Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 237

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 237

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 237

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 237 – With The Monster In The Car.

Beatrice’s POV:

He dragged me into his car by f*orc*e and sat in the backseat with me while the driver was told to keep driving for a few minutes and then be given directions.

I don’t know what Flynn was thinking when he did that, but it scarred my mental state. The two big bodyguards in the car with him were making sure I didn’t create a ruckus.

Title of the document

“What the hell are you doing? Where are you taking me?” I yelled but had to lower my volume when the guard cracked his knuckles as a warning to me.

“I’ve been thinking for a while about you and your actions. Without your wolf being active, you are able to ruin many lives. You can survive many punishments. Which led you to believe you can do anything you want. You started believing that you were rising above the alphas and the Alpha kings. It irks me to see you acting like a boss. You shouldn’t be allowed to have an opinion since you are nothing but a mere human and a brother f*uc*ki*ng w*hor*e.” His words stung me like a snake’s poison.

I blinked harder to get rid of the tears while he scoffed and clenched his fists. Prior to this day, I didn’t fear walking around freely. I thought maybe the worst someone could do to me was blackmail me into accepting them, but kidnapping, How do I escape that?

“Not talking big anymore?” he then chuckled at my miserable state.

“What are you going to do to me?” I asked him in worry, wondering what kind of evil plans he had for me.

“Oh, you will see. These few days will be the best days of your life,” he chuckled, waving a gun around in his hand.

All I knew for sure was that I was screwed. Nobody even knows I walked out of the kitchen and got kidnapped.

The instant the car entered a heavy lane, his guard f*orc*ed my head down on his orders. I knew he had planned it perfectly. It wasn’t an on-point decision. Then why in hell did he bring his mother here?

“Let me go.” I finally fought the man’s hand off after 15 minutes, when all the blood had rushed into my eyes. I raised my head and glared at the man before looking around and noticing where they had brought me. We were on the mountain now. Our car was slowly driving up the car track and God knows heading where.

“You can take me wherever you want, but I am not accepting you,” I muttered as they parked the car in front of a messy, rundown cabin.

“We will see about it,” Flynn mumbled, getting out of the car and asking his guards to drag me out.

They nodded to him and grasped my arms to pull me out. I almost tripped and even sprained my ankle, but they were reckless.

Flynn walked ahead of us and led us to the door of the cabin. It was an extremely old cabin, covered with trees and with bushes around it.

I don’t think anybody would suspect that I am being kept here. The guards shoved me inside, but only Flynn followed.

“Surround the cabin and make sure her voice is not leaving the cabin,” Flynn had given some serious instructions to his people. At this point, I was worried about what his end plan was because he wasn’t giving me any hints about how he was going to make me accept him only.

The cabin was already small, with only a small bed in it, and with the guards guarding it from every comer, I feared if I could ever escape it until Flynn let me out. As soon as Flynn shut the door, he blocked the light from entering the cabin. The small lantern was now the only source of light in the room.

Since my ankle hurt, I crawled back without getting up. Soon my back was sticking against the comer of the room and my eyes were sticking to his face.

“So, this is what it feels like to be alone with you,” he smirked, probably thinking too high of himself.

“Did you see what I did there? I freaking snatched you from under everyone’s nose, and nobody caught me. This is what your life has become now. Nobody gives a damn about you. Is this how you want to live your life? Do you want to be nobody?” He had a weird taunting tone to his words as he walked around the room, trying to tell me how I was nothing if I didn’t give myself up to him.

“I would rather be a nobody than somebody who is related to you,” I muttered, feeling the fresh pain of losing Helel.

“Ah! The hatred,” he shook his head, “You miss him, don’t you?” He scoffed, dragging a small stool and sitting in front of me. I squeezed myself further into the corner when watching him sit so close.

“What had he ever given to you? It is not like you were dating him or that you two had marked each other. So, why are you still crying about him?” Flynn hunched over as he rested his elbow on his thigh and tried questioning me.

“Now that we are talking about it, I do remember that I wasn’t even the one who started it. I was having a fun day with Mariah when you invaded my privacy and saved my pictures to blackmail me with. Now how is it my fault that I wanted these pictures gone?” He tilted his head and pouted, excluding the real reason why I recorded him.

“Come on! Don’t give me that look. You were not a victim when we slept together. You were lying about your feelings for me when you were jumping up and down my c*oc*k.’ The way he said it, I felt tears rushing down my cheeks. “I had no option but to say no,’ I muttered, reminding him how he was blackmailing me.

“You had. You could have just let me expose the video, but you wanted to save yourself, hence you slept with me. I didn’t f*orc*e you,” he shrugged, making me wonder if he truly didn’t see his fault or if was I responsible for that night, too.

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