Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 239

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 239

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 239

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 239 – Record Me!

I couldn’t get up on my feet, and I was beginning to feel a bit dizzy now. Even if Ace manages to wake up, she won’t be able to transition. So, I guess it was a lose-lose situation for me.

Every time I looked in the direction of the bed, I gagged. The idea of sleeping with Flynn was churning my stomach.

After exactly a few minutes, Flynn walked back into the cabin with a black bag in his hand. As before, he locked the door and then put the bag on the stool near the window.

Title of the document

“Did you miss me?” He mocked me, unzipping the bag and pulling out a stand that he started adjusting on the windowsill.

“What is this? What are you gonna do with it?” I asked, trying to comprehend what he was doing until he brought out a camera and started adjusting it. The bed was in the direct field of the camera. It wasn’t too hard of a mystery to solve. He was planning to record us.

“What the f*uc*k is wrong with you?” I couldn’t keep my calm any longer and jump to my feet. I instantly bit my bottom lip when my ankle hurt.

“What? I am just making memories,” he shrugged, busy with the camera when I hopped like crazy towards the door. The instant I noticed he was not even trying to stop me, I figured he had pretty strict guards securing the place. I still gave it a try to unlock the door to leave. The moment I opened the door, two guards turned to face me.

“You cannot leave,” the guard smirked, and the other one played with the rod in his hand. I stood on one foot before I tried pushing past them. They grabbed me by my arms and shoved me back.

“Ugh!” I whimpered when I landed on my back, and pain ran through my body.

“Are you done trying?” Flynn, who had now turned on the camera, walked my way and wrapped his arms around my body from the back.

“Don’t f*uc*king touch me.” I waved my arms around and tried to move out of his grasp, but I was weirdly weak in front of him. It isn’t like I had Ace all those days when I was kicking b*utts, so what changed? Why was I not able to get any strength from her today? Did that mean she was awake in me all those days? Did the medicines only prevent the transition? Then why didn’t she speak to me?

“Ahh!” Flynn laughed when he tossed me in bed and slammed my face into the pillow. He sat on my back and laughed, grasping my hair in his fist and yanking my head up.

“Today will be just the beginning of something great for you. Your wolf will finally get what she has been craving.” He whispered in my ear after leaning over me. “Those brothers used to love sharing, but let’s see if they will look at you the same way after realizing you have been sharing a bed with me for weeks,” he explained his plan to me. He was going to keep me here for weeks before releasing me to the world again with a bunch of video clips to blackmail me with.

“No!” I fought hard when he tripped me around and made me face him. He had crawled on top of me with a smirk covering his lips.

“Don’t fight too hard; you cannot win over me,” he scoffed, getting up and ripping apart my top. That’s when my struggles intensified.

I started moving around and scratching him. I noticed how annoyed he looked every time my nail pierced through his skin, so I focused on doing that for now. As he grabbed my bottoms to open them, I

got up and grabbed his hair in my fist.

“F*uc*king b*itc*h!” Finally, he became enraged enough to twist my hand and slap me so hard that I fell asleep.

“You do it again, and I will kill you,” he yelled from the top of the bed. I could get up. I still had that much strength in my body, but I pretended to be knocked out.

“Hey!” He yelled in annoyance, jumping off the bed and turning me around on the ground. I kept my body lifeless and tried not to breathe too much.

“What the f*uc*k?” His fingers traced the bump on my head and then the blood in my hair. He had hit me pretty hard to make me bleed. However, I was still not knocked out, but he didn’t have to know this.

“Wake up!” He slapped me several times before cursing, “F*uc*k!”

“Guards!” he yelled at the guards, whose footsteps were a sign they had arrived. “She is not going to die, right?” He was such a moron that he had to ask them about my condition.

“From the looks of her injury, we can’t be sure. She doesn’t even have a wolf, so she is pretty much a human.” The guard stated, after he checked my head and then my pulse, “She is breathing, but— the blood and the bump—I don’t know. Whenever we beat up someone who doesn’t have a wolf, they have a high chance of dying from even little hits. Try waking her up, and if she doesn’t wake up, I guess we will have to take her to the emergency room,” the guard explained, and Flynn only scoffed in his response.

“No! She is not leaving this cabin. Tell me where to get a vampire blood from. We will get the blood, take her out of the cabin for a few minutes, and after injecting the blood in her, we will drag her inside again,” Flynn told the guard, who I a*s*sume agreed with him.

Alpha King Maddox and Zane had been calling us nonstop. I think we should leave her here with a guard, and the rest of us should go sign the attendance quickly. It is not like she is able to move anyway,” the other guard suggested, making my heart pound with hope.

Waiting for Flynn’s response was the worst kind of stress.

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