Seized by the System

Chapter 447

Chapter 447: Alliance Conference

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Two days passed by just like that while he slept.

Followed by the sound of the temple block, Fang Ning rolled out of the big Simmons bed in the green lounge, he suddenly felt like he no longer knew how to walk…

He took a while to adapt himself before walking out and scanning the System Space, then two golden lights flashed past his eyes.

The golden lights shone onto the various System Buildings and instantly reflected dazzling beams.

“Tss…” Upon seeing that, Sir System gasped. “Mr. Rich Boss, after two months of cultivation, could it be that you’ve also cultivated ‘Flaming Golden Eyes’?”

“Haha, you have no idea, do you? This is ‘Divine Bodhi Eyes’! It’s a spiritual ascension after I’ve comprehended from True Bodhi Tactics, when paired with ‘Demon Singing Buddhist Mantra’, its power is so extraordinary that all unorthodox doctrines will be restrained.”

“What’s the use of it?” After sir understood its function, it was in disdain. “Doesn’t it just repeat my morality function?”

“What do you know?” Fang Ning scorned instead, he then said something that utterly shocked sir.

“After these days, I should really look at you in a different light. If that’s the case, let us hurry, there’s a Demon Alliance Conference going on now, you can test out its true powers.”

Vigilante A soared into the skies.

Ten minutes later, in a big conference hall located at a renowned city in the southeast. This was the location sent by Ren Ruofeng that was said to be where the conference for Demon Alliance’s establishment was held.

Despite that, Fang Ning was only dumbfounded as he looked at the empty conference hall.

In the conference hall, other that the few members from Truth Department, there were only a couple of big and small cats.

They were real cats, while they meowed, they proficiently wiped out the fruits and pastries on the table…

Looking at the cups that were still dissipating heat and the freshly laid fruits and pastries, it seemed as if the members had just left.

“What’s going on?” Fang Ning asked as he was confused.

Ren Ruofeng walked over with a helpless face. “Just now I told them that the Venerable One will be here soon, and most of the big demons immediately left. The other demons quickly followed too, only these little cat demons who have just acquired sapience are scrounging for food since they’re clueless.”

“Heh.” Fang Ning instantly understood what was going on, he expressed to Sir System, “It’s karma, we were so happily farming away before this but now we end up in a crematorium, no demons could be seen at all.”

Sir System sneered, “A group of guilt-ridden fellows, the stronger their desire for me to not attend the ritual, the more I’ll insist I go.”

“But we don’t know where the new gathering point is.” Fang Ning said in distress.

“Let me search on the System Map, they’re a big group of demons, it’s impossible that every one of them can hide…” Halfway through, Sir System snapped. “I actually can’t find it, it looks like they’re not meeting on land or in the sky, could it be that they’ve gone underground or went under the sea? These two places are the only ones not shown on System Map.”

“Let me think, I know where they went!” Fang Ning came to a sudden realization.

“Where?” Sir asked excitedly.

“Greater Rat City! Cang Gongzi has been there before, those demons must be having their meeting there. If they’re not using humans’ city facilities, that’s the only place for them to hold the Demon Alliance Conference gloriously, or else they’ll have to endure adversities, which won’t look great at all.” Fang Ning confirmed.


A short while later, in the Greater Rat Clan’s Underground Kingdom.

It was Fang Ning’s first time here, through the System View, he started observing this enormous underground rock city.

The entire underground city was built between firm and solid rock mass, which appeared to be dark brown.

When he overlooked the city, he saw rows of dark brown rock houses which were neatly arranged like chunks of bean curd, they were located in different domains.

On the clean unobstructed streets, greater rats that had not transformed into human figure were patrolling as they maintained order and cleanliness.

Big red banners were stretched out on the streets.

“A warm celebration for the convene of Demon Alliance Conference in our city!”

It was just as expected, Fang Ning was relieved as soon as he saw these banners, he still upheld his nickname as a detective.

He quickly babbled, “What do you think, Prestigious Detective Fang Ning’s deduction is quite good, isn’t it?”

“Quite, I’ll search for where they’re gathering at.” Sir System praised then said.

