She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 162 - Secret Marriage

Chapter 162 - Secret Marriage

Adeline frowned and then shouted at Nigel at the top of her voice, "She is your wife? You got married without even telling anyone? Without even telling me?"

"I am so sorry, sister. It- everything happened so fast and-" Nigel felt a heavy blow on his stomach and he flew in the air and then landed on the ground with a loud thud.

Adeline was hoping that Nigel was just joking when he said that the woman who was standing behind him was his wife. But she could clearly see it in his eyes that he was not lying.

She was hurt that her only brother whom she loved the most had married without even saying anything to her. She didn't understand why he was in such a rush to get married that he couldn't even inform anyone or even take permission from their father. And she furiously yelled at Nigel again, "I thought you were my brother..."

Nigel groaned in pain and spoke in a complaining voice, "Adeline! Is this what you do to your brother when you see him after a month? You could have let me explain before kicking me."

If anyone else had kicked her mate like that, Rhea would have probably clawed that person already. But she didn't do anything of that sort as she was too stunned by what just happened. She held her breath and stared at Nigel who was rubbing his stomach while wincing. He was not pretending, he was genuinely in pain.

Then she glanced at the Princess who had just managed to throw a werewolf down to the ground with a single kick.josei

The Princess was still shouting at her brother, "Do you think an explanation would have saved you from my kick? Get up! Come on! I am going to beat you until you-"

"What are you?" And Rhea's mouth shouted at Adeline before she could even think what she was speaking.

Everyone's attention was grabbed by that desperate and rude question that Rhea had asked to Adeline. Nigel feared that Rhea would end up doing something to his sister so he quickly got up and went to stand by the side of Rhea.

That was definitely not the first question that Adeline had expected to hear from her… sister-in-law. She gave an awkward smile and all she could say was, "Umm… Prin…cess?" What else was she supposed to say to that question? That she was the sweetheart of the Devil?

Rhea came out of her daze when she felt Nigel's hand on her shoulder. And she realized what she had said and in what kind of tone. She immediately bowed her head and apologized to the Princess, "I am sorry, Your Highness. I didn't mean to sound so rude. What I meant to say was that you are too strong… for a Princess."

Of course, Rhea had no idea that Adeline was well aware of what Nigel was. She thought that asking any further questions would only lead the Princess closer to finding out the secret of Nigel. So, she refrained from asking Adeline how she was able to kick her brother down.

But the question was still itching her because Nigel was stronger than any average human. So how was his sister able to send him flying like that?

"I am strong?" Adeline smiled innocently at Rhea and tucked her silver hair behind her ears. She realized that she probably shouldn't have kicked her brother in front of his… wife and surprised her by showing off her strength. So she instantly added, "I don't think I am as strong as my brother. He just likes to let me win."

Fenris was standing in one corner with his hands folded and was enjoying the family drama. He remembered how easily Adeline had knocked Nigel down when he had first witnessed their fight. "Pffftt... as if he could win!" he thought while recalling the look on Nigel's face.

And he was trying hard not to laugh when Adeline said that Nigel let her win on purpose. He was biting the insides of his cheeks and was looking away from Rhea. He didn't want Rhea to get suspicious about Adeline's true strength just because he laughed.

But Rhea already was suspicious. She wasn't stupid to believe that Nigel purposely got himself kicked down to the ground just to let his sister win.

Adeline glared at Nigel again and started to emotionally blackmail him, "I had so many things planned for your wedding. I wanted to wear an elegant gown and dance and eat. And I wanted to enjoy my brother's wedding ceremony to the fullest."

Nigel was puckering his lips and had an apologetic look on his face.

Adeline shouted in a pampered voice, "But you stole all that away from me. Why couldn't you wait for a few days to get married? I am sure father wouldn't have objected."

And out of the blue, she sat down on the floor with a thump and folded her hands looking all grumpy and childish. And she insisted, "I want to see your wedding. Get married again… with Rhea."

Rhea began to blush when Adeline said that. If only she knew how they had gotten 'married'!

Nigel laughed nervously and stuttered, "Of-of course…"

But Nigel was interrupted by Fenris. He burst out into laughter, he couldn't hold it in anymore. He was laughing so hard that he was holding his stomach and was crying.

"Fenris!" Nigel gave him a glare as if to say 'good behavior!' and Fenris understood what his glare meant. But he just could not stop laughing when he imagined Nigel and Rhea getting 'married' in werewolves' tradition and Adeline watching them.

"I'm sorry! Please excuse me!" Fenris dashed out of the room while clasping his mouth but even though he was outside, those who were inside the room were still able to hear his chortle.

Nigel shook his head and said to Rhea and Adeline, "Never mind him. You both know how he is."

He took a deep breath and then smiled. He crouched down to the level of Adeline and then pinched both of her cheeks and said, "I have not held any marriage ceremony, we will hold that soon. And this cute sister can enjoy as much as she wants."

"Really?" Adeline's face lit up and she hugged her brother with excitement. "Thank you so much! I can't wait."

But Nigel nervously asked a favor of his sister, "But umm… don't tell anyone yet. You are the first person in Wyverndale to know about it. I will tell everyone after the test is over. I don't want to cause a ruckus before the test."

Adeline was even happier when she found out that she was the first person to know about her brother's secret marriage. She nodded her head and whispered, "Your secret is safe with me."

"Ah! Where are my manners?" Adeline slapped herself on her forehead and then picked herself up from the floor. Then without any warning, she wrapped Rhea in an embrace. "Welcome to the family, my dear sister-in-law."

Rhea was surprised by that sudden hug from the Princess. But she remembered how childishly she had acted just a while ago when she found out that her brother had married without telling anything to her. Maybe not all Princesses act all high and mighty, she thought. She hugged Adeline back and a genuine smile crept upon her lips.

After they pulled back from the hug, Adeline asked with excitement, "I have always wanted to have a sister. Not that I don't already have a lot of them, but no one is dear to me. Can I just address you as 'sister' instead of that long 'sister-in-law'?"

Rhea's heart warmed at that question from Adeline. She understood why Nigel had cried when he found out that he had to leave Wyverndale for good. She got to witness their deep brother-sister bond and she wasn't sure if she could have controlled herself if she was in place of Nigel.

Rhea nodded while giving a smile to Adeline. She did not realize it but the rims of her eyes were glistening with tears. "Yes, Your Highness, you may address me as your sister. I would love that."

"Sister! You shouldn't be addressing me as 'Your Highness'." Adeline put her arms on her back and politely asked Rhea, "Please address me as 'sister' or simply by my name, Adeline." She tilted her head to the side and gave a grin that had even successfully melted the heart of the Devil Prince himself.

So Rhea was not immune to that smile and she spoke with an enchanted expression, "I would love that, sister."

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