ShangriLa Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: Not a Scarecrow, But One Minute and One Second to Make History Part 1

Chapter 236: Not a Scarecrow, But One Minute and One Second to Make History Part 1


Three trunks and seven branches. There is such a thing in this world, even though there is no word that could actually describe it properly.

However, even though there is no word that can actually describe it, it does not mean that such a thing has no right to exist in the first place.

It is something that we all notice but we do not really acknowledge, since deep down inside we all treat it as something completely obvious and natural.

The concept of both life and death is nothing but a small pebble in the mainstream called reality. And “aging” is something that gives both life and death direction, it is something irreversible and unchanging, equaling everyone in its wake.

As long as an unspecified number of players keep on playing at the same time, there is no way that time could actually come to a halt for any one of said people. It is something so obvious and so natural…… But it is exactly because it is so obvious and so natural that I happened to overlook it.

This world is most certainly a work of fiction. The inhabitants of this cybernetic creation are nothing more but clusters of data, not the real people by any means. However, even if they were real, for the three trunks and its seven branches it would not amount to anything at all, they would still not acknowledge their existence and rights as humans. Time would still continue to march forward, always the same and unchanging, without even considering the possibility of going against the mainstream flow.

And that is exactly why,

The seven strongest species standing at the absolute top of the world…… Those whose roots reach all the way towards the Gods themselves. No matter how those who try to get close to them do, the world still marches on in its usual rhythm.

Heavenly Sanctuary.

An area similar in looks to a huge plateau in the center of the map, with many high slopes leading towards it, each slope filled to the brim with monsters. The higher you go the more powerful and ferocious the monsters will become. However, once you reach the top of the slopes, there will be no monsters there waiting for you.

Even though this place is so dangerous and not meant for everyone, almost every single player in the game knows about its existence…… And it is all because this plateau is the home to a very particular monster.

「Siegwurm! If I manage to defeat you, even I can……!」

「I am terribly sorry, as you can see, I am not quite ready yet to receive more costumers for the time being.」

Could it be something that was only natural and was to be expected? Or maybe it was a result of everyone having grown impatient since the reveal that a single person already managed to take down two of the seven Unique Monsters? With each passing day, more and more players were trying to challenge Siegwurm in hopes of defeating it, even though their levels and equipment were obviously not quite cut out to the task. Needless to say, this only resulted in Siegwurm mowing down masses of players with only single blows every single time.

None of them was even slightly as entertaining as that certain masked Ninja…… While looking truly apologetic at the masses of players that were being blown away by his True Breath, an attack that was even more devastating than Dragon Breath, the Golden King Siegwurm looks into the distance while letting out a long and deep sigh.

「I see that he is still as honest and sincere of a person as always……」

「It takes a true bravery to come stand before me with one’s weapons laid bare and being prepared to do battle to the death…… It is only a common courtesy to answer to such bravery by battling them with all of my might.」

「I guess that you may be right…… Say, are there any more creatures like you out there?」

「Hmm, let’s see…… I might be fundamentally different from the rest of my kin, since I am not consumed by rage and hostility at all times.」

Even though the opponent right now was a fledgling Ninja who’s level was lower than that of Siegwurm by more than one hundred, Siegwurm still greeted him politely and like a true warrior would do. Weakling or not, a warrior is still a warrior.

After all, it was the only thing that Siegwurm could do in order to combat the loneliness that was eating away at his heart. He was the largest and the strongest creature in this world, with no one else being able to match his might and to whom even the elements and nature itself was yielding. If there was ever someone who would be a match for him, that would only be someone of the same origin as him.

「But I must say, it is really surprising, my friend. To see you come here to see me.」

「Well, I guess you are right about that as well…… Are you aware of that, by any chance? Soon enough, the time will come……」

「…… Yes, indeed it will.」

Yes, the world keeps on moving forward, no matter what. And for some inexplicable reason, two of the seven branches have already been cut. Just who is going to be the third branch to get itself cut?

「Dragon Disaster…… That “mycelium” is soon going to be after you all. And it’s going to be the second time in history that humans clash against it. You don’t really have to answer me this, but I would be really happy if you did…… Whatever should we do?」

「Kukuku…… So you would like to know.」

The golden dragon king laughs. Ever since the day his form as Siegwurm was born, he was asking himself that question every day, contemplating the reason for his existence.

And every single time, the conclusion that he managed to arrive at was always one and the same: to be a trial meant to be overcome by the human race. Without hatred, without respect, without affection…… The fundamental of the Dragon king was that of expectation and trust. So if the humans manage to overcome him, even the Dragon Disaster would not pose a threat to them. They would still be able to face it with their heads held high.

Be strong, humans. Be strong and overcome me.

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