God’s appearance.

There was no avoiding this; as compared to the River God who had only appeared recently, Vigilante A’s reputation resounded globally. Even just hearing the Eastern Pharos’ name was more than enough to stop all evil beings in their tracks.

Now that the vitality concentration was gradually increasing day after day, demons appeared in droves while spirits and monsters arrived ceaselessly, and the capacity of the human special affairs agencies have long been exceeded.

Back when times were still peaceful, even usual security incidents had been hard to handle, let alone special affairs. Destruction has always been easier than construction.

By the same token, the effort and cost of maintaining order had always been dozens of times more than that of disrupting order.

If it were not for Vigilante A’s existence, most of the people that were currently watching the live broadcast would probably not even tune in in the first place, since they would be too busy worrying about their future.

At this moment, a voice shouted, “Venerable One, we’re well into October now and we’re only two months away from the Moon returning to Earth. We haven’t seen any impactful movements as of late, so what exactly is going on up there…”

Fang Ning was stunned; he had already entrusted the matter of holding up the sky to the Spirit Bear…

However, the Spirit Bear slept its days away at the Divine Gate, so was it really reliable? historical

He then realized the strength of the Heavenly Axiom as well. Fang Ning could not help but feel slightly perturbed.

It was no wonder somebody would ask something like that, since it was practically a heavy rock sitting on everyone’s shoulders.

Fang Ning usually did not care about things like this, since he had countless routes of retreat. After all, all he would need to do was to simply find a place to lay low for a while. However, the same could not be said for those watching the live broadcast, since a majority of them were regular folk.

In that moment, Vigilante A calmly spoke, “Everybody has power within them, deep down in their hearts. In this day and age, miracles and sacred acts are entirely possible. Think long and hard about the things most precious to you that you want to protect and that power deep in your hearts will be able to show itself. Even if the Moon does crash into Earth, this planet will not be destroyed.”

In an instant, the live broadcast went quiet.

He was right; would they have to constantly depend on those high above them? Did they not have their own strength to rely on?

Besides, did true power not come from within oneself?

Did the River God not start a live broadcast because he wanted to gather strength for himself?

In this new era, geniuses were active online so many would be able to discern the River God’s true aim in doing a live broadcast. Even if nobody could tell up to this moment, they would soon be able to anyways after witnessing the discussions and comments of others watching.

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