Seoul Station Druid

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: To Earth

1 day of failures.

I don't know where I am.

When I woke up, it was a forest.

Seven days down.

I saw a wolf.

Not a cute little wolf in the zoo, a wild wolf. That's a big one.

I ran like crazy, and I had a crazy experience.

HP +1.

Oh, shit. Are you deaf?

31 Days of Failure.

I might be crazy.

To some extent, I imagine this is now the game world.

67 Days of Failure.

The wolf pack that was chasing me is still circling.

I don't know when it's going to hit me, so I'm nervous. There are more dangerous things in this forest than wolves.

We need to get to a safer place.

A year of neglect.

Can you describe the situation in addition to the word adaptation?

I survived. I fully adapted to the forest…

Strength +1.

... Maybe it's evolution.

Two years of neglect.

I got to know the guys who were chasing me.

Is it a dog? Now it even feels cute.

It's like they recognize me as a herd.

Whew, I feel like a Mowgli.

Fifteen years of failures.

I thought about it for a long time.

We need to find people.

Up in the sky today

The two moons on feel more unfamiliar.

31 years of failures.

I'm still a forest.

Humanity has not been discovered.

No, he never made it out of the woods.

Increasingly wide….

67 years of neglect.

There may be no one on this planet.

Furry beast…

No, guys.

It only grows.

What the fuck?

What day is it today?

... you forgot your date.

It's been 500 years. Why am I still alive?

What the fuck?

Looking for humanity? Maybe it's useless….

No, any intelligent creature of civilization would be fine, so I'd like to find a trace of it.

This place is a primordial forest. It's all natural.

It's lonely here alone.

What the fuck?

A red portal has been created.

"Have you lived too long? Think about it. "

I lived a life far from worrying.

Do it if you want to, or don't do it. Worry about not getting along.

"Let's go. He's not gonna die anyway. "

Nothing is more painful than the endless immortality.

Death, stimulation, whatever. There's an answer beyond that.

It was a long worry, and I didn't slow down.

The portal is breached at the same time as the decision.


The portal that swallowed the man expands as it distorts the surrounding space, then disappears.

A big hole appears in the void, like a meteor hit.

In the chaos, beasts of the forest flock to each other, crying out for a sense of invisibility.


The crying was filled with grudges about him leaving without saying good-bye.

The day all the animals in the forest cried out.

Their king is gone.


Abandoned city.

A group of people walk through a broken asphalt path.

When the yellow-haired woman on the front stopped, the three who followed her stopped.

"Whew, is this it? "

Swimming closed his eyes and focused on the ability to detect.

A weak dimension of nervousness has been detected in the vicinity.

"Center the detector here. "

"Yes, sir. "

Your team pulls the mechanics out of their backpacks and scatters them around.

Swimming called.

Uh, did you find it?

"Yes, sir. I texted you the coordinates. Send a management team."

My work is done.

The mission of the detection team to swim is to find dimensional cracks in advance. Afterwards, the Portal Management Team is in charge.

Yes, well done.

As the swimmer hangs up the phone, a member of the team approaches.

"Captain, what are we going to do for the reunion later? "

I found a dimensional rift, and I can't miss my reunion when I return to Seoul in a week.

"How about some soju on your chicken feet? "

"Yes, I love your chicken feet! "

"Why, no? "

"Oh, you don't have to like it. Hehe."

I turned around smiling at the nuance of my teammates.

The landscape that was bombed and destroyed by buildings and roads. The ruins of the bay building were once known to be a city.

That's why it was important to find the dimensional crack before the portal opened. We need to evacuate the civilians and secure an army in advance to stop the monsters from falling from the portal.

"Huh? Sir. These numbers are weird! "


As Choi's swimming rapidly approaches, the installed gauges are rapidly rising.

Beep, beep, beep.

The increase in dimensional nuances has crossed the limit.

This may create a portal soon.

"Fall back! "

A crack occurred in the space at the same time as the command.


The crack distorts the space with a spark and creates a red portal.

"Damn, I had a bad dream. "

The swimming spat so that it didn't fit in with the pretty face, and I pulled the knife out of my waist and got into position.

"Run, you bastards! "

Team members leave their equipment and run.

We don't know what's coming out of the portal. The only person who has the power to buy time and get out of here alone is Team Leader Choi, Swim.


A portal falters and a human walks out.


Bipedal means not everyone can walk. Dozens of monster species walk on two legs. Choi swam back without slowing down his tension and cleared the street.

If you run, I'll snap your neck.


I slowly approached the portal with a voice that I didn't know was groaning or elastic. The frowning eyes seemed dangerous.

'My body.... '

Choi was embarrassed.

I can't get out of those Abyss eyes.

I feel like a rat in front of a snake. I feel like my body has given up resistance to instinctive fear.

Move, move, move! '

I'm powerless even if I use my bare hands.

Overwhelmed by a glance? I can't accept that.

You're the fifth year veteran?

The Korean word flowed from the man who looked frowned in pain.

"Finally.... "

The distance that comes close to you. josei

The look in the man's eyes on the street was dangerous.

Even the boss monsters in the top dungeons will not be as deadly as this man.

"I'm back.... "

His new brother collapsed.

