Seized by the System

Chapter 482

Chapter 482: The Mechs

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Vigilante A swept by the large fuel depot. As per what Black Cat Tom has previously boasted, this large fuel depot had 57,002 people stored within!

Sure enough, people by the tens of thousands were here!

“This is a massacre!” Fang Ning shook his head and sighed.

However, he had no idea why did Sir System failed to spot it.

“Sir, did you miss it when you’re upgrading the System Map?” Fang Ning asked in confusion.

“No. In fact, these people are voluntarily embracing Death…” Sir System touched on the matter lightly and tried to indirectly explain the situation, in fear that it might be a shock to Fang Ning.

Fang Ning hissed as he inhaled sharply. Even though his soul was in the System Space, he still felt the chilly air that originated from the freezer coil around the bottom of his heart.

It turned out to be such an evil tactic! How devoid of conscience someone must be for them to let these people choose death over life!

He recalled that this was definitely Zhi Nan’s technique. He once preached about how all living beings should give up flesh and entire his Paradise Realm with their souls!

It seemed that Tom the Cat did not accuse Zhi Nan unjustly after all!

This devil must be dealt with!

He cannot imagine what would happen if the devil extended his claws to those around him. Once humans believed in something, it would be a devastatingly difficult task to correct their beliefs. Those close to them might even become so frustrated that they start to vomit blood.

“We must annihilate him. Otherwise, he will bring us endless trouble!” Fang Ning spoke firmly.

Sir System turned a deaf ear on that. Instead, it patrolled back and forth, as if it was analyzing something. Fang Ning observed Sir for a moment, puzzled.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to locate where they went. Why have we not found traces of their souls?” Sir System said casually.

“What is there to analyze? They must’ve been captured by Zhi Nan and are now in the Paradise Realm…” Fang Ning was speechless.

“What nonsense are you spouting? If that was the case, do you think I would have wasted my time? I’ve ordered that d*mn book to go in and investigate.” Sir sounded scornful.

Not long after, Vigilante A looked out of the depot and stared at a patrolling mech that was approaching.

Sir System pointed at the mech and said in realization, “I finally understand where the souls go. They’re all in these things!”

“You mean, in these mechs? Shouldn’t they already have a soul in them? Why would Zhi Nan spend so much effort to get another one? Could it be that he wants to do dual-core overclocking?” A sense of dread crept up instinctively within Fang Ning.

“Hey, Big Spender, can you speak in layman words? I’m a Martial Arts-based System, so it’s difficult for me to comprehend these technical jargons that you’re throwing at me,” brooded Sir System.

“Dual core should be about dual piloting, no? Oh, no, I get it, he’s trying to crack our working mode!” Fang Ning was so shocked that blood drained out of his face.

“Eh, I can understand that. You’re saying that Zhi Nan is trying to see through how we think and operate, right?” Sir System was undoubtedly astonished.

“That’s right. Since we’ve caused so much trouble for Zhi Nan, he must’ve been trying to work against us. After all, he’s the Devil Lord of the Upper Realm, not some random brainless villain. No wonder he has been laying low for so long; he was discreetly planning a project like this! It’s probable that he is trying to replicate our working mode!” Fang Ning exclaimed, with a hint of fear lingering in his voice.

“Oh, that’s a pipe dream. What work mode do you have? All you do is eat and sleep…” Sir System waved the concern off.

“Rubbish! Don’t I play games too?” Fang Ning was indignant.

“Um… Alright, it’s my mistake…” Once again, Sir was defeated by the utter shamelessness of the Host.

“Still, I felt more relieved now once you’ve said so. If he were to replicate our working mode, there would only be one end for him…” Fang Ning grinned cheekily.

“He’ll mess up his account to no return, (TN: A reference to how an RPG player made a bad decision when selecting the skills to learn, causing their account to be virtually unusable in future gameplay.)” answered Sir System fluently.

