Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 97

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 97

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 97

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 97 – My First s*e*x Toy.

Beatrice’s POV:

I spoke to Colt for a few minutes before I had to ask him to leave. I wasn’t ready to get in trouble with the brothers. Be- fore leaving, he told me a very weird thing. He said the brothers’ fate is very dark and that they need someone to prevent the despair that is going to attack them soon. I mean, they were the alpha kings and lived in a mansion with heavy duty guards. And the brothers together can be very powerful. Only an idiot would try attacking them.

“I don’t understand. What do you mean by that?” I asked him as I stood at the exit with him.

Title of the document

“I don’t know much myself, but I do know there will come a she-weredragon, a mistress of doomsday as they call her, who will be the end of these alpha king brothers,” Colt said, making me frown at the thought of the brothers being in pain.

“Could it be just a myth?” I inquired in worry.

“I have heard a lot about the Mistress of doomsday. Our bedtime stories always had her mentioning them. Some be- lieve she will be our savior, while others believe she will be the ent*ity of darkness. But I know for a fact that she will be cunning enough to make her way into their lives and make them all fall for her. At least that’s what the stories said,” he finished as he pouted, “There is a lot coming, and if she comes, the world we know will turn into an abyss,” he sighed, rubbing his palms together and watching me zone out.

“Don’t worry about me. I have a place. I don’t actually live in the woods,” He smiled sweetly when noticing how I was staring at his hands that had turned red from the cold.

“I thought you lived in the woods.” I brought up the woods because of Mr. Mykel. He mentioned some k*illings, so I couldn’t look away from that.

“Oh no! I was just trying to follow my pendant. My pendant felt the presence of Destiny Despair in the woods.” He touched his pendant, explaining how the weredragons are. connected by their pendants.

“She has the same pendant.” I asked out of curiosity, and a little smile and head shake from him made me realize how stupid I sounded to him.

“We all have our own. The warriors usually have the same kinds, then come the child caretakers and the others, but we must have them on,” he explained and started looking around anxiously. “I will take a leave now,” he excused, and I didn’t stop him either.

It was already late, and the brothers were on their way home. After a few minutes of Colt leaving, the first one to arrive was Maddox. I thought he had left with the brothers, but it seemed as if he left them in the hospital.

“Are you alright?” I asked him, following him upstairs as he kept his head low.

“When are they arriving?” I asked again, and when he didn’t respond, I walked into my room, only for him to walk after me.

“I was thinking,” he started, “how about you stay in my room tonight?” He asked, and I went silent for a moment.

“It’s not like anybody would mind,” he added, and I gave him a nod.

I was a bit clueless as to what needed to be done about the weredragon piece of information.

“Good. Come to my room in a few minutes. I have a surprise for you,” Maddox said as he exited the room.

I stood in my spot, thinking about what he meant by that.

More like, I wasn’t sure if I was ready to receive any gift. So far, the rest of the brothers have only made me realize they have used me and tossed me aside.

Anyway, I needed someone to take care of me for the night. After changing into a long grey sweater with only p*an*tie*s under it, I made my way to his room, carrying millions of thoughts.

Once I entered the room, I found him standing behind the door, which he immediately shut for me. I walked over to the bed where something was resting and noticed Maddox follow me from behind.

“What is this?” I asked him.

“It’s your very first s*e*x toy,” he said, picking up the toy that looked like a human d*ic*k with a vibrator.

“Oh,” I said, starting to feel a little intrigued about it. He did it for me, so he must have been thinking about me.

“Maddox! I wanted—,” before I could even express my emotions or say what I had to say, he shoved me in the wall while holding the gigantic d*ildo in his hand.

“I don’t know anything aou–,” I stopped once again when he rubbed the d*ildo over my v*agin*a while drawing my leg up and resting it on the wall beside me.

“I love flexible girls,” he commented, being a bit too rough. I heard the doorbell ringing and then a chatter coming from downstairs. The brothers must have brought Gwen back. I wished to stop Maddox because the way he didn’t even let me speak had ruined my mood.

“Ah!” My lips let out a gasp when he slid the d*ildo into my p*an*tie*s.

“It’s okay. I can teach you all about this toy,” he whispered, holding me against the wall near the door. The last thing I wanted was to learn about s*e*x from my stepbrother, who didn’t even want to speak about us or anything else other than having s*e*x with me.

“I have to go. Your brothers are waiting for me,” I excused, wanting to leave to see what drama Gwen created this time.

“My brothers can come to my room. You know we are willing to share with you.” His words shook my body, and so did the v*ibrator in my p*an*tie*s.

“You have enough holes to please us all at the same time.” His comment made my body shudder.

Along with the little pleasure I felt, I also realized the words he used were a bit demeaning. I have never been able to focus on anything else when having a s*e*xual encounter with them, but something was different tonight.

I was able to resist for the first time as I refused to become their c*um bucket.

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