Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 235

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 235

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 235

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 235 – Kidnapped!

I was feeling much better now. I had a few things to take care of and then I planned to get Maura the pills so that we can help her mother out and take her somewhere safer. Right now, I didn’t have a place to take her, but I was trying to find something.

“Where are you headed again?” Pamela asked me, glaring at me as she stopped me at the exit door. I looked around and noticed how the customers were looking at the two of us.

“I have some errands to run. It is anyway my lunchtime, so I guess I will just do my work and come back in time.” I kept my voice down and a smile on my face to let the customers know we weren’t arguing. Nobody wanted to eat while watching two servers argue like dogs.

Title of the document

“Nuh-huh! Go back to the kitchen and finish your lunch. You are not leaving this cafe until it is closing time.” She had her hand resting on the doorknob and her body blocking my view. I was so intimidated that I wanted to yell at her or push her aside, but I didn’t want to create a scene. I nodded to her and briskly entered the kitchen again, getting angry with her. Once I was in the kitchen, she walked after me and threw the apron at me.

“Wear this and take the order of the customer,” she pointed at the door again. “It is my lunchtime; why don’t you take the order yourself?” I had enough of her attitude. I know why she was trying to make things difficult for me now. She wanted me to see how miserable I would be if I didn’t take her help. Well, news flash: I will still find a way to survive and thrive.

“No!” she shook her head. “You will take this order.” I noticed she wasn’t going to leave me in peace until I took this order. So, I snatched the apron out of her hands and wore it while not breaking my stare from her face. I was fuming.

I walked out in a ruined mood, and looking at the customer at the table didn’t help me at all. In fact, I knew why she had f*orc*ed me to come here.

It was Flynn!

She knew what happened back in the mansion, and this is how she decided to take advantage of that piece of information.

“Ah! Here she is,” Flynn muttered, faking a smile much wider. I noticed he had someone beside him. To my surprise, he had come with his mother this time.

“Come sit here, Beatrice!” she said, patting the empty seat beside her.

“I am not a customer here. I will take your order and leave,” I stated rudely, taking out the notepad and pretending to write something on it.

“So, what would you like me to get you today?” I asked, feeling anger bubbling in my veins. I wouldn’t serve them anything, but it was my job, so I had to.

“Accept my son as your mate.” Varisha was able to make me stop and look at her.

“What?” I asked, taking deep breaths.

“You heard me. Accept my son,” she shrugged, as if she was unaware of our history.

“Your son?” I asked, just so that I could let out a scoff.

“It is not like you are not living a thrilled life here. Why not make an attempt to be happy with an alpha king?” she said with a very sweet, yet fake smile on her face. I knew she was angry with me and was probably thinking I was responsible for what happened to her son and Mariah’s engagement. She still failed to understand that it was her son who had always messed things up. He just got unlucky when he messed with me.

“If this is what you two have come here for, then I am sorry. I will have to tell you —,” I took a pause just so that I could bend over the table with my hands on it and mumble, “I am not on the menu,” I said, straightening my back and walking away from them.

I didn’t even want to spare a glance at Flynn. I knew what game they were playing now. They would make me accept Flynn so that they can tell everyone it was my plan so that I can have Flynn for myself. I hope people are not stupid enough to understand that whatever Flynn confessed was his own sin. I just made him admit to those nasty deeds.

“What happened?” Pamela asked, watching me throw the napkin on the island and take deep breaths.

“What is up with you mothers wanting me to accept your crazy, sick sons?” I turned to Pamela after her constant bullying and pushing had reached under my skin.

“My son is not sick!” she muttered. “Wait! Lady Varisha wanted you to accept Flynn, and you are angry?” She shook her head before she started cackling like an evil person.

“What is so funny about it?” I folded my arms over my chest and stared into her face with exhaustion.

“It is not funny, but it is sad. You are getting such opportunities left and right when there are so many she-wolves who are dying to find their mates. And all you do is complain. I see how all this will end for you. You will be alone in the end,” she hissed, frowning and mocking me with the way she was judging me with her glares.

“I would rather be alone than with someone like your son or Flynn,” I stated this, didn’t wait for her to show a reaction and walked out of the cafe from the backdoor.

I knew I would meet another sicko because I had a feeling something was happening that day. It just started weirdly for me. I had only taken a few steps forward when I heard someone from behind me. Before I could even turn around and face the person, a hand was wrapped around my mouth to silence me.

“I will see how you don’t accept me now,” he hissed in my ear, making my body cover in goosebumps.

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