“Excuse me, this account of mine is beyond amazing, alright? I can cheat, I can top up my account, and I am proficient in combat while also having a great presence in every hall I go.” Fang Ning protested.

Meanwhile, one mech walked into the fuel depot oblivious to vigilante A. It was as if he was merely following a set route to patrol the freezer. Then, he went out.

“Should we capture one and study it?” Fang Ning suggested.

“Alright, let’s get Tom the Cat to do it. After all, it’s most suitable for a cat to capture a mouse.” Sir System quickly tossed the job to Tom.

Soon, a black tiger appeared in thin air and pounced at the mech from its back. The mech was thrown to the ground.

Tom the Cat was very disgruntled. He never expected to be a part-time fighter on top of his job as a mount… Most importantly, it was not paid for any of it.

It understood why Vigilante A, who had never let any thief off the hook ever, did not personally capture the mech. This mech probably did not carry any sin in itself, and if he hit the mech, he would not obtain any Heavenly Merit Points. Of course Vigilante A would not waste his energy…

“Answer me,” said Vigilante A, his voice light as he stood before the mech.

The eyes of the mech glowed red, and shone directly at Vigilante A.

“Activate facial recognition mode. Searching for comparable entry in the database…”

“Match success. Vigilante A, Strength: Unknown, Sex: Unknown, Age: Unknown. Pay-To-Win player. A winner in life, and a Son if Heaven. Dragon God Hero, probably a descended True Dragon from the Upper Realm. Dual-pilot… Recommended action: Surrender.”

After a round of grumbling by the mech, it then raised both of its hands without hesitation.

“D*mn it, your background and details are almost entirely known by them already, Sir System.” Fang Ning was perplexed by this.

“No, none of it was accurate…” Sir System replied, its tone dripping with disdain.

“Well yeah, since you’re intangible, Sir, they had no way to come into contact with you, nor could they accurately guess your true form.” Fang Ning was speechless.

“Let me ask you a question. Do you have another person within you?” Vigilante A asked the mech.

“Yes, it’s the auxillary kernel.” After the mech has chose to surrender, it was extremely generous with information.

This surprised Fang Ning. This was another suspicious piece of information. Why would Zhi Nan not have these non-feeling mechs set to be entirely loyal to him?

Could it be that he had no capacity to do so?

Tom the cat shook its big feline head in disgust as it watched at the side. These mechs were not entirely loyal products, huh? They would probably surrender faster than how Anderson did…

What a waste of Tom’s imagination.

Vigilante A asked again, “How do you work?”

“We exchange shifts. I take the day, he takes the night. We work around the clock,” answered the mech honestly.

“24 hours? That’s almost as efficient as Sir System.” Fang Ning was surprised once again. It seems like his advantage had become much smaller.

“Bullsh*t. I can start ten threads at once, how can it even compare to me?” Sir System was obviously displeased at all statements that depreciated its value.

“Alright, alright. You’re the stronger one. They do have more than ten people on their side, though.” Fang Ning reminded the System.

“Um, that’s not entirely wrong, but they are naturally disadvantaged. As a man-made object, they are not on Daddy Axiom’s list of clans. Thus, they wouldn’t be blessed…”

“You wouldn’t have it either. I’m the one with the blessing from the heavens,” replied Fang Ning, snatching the opportunity to put the System back in its place.

“Cr*p, I’m the one that does all the work, but you’re the one that gets all the praise and love…” Sir System grumbled, feeling demotivated.

“Of course, I am a natural being born under the Heavenly Axiom. You… You’re just my good companion…” Fang Ning quickly took back those hurtful words. This guy had evolved so much that he could no longer be too straightforward with it.

“Forget it, I’ll be fine as long as I can live.” Fortunately, Sir System was easy to please.

Vigilante A continued to interrogate the mech. historical

“How many of you are here?”

The mech replied, “Authority exceeded, no answers can be given. The only thing I can say is that there are a total of 36 security mechs that have the same function as I do. We are tasked to maintain the fuel depot.”

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