Seized by the System

Chapter 609

Chapter 609: The Human Defense

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fang Ning’s declaration that the Heavenly Axiom needs more love has astonished the crowd, surprised Xie Dong, and even shocked the System.

“Sir Rich-man, you’re too amazing to be able to conclude this pattern from everything that had happened. I’m now looking at you in an entirely different light! No wonder you’ve been stressing on the importance of the love and justice education that Anderson had to impart on those sinning spirits. No wonder Axiom Daddy only goes to you for discussions and had never come to me even once! You’re its soulmate...” It was rare to see the System to be genuinely and vocally impressed by what Fang Ning did.

“Hahaha,” laughed Fang Ning proudly. “Do you only realize that now? Did you really think that I can’t do anything better than playing games and sleeping every day?”

“Oh, no. Aside from that, you still know how to read novels, eat junk pills, tour the herb garden, carry out inspections...” The System listed out, as if it was actually counting off its fingers as it rambled on.

“I also know how to think...” Fang Ning’s mirth immediately transformed into fury after he was mercilessly exposed by the System.

“Um, it was just a once in a blue moon thing,” the System answered honestly.

“Didn’t you just see that happen...” Fang Ning weakly replied.

“Okay, okay. To be frank, Sir Rich-man, what you said has given me a huge epiphany. I thought about it for a while, and I realized that I’m quite similar to that idiotic Heavenly Axiom...” Sir System suddenly expressed.

Fang Ning’s jaw fell open in surprise after hearing that. He deadpanned, “What are you trying to spring here?”

“I need more love too. That stupid book has gone out for almost 2 months now, and it must’ve accumulated a significant amount of experience points. You should order it to give those points all to me to compensate for the love I’m lacking,” proclaimed Sir System with rightful indignation.

“Impossible, nope, get out.” Fang Ning was not surprised by that, and promptly sent three stickers in his mind to the System.

He knew that the System must be able to see them.

“I have a grand total of zero love towards you now...” The System complained.

“I reciprocate your feelings.” Fang Ning was entirely unaffected.

When Fang Ning and the System was busy bickering like the concubines of the king, Xie Dong finally snapped out of the daze of shock said in awe, “Venerable One, you are indeed wise and deeply intelligent. You can see through everything no matter if they are thousands of miles away. The Truth Department has spent twenty years of intense research before we could arrive at this conclusion, and you managed to utter the truth with just a simple sentence. We’re deeply ashamed.”

“How could mere humans compare with the True Dragon of the Upper Realm...” Someone below the stage murmured.

“Wait, something’s wrong. Did you realize that our of the four great heroes of the people in China, only Old Master Ma and the Venerable Dragon God himself are here? Why isn’t Bodhisattva Spirit King and Tianjing Fawang around? The Association of Spirit King was clearly invited, so why is that Elder Gui Da not around? Some of the monks from the Buddhist Association are also present, but only these two were not around. I was puzzled by this before, but from what we see now, there must be a reason behind this.” Suddenly, someone pointed out this fact.

In contrast to his open demeanor in answering questions, Xie Dong ignored this question entirely and continued with his speech. “According to our research, the Heavenly Axiom on Earth was a newly born one, which is why it very much needs security now. It is just like a newborn infant that needs love. What the Venerable One said was spot on. Thus, the most cost-effective way for us to gain Heavenly Merit is to do matters that could most increase the sense of security of the Heavenly Axiom...”

“That’s right, that is exactly what we should do.” Everyone in the summit who heard this all nodded.

Aside from a small portion of people who thought otherwise with a dim light in their eyes, everyone else looked like they were itching to give it a go at any moment.

“I will now share some of the effective methods that we have already found. We do this not only for fairness, but mostly because we understand that we only have one Earth to live on. We can only let it thrive and continue to be the home for humankind if all of us join hands in the effort to love, care, and protect it.” Xie Dong’s speech was very emotion-provoking.

However, the audience seated below were not ardent youths, but a group of cultivators that only have their own interests in mind. historical

They were people who would count to the tiniest unit on the effects of a pill just to maximizeytuf8 its effects. How could these words possibly move them?