Swimming in a daze, Choi felt the pressure that bound him was lifted.

"Hey, hey. "

I laid down and looked around, but I fainted.

Tsu 'ang!

The portal shrunk and disappeared into space.

A portal that appears and disappears momentarily.

It wasn't a monster that came out of there.

I've never seen it firsthand, but I know that swimming is like this. A return portal.

"Tea, sir! "

The fleeing team returns as soon as the portal is gone.

"Bring me a stretcher. "

"Are you a person?"

"Yes, he is. "

Choi looked down at the man lying on the floor.

I feel the face of a man who is not frozen as if he is asleep.

I didn't feel the same pressure as before.

Who are you? '

The team begins to return to the administration.


I feel heavy as if I fell out of a sewer tunnel.

" .... "

He regained consciousness.

I don't have the strength, but my body senses gradually return.

When I open my eyes, I can see the light emitting bright light on the white ceiling.

Where do you think we are?

I want you to lie still for ten minutes.

I suddenly thought of it.


I thought I'd forgotten them all since I left Earth so long ago.

Just as I remembered what I had buried after looking at an old photograph, when I looked at things on earth, I remembered information that was pushed to one side of my head.

Tv, remote, Ringer, bed, curtain....

I sat on the bed.

I pulled out the Ringer needle attached to my forearm.


The blood flowing through my arms stopped quickly. I was surprised when I wiped it with a cloth collar.


It's nothing compared to what I've been covering up with beast hide.

It feels soft and pleasant. This is probably....

"I feel like this. "

I think I'll cry because it's too soft and light.

I feel like I'm back in the civilized world.

I approached the window.


As you open the curtain, you can see the road that extends out the window.

Headlights of cars filled with dark roads at night remind me of other memories. Automobiles, buildings, roads, signs....

Memories below the surface come to mind at a standstill.

"I haven't forgotten. "

I didn't forget. I wouldn't miss it if I forgot all about it.

I've become accustomed to barbaric life, but the moment I return to Earth, I remember a new civilization.

"I returned to Earth. "

I remember meeting a vague person, but as soon as I left the portal….

"Oh, my God! You. Are you awake?"

The nurse who came in through the door was surprised to see the man standing by the window.

"Lie down. Don't overdo it. My teacher told me to stay calm. "

The approaching nurse was surprised to see her bloodied forearm.

"Oh my God! What if you just pick this up? "

I grabbed the nurse's arm.

"I have a question for you. "

"Hey, let go of this and talk. "

"Where's the hunting ground around here? "

"Yes? Where's the hunting ground? All of a sudden."

"Where is the fruit tree colony? "

"No, there's no such thing in Seoul. "


The man frowns.

The nurse's expression became blurry.

"Oh, let go of me. "

The nurse walked out with tears in her eyes.

"Don't make any weird noises, just stay in bed. I'll call the doctor. "

The man left in the room strokes his stomach.

"I'm hungry."

I've been used to hunting for hundreds of years…

The transformation into a civilization may take some time.


Korea University Hospital, one of the Institute for the Development of the Awakening Administration, has a number of prestigious specialists.

Among them, psychology professor Kim Jeong-kuk was a counselor who dealt with many patients with post-traumatic stress disorder.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. Have you eaten?"

"I did. It was delicious. "

A smile appeared on Professor Kim's face.

Well, that's funny.

"Well, let's introduce ourselves. "

"You first."

People under extreme stress often change their personality by 180 degrees. Hoping for social conscience in patients, Professor Kim was a consulting veteran.

I replied calmly with a smiling face.

"Huhu, I'm Kim Jeong-kook. As you can see, they're old. "

I tried to show off the wrinkles around the eyes with a deep smile, but it didn't seem to work at all.

I continued to talk.

"What's your name? "

"Name…. "

"Yes, your name. "

"I don't remember. "

Common cases.

"Haha, don't you remember your name? How did you forget?"

"I just forgot. "

"Just like that?"

"I was alone. You forget the name nobody calls you. "

"Haha, did you forget that no one called you? "

"It hasn't been called for a long time. "

"How much?"

"I think I've been counting for 500 years, but I don't know after that. "

"Haha, that's funny. "

"Is this fun? "

Professor Kim Jung-kook suddenly changed his face after seeing the patient's expressionless face. The face of the wrinkled forehead was a pity.

Empathy matters, empathy. This is the basis of the consultation.

"Oh, my God. How did you end up alone? "

"I don't know. I'm asking all kinds of questions. "

Kim Jong-guk was not angry.

He's a 25-year-old veteran.

The important thing is to keep talking.

Conversations that are exchanged with each other without closing the door of the mind are all part of the counseling.

"Very well. Tell me, then, what have you been living with? "

"Why do you have so many questions? "

You're excited about an interesting counseling case.

Kim said calmly.

"Hehe, I'm in a hurry. So what about this one? asking each other questions, answering each other questions. It's about getting to know each other. "

The man strokes his chin.


"Haha, anything's fine. Ask me first."

"Three males a day.... No, I met a man. "

Professor Kim Jong-guk smiled calmly.


"Why are all men bald? "

" .... "

Kim Jong-guk's eyebrows twitched.

"Has it evolved? "

This motherfucker?

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