Seoul Station Druid

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Rebirth

"Joon-ho. We're here."


"Why are you here? "

While saying that, I was briefly glad to see Junho's face.

"Grandma said, "

My son gave me a lunch box that Lee Sook packed for me.

There was a camera to film the meeting of those who were not extraordinary.

Shake it, shake it.

There are many eyes looking this way.

Lots of people write things on their notebooks.

"Let's go inside."

After entering the container, a spacious rest area emerges.

"Oh, look at those journalists with their eyes wide open like pigeons. "

"Dad, when are you going home? "

"When my eldest father returns, I'm disappointed if no one is around. That's why I'm waiting. "

In fact, it's a protest.

Vengeance class. Administration requested it.

"Sir, do I have to do this? Can we just go back?"

"You don't have to pretend with the Bureau. "

"No, you're still pissed off. You don't wait around. You treat people like they're dead. "

Joon-ho grinned bitterly at the words of Dongsoo.

In one day, the government turned its back on its defensive information while controlling foreign media.

that the Guardian is a nobleman, and that he may have even returned from planet four.

Given the value of the gate to the new world in the era of dimensional industry, Korea has lost enormous opportunities.

Opinions in support of the government's movements condemned the morality and frivolity of the guilds responsible for the defense of the city.

All of this is possible because I am confident that the applause is dead.

"That's common sense. "

Level 5. A five-star dungeon.

An Orcasl belonging to the upper class.

Recommend a pool party of 30 or 10 to 30, including 10.

It's not enough for just two parties.

Awakenings of Class S or higher. If you've been on your toes for a long time and have multiple skills, will you be able to survive at all?

Irregular Class F Awakener.

The administrative department applauds a class A combat strength.

Even with the addition of Grade B Awakened Swimming, it is a difficult chance of survival.

"Tsk, the government doesn't trust me like this. "

Dongsoo complained.

"When the last Team Leader Choi takes one, he wakes up with 19, right? "

"Yes, my brother will come back alive. "

They were both faithful and eager to pray.


Journalists have to eat.

Eating a hamburger but looking at it is on site.

"Phew, how long do I have to keep filming this? "

"Why? It's a good picture. "

In front of the portal, a handful of protesters, clairvoyant families and members of Choi's 11 sensing teams were also on the march.

Their appearance is very unlikely, but they pray for life.

Victims' families are always for sale.

"But is applause really a New World nobleman? "

A veteran reporter smiled at the new question.

"Can a journalist honestly believe that? "

"There's a chance, right? "

"Oh my, who knows if the lottery won or not? "

I'd be dead. Nothing lasts forever.

"It's just a show. The government wants to arrest the guilds this time. "

You've lost your lottery because of your negligence and poor management. Give me your winnings.

"That, too. "

"The journalist…. Look at the big picture, man. "

"Haha, you're the boss. But what happens if she comes back alive? "

"Say something that makes sense. "

"Right? Haha. "

"Is he being unreasonable? Jeez, Irregular's not all monsters. "

"Yep. Haha. "

"Oh, I just remembered one headline when I was talking about Sung-woo. "

"Which one? "

"South Korea. Losing future rankers. "

"Is that all you got? "

His predecessor slapped him on the neck playfully.

"Phew, think about it. You'd be alive by now. It's Aggro, Aggro. "

"Haha, you're the boss. "

"Son of a bitch. "

After a long commotion, the surrounding area suddenly became noisy.


"I'm coming out! "

The two journalists stared at the portal.


The instinctively moving hand pressed on the shutter, followed by a shock.


"Well, what is it? "

"Shit, that's a specialty! "

"Stop, Sunbae! "

I ran to take my seat.



The shimmering eyes quickly lost the light of life.

At last, Orcrod breathes.

Level Up!

"Here we go again. "

I think Orcrod has a lot of Boss EXP.

The level barely climbed from 18 to 19 in a heartbeat.

Once you've cleared the dungeon, you'll soon be Class F.

"Hoo, I really got it. "

The swimmer shakes his head unbelievably.

The way I looked at the applause was much different from before.

Other than specifications.

Isn't it enough to be called Irregular?

I have to admit.

"I owe you."


I know it's a 5-star dungeon, so I gave up swimming.

"You saved my life. "

"Me again. "

The Guardian smiles.

It's not a big deal.

"I'll pay you back when I get the chance. "


She may not be the best in the world, but she is strong enough.

Now that I'm close, even my wife is too good for her subordinates.

"I'll take you under my wing. "


"Join my clan. "

"Ha, fuck. "

Scout offerings are so cheap and offensive.

"I don't want to."

"That's twice. If you don't want to."

Desirable, but not desperate talent.

"Let's get out of here. "

I stripped off all the equipment the Orc King was wearing and put it in my inventory.

The loot was salty and the experience was amazing.

I didn't like that it took me a week, but I was confident I'd be able to do it faster next time.


"You guys go. "

The wolves used to be orchids were already subordinates, so 'taming' didn't work.