Instead, the people in the summit venue now were thinking that the Truth Department were going for a win-win solution, where both the cultivators and the Truth Department work for the favorable end result.

That was actually something good. At least they were not working for nothing.

Xie Dong was unsurprised when he realized that the people were not affected by his words. He quickly got to the main point, “We have categorized these methods into three types...”

At that moment, everyone had their ears tuned to listen attentively, and took out the notebook that was provided on their seats to start taking notes like grade school children.

“Naturally, the first category would be to eliminate the high risk and highly dangerous monsters and devils...”

The people quickly scribbled that down and added an asterisk at the side, ‘Duh.’

“The second category is to increase the aggregate power levels of the biosphere of the earth.”

This was noted down too, with the same asterisk, ‘Duh.’

“The third category was to cultivate different defense techniques according to the individuals’ abilities and talents, to prevent future...”

Just when everyone instinctively wanted to scribble ‘Duh.’ at the side of the note, they suddenly froze to a halt as confusion swept over their faces.

“Leader Xie, us cultivating different techniques were honestly just for our own gain. Are you saying that it could also allow us to obtain some Heavenly Merit too?” Someone asked.

“Haha, this is a good question.” Xie Dong smiled in satisfaction. “Perhaps you are not aware of this, but no matter how powerful the Heavenly Axiom is, it is still a newborn in the end. Don’t assume that it is a very mysterious and all-powerful presence. In actuality, even though it is mysterious and powerful, but this is only relative to us.”

“Previously, a Descendant of the Upper Realm released a venomous insect that raged hellfire over Qi City. It was only killed after the Venerable Dragon God managed to find a local Woodpecker that was the natural nemesis of the pest.”

“It was obvious that these special incidents will only occur more frequently in the future, and the Heavenly Axiom will not have all the methods to solve them. As humans, one of the better traits we have as compared to animals is our ability to take initiatives. If we could cultivate some techniques that could defend ourselves against our enemies beforehand, we could easily get a large sum of Heavenly Merit when another special incident like that happens again in the future.”

“Venerable One, did that Woodpecker obtain Heavenly Merit?” Xie Dong suddenly asked Fang Ning.

“Yes, that’s right. Not only that, it also obtained a rare heavenly superpower. For its safety, I will not reveal what superpower it is, but I can tell you that it is at least a legendary one,” Fang Ning lightly described.

The Truth Department’s invitation finally showed its great purpose.

Once Fang Ning said that, everyone in the summit had their eyes shining in a gleam of extreme envy, jealousness, or even hatred for the Woodpecker’s luck. It was as if they would have given anything to be that lucky Woodpecker...

Based on how useful Heavenly Merit was and how valuable heavenly superpowers are, that Woodpecker would probably shoot to the greatest heights in the future, and would have its future to be at least a king among the bird demons.

With the reassurance from Vigilante A, the people no longer had any doubts on the third category.

Perhaps the Truth Department might have ulterior motives behind this, but the third suggestion did not give them any inconveniences either.

Some delays in their usual cultivation will be necessary, but everyone will hit a bottleneck sometime during their cultivation when they have hit a certain level. After all, not everyone could be like Vigilante A in cultivating the Path of Heavenly Punishment, and grow stronger by merely increasing their kill count.

To have a breakthrough after being trapped in a bottleneck, some people would choose to cultivate in isolation until they finally manage to breakthrough. Some would choose to explore the world in an effort to train themselves mentally, some would choose to cultivate unorthodox skills, or even choose to consume pills...

Now, the Truth Department had shown them a new method, which was to cultivate defense-related techniques to earn Heavenly Merit and rely on that to get a breakthrough. With that, it basically meant that they now have the assistance from the Heavenly Axiom for that, similar to how a ‘100% success rate’ buffer could be added onto a piece of equipment when upgrading it.

Xie Dong finally huffed a sigh of relief after noticing the changes in the crowd. One of Advisor Ren’s core goals could finally be achieved.

This was the ‘Human’ aspect of the Triple Defence of Heaven, Earth, and Human. It was to let these people prepare and cultivate a variety of defense techniques for potential incidents in the future.

This could not be done by only one man. It required an organization to keep everyone motivated and funded with enough resources.

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