“Wait up, Sir, give me the city’s data first.” Fang Ning paused sir and asked the question that concerned him the most.

Since he was at the spectacular Greater Rat City, perhaps he could use it as a reference for his Morality City.

“Height of city is 300 meters, ten levels in total, each level has an area of 12 square kilometers and a height of 30 meters…there are a total of 7.55 million greater rat demons, they have three supplies, supply of electricity, water, and internet…”

“Terrifying.” Fang Ning blurted out.

“How long has it been, how could the greater rats build such a gigantic city on their own? If they were given more time, I’m afraid they’ll be able to make claims as an equal to humans, they really deserve to be called mammals that humans are helpless against.” He sighed again.

There are hundreds and thousands of measures to exterminate rats, but these were still nothing to these rats as they were unwavered and continued to survive. Now that they had gained sapience, could humans still be the overlords on earth in the future?

“Just a bunch of little rats, how scary can they be?” Sir was indifferent. “Next year when the Heavenly Axiom liberates us from power restrictions, I’ll activate Divine Blessing Attack at once and destroy them.”

“That’s true.” Fang Ning became at ease. “Back then there was a bigger population of those with higher education, which was the most substantial indicator of potential, hence overall strength was more important; it won’t be the same next time, the clan with more cultivation geniuses will be the stronger one, thus individual strength will be more important, such that a strong individual can carry the whole clan. This is certainly unimaginable in a era of science and technology. Regardless of how influential Einstein was, he would never have never been able to avert tragedy and turn the fates of the races around.”

While they conversed, Vigilante A had already discreetly arrived at a great hall in the north of the Underground Kingdom.

The interior of the great hall was totally different from the outside, the stone walls were painted fold and the hall was filled with a local tyrant aura.

Half of a sector was presented in the hall. On the platform, many big demons were seated, each of them strut about with pride and looked extremely arrogant.

Under the platform, demons of all forms had filled the seats. By looking at their incomplete transformations, he could differentiate them. There were wolves, rats, hares… All in all, they were population-based high-class animals from the natural world and they mainly comprised of mammals and birds.

It was probably because the other animals had little brains and it was tougher for them to gain sapience.

Fang Ning recalled the intelligence given by Zheng Dao from before, where the birth process of demons was mentioned.

Usually, they were fused with vitality for a long period of time, and similar to human babies, they would slowly gain sapience. Once they had self-consciousness, they would take in a release of vitality to cultivate.

Those with a chance encounter would be possessed by demons from the upper realm, thus their cultivation speed would naturally speed up as they could follow past experiences.

Another case was during that Qixi Flame Meteor Incident when they became gifted and immediately gained sapience, they even obtained rare cultivation talents.

Just as Fang Ning was observing in the dark, a wolf demon was laughing impudently.

“This time, we’ve temporarily changed the conference location to the elder ancestor’s kingdom, I believe those haughty humans will be dumbfounded. They’ll never have thought that us demons have our own city on earth and can even arrange such a huge event!”

‘Is this your city?’ Fang Ning thought.

Fang Ning noticed that Elder Ancestor Bai the tiny elder who was sitting on the platform only smiled, he did not seem to have any objections.

It looked like this cunning fellow was having a wilder scheme in his mind…

If he united the demons as well, he might actually become a demon king.

As Fang Ning pondered, he remembered that they previously bore serious grudges against each other. Even though Cang Gongzi was there to buffer the situation, Fang Ning was very clear that bloodline constraints were not useful to those in higher ranks.

Among humans, there were already countless fathers and sons who crashed against one another to fight for power, let alone these demons with little affection between them?

Fang Ning had just experienced the mightiness of Heart River, he now understood that the unison of millions of people carried such a powerful force, that even the River God of the Sky River had to use it as an origin.

This was the true strength of spiritual ascension. It was rooted in the hearts of every being, which would accumulate to form greater fortitude to finally become an unflinching force. historical

If this elder employed the path of demons for ascension, their potential would surpass the Greater Rat Clans in the future. As for whether sir could continue to subdue it, it could actually go either wa.

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