"Oh, those cute ones. "

Luckily, the Orcasl Wolf Ranch hasn't grown enough yet, so I rescued some wolves that haven't been assigned to me by the owner.

Lv32 Gray Wolf

Strength 620

A wolf raised by Orcs.

Orc Shaman rescued before being branded.

It's still growing.

Even the younger ones were not as big as the Earth's wolves.

I was confident that when I grew up, I would be bigger than an ox.

Unfortunately, the level of the beast is higher than the level of protection, so there are constraints on the number that can be maintained at the same time.

For a 19-level guardian, two 32-level wolves were limited.

Whether the wild stats are higher or the protection level is higher than the wolves, this will naturally solve the problem.

By then, it will be possible to herd hunt with dozens of wolves.

"Let's get out of here. "

An exit portal created next to it while killing the boss.

"Whew, yeah. "

The swimmer exhaled deeply.

This is how it works.

You two really cleared a 5-Star Dungeon.

No, in fact, even if he did it alone, it's not hard.

Even if you shoot them, you have to admit that you are only good at one thing.


After a brief dizziness through the portal, light flashes everywhere.


A few cameras spray elongated flashes and snap two live ones.

"Mr. Park Soo-ho! Is that you?"

The impression of Choi Swim was solid.

What the hell are you talking about? Are they journalists?

The sights return and the surrounding landscape catches my attention.

Crowds flocking.

Staff from the Bureau, biting reporters behind their backs.

Damn, it's good to see you. Eleven of your men.

You made it back alive.

"Are wolves summoned? "

"Oh, back off! " josei

"Come on, move! "

"Don't come any closer. "

Even the crotch of the tangled people stood still and looked around.

I used to think journalists were like crows.

Lack of understanding of the job as a journalist

I tried to give an interview before, but I didn't have a chance.

"Mr. Park Soo-ho! Congratulations on your birthday. How are you feeling? "

I turned to you in the voice of the Guardian.

"How do you feel? "

"Well, yes. "


There will be millions to dispose of the loot.

And there's no shortage of experience points.

"What are your plans for the future? "

"What plan? "

"The action, the work that you want to do. "

"It's just a dungeon. "

Then came the staff from the administration, stopping the journalists.

"Mr. Park Soo-ho. I'll take you."

"What's wrong with you people? "

"Yes? I want Team Leader Kim Mi Soo to take me…. "

"Forget it. There's our family. "

"But.... "

Swimming held off the staff.

"Let them go."

" .... "

"I am responsible. Out of my way."

"I understand."

As the shield moves, the frostbitten wolves move behind it.



The crowd is in a frenzy.

A single bull follows you around like a bodyguard, and no one can get close enough.

The other side of the shelter was in front of a container where Junho, Dongsoo and Gunhu stood still.

"What are you doing here? "

"Brother.... "

"Did you wait for me? "

"That's why…! "

Junho swallowed the horse.

How can someone come out of a five-star dungeon alone in a week?

"Wow, this is different. "

Junho scratched his back.

It is strange and strange to have someone to worry about and wait for. I don't feel bad.

"Let's go. I want to rest for a long time. "

A little while ago, I wanted to go back to the dungeon because of my cheerful experience, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I don't want to live hunting like a madman.

Why did you come back to Earth?

"Let's eat something delicious today. "

"Great party! Let's go."

Dongsoo quickly led me to the car.

A pickup truck departs with two wolves seated somewhat.

I stared at the truck while swimming for a long time, and I woke up to the sound of calling to myself.

"Hey, Choi Swim! Are you okay?"

"Huh? Huh. What are you doing?"

"What the hell!"

When I looked into Chief Kim Mi Soo's eyes, I didn't have to ask.


His title was big enough to take only personal feelings.

She said, looking at reporters who are asking questions to Kim Mi-suh, head of Senior Patient Management.

"We will take a position later in our investigation into the case. Now let's just give thanks for the return of two precious talent who almost lost Korea. "

"Boss! Let me ask you a question. Mr. Park, are you really a nobleman of the new world? "

Kim Smile's cheeks twitched.

'Let's wait. '

I did not actively dissuade myself from blaming the managing director's haste for informing the media that the guard was a noble man. I wasn't sure about the rebirth.

This can't be undone.

He came back to life, thinking he was going to die, and now it's funny to hide his identity.

Information control has crossed the water.

"I see a high probability. "

In a word, reporters argue, but she turns away and closes the situation.

"I will arrange for a press conference later. "

The reporters quickly started to move as Kim Mi Soo left with the best swimming.

Some returned to the company, some to the clan where the applause stayed.

Staunch talent Paul. Get out the Korean World Ranker.

Lee Sung-woo? A noble patient threatening the world's top rankers.

Trade routes to the new world are opened.

The door to the new world. Seoul is open.

Awakening Rank Combat Strength. No Irregular! Class F Irregular miracle.

Journalists argued about the existence of the Guardian, and hundreds of thousands of views were made on even the strangest articles.

It's natural to rank first in search terms.

And the views on the water channel exploded.

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