She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 166 - Blood

Chapter 166 - Blood

The moon finally shone in the clear sky. The tranquil light from the moon slowly entered the dining room through the windows.

But the room was anything but tranquil. A growl full of anger filled the whole room, "Did you just touch my sister without her permission?" Nigel's eyes were glowing like burning fire and his fingernails were already replaced by sharp claws.

He leaped across the dining table and landed in between Theodore and Adeline. He pushed Theodore and then he pulled Adeline away from the Devil Prince, while Rhea helplessly watched her husband 'exposing' his werewolf identity.

"Oh! No… this is bad," Rhea glanced out of the window and desperately wanted to stop Nigel. But Nigel was already on the other side of the room and he didn't look like he would be calming down any time soon.

Nigel grabbed Adeline by her arms. And he roared while glaring at her with his golden eyes, "Adeline, is what he is saying true? What does he mean by he is your future husband? Did you agree to marry the Devil? Or did he coerce you or trick you into agreeing to marry him?"

Adeline was afraid to see her brother in that ferocious form. She wanted to explain everything to her brother but she couldn't put it into words because of the sharp pain she was feeling. In his fury, Nigel didn't realize that he was digging his claws into Adeline's arms and blood was sipping out of her wounds.

Nigel shook Adeline to make her talk and asked again, "Has he been molesting you? Has he been forcing himself upon you? Tell me, you don't need to be afraid as long as your brother has your back."

"No! He would never do that." Adeline clenched her teeth because of the pain and pleaded to Nigel in a whisper, "Brother! Please calm down. I will tell you everything." She was trying her best not to look hurt or fight Nigel off fearing that Theodore might end up hurting her brother.

But Theodore had already smelled blood and he was now standing right by the side of Adeline and Nigel. He grabbed Nigel by his wrist and gave a death stare to him with his glowing red eyes. The dark aura around Theodore was getting wilder by the second.

Nigel also glared back at Theodore with a low growl leaving his throat. He was ready to transform into his wolf form at any second now.josei

However, Theodore wasn't looking for a fight. He was angry at Nigel only because he was hurting Adeline. And he warned the wolf in his threateningly calm tone, "You are hurting your sister, Nigel. Get your claws out of her."

Nigel quickly shifted his glance from Theodore to Adeline. His eyes fell on Adeline's blood-laced arm and his bloody claws. He gasped and instantly let go of his tight grip on Adeline.

He was so angry at himself for hurting his sister that he was unable to think straight for a moment. And in a split second, he directed his anger towards Theodore and grabbed the Devil by his neck. Then he pushed Theodore to the wall and snarled like a wolf who was about to lose his control, "You… what did you do to my sister? Tell me that you didn't trick her, you evil brat."

Now that Nigel was not digging Adeline's flesh anymore, Theodore was calmer than earlier. And even though Nigel was choking him, he spoke in his calm and unfazed voice, "No need to sweat, puppy. You know you can't win against me. And besides, I wouldn't want to hurt my future wife's dearest brother."

"Stop calling her your future wife!" Nigel shouted and clenched Theodore's throat even tighter.

"Brother! Stop! Please," Adeline raised her arms to hold onto her brother but she instantly groaned in pain and crouched down while clutching her fists. She wanted to pull Nigel away from Theodore but she was hurt deeply than she thought.

Her painful cry was successful in attracting both Nigel and Theodore's attention away from each other and towards her.

A frown line appeared on Theodore's forehead and he said in his husky voice, "Let me look at your sister's wound." And without even lifting his finger, Theodore threw Nigel's hand away from his neck.

But before Theodore could hold Adeline, Nigel stood in between them and apologized to Adeline, "I'm so sorry Adeline. I didn't realize that I was clawing you. I don't know what came over me. I am sorry!"

Even though Adeline was in great pain, she smiled and shook her head, "It's just a small scratch brother. I will heal overnight. No need to be sorry. I am the one who should be apologizing for not telling you everything about me and Theodore."

Nigel retracted his claws and sadly whispered, "I didn't mean to hurt you." He leaned down to take a closer look at Adeline's wounds but when the strong scent of blood entered his nose, something strange happened to him. A strange sensation overtook his body and he felt as though he was losing his control over his body and also his consciousness.

Theodore noticed that the aura around Nigel was changing rapidly. He walked to Nigel's side and asked, genuinely worried about him, "Puppy, are you alright?"

But Nigel was not in the condition to answer. He blinked his eyes hard and tried to regain his composure. But the blood was doing something to wake his animal instinct. He began to shiver but at the same time, he was sweating like never before. His throat parched and he had this strong urge to gnash his teeth on Adeline's wound.

Suddenly, a loud crack was heard from Nigel's body and he screeched in agony.

"Nigel!" Rhea knew what was going on and she took a few steps towards her husband to aid him. But she herself was struggling because of the aroma of blood that was slowly dripping from Adeline's wound. And she stopped mid-track so as not to lose her control.

This was the curse of the full moon. On each full moon, every muscle in a werewolf's body would search for one thing - human flesh. This was the punishment given by God to the people of the Siccaldi clan because of the mistake made by one of their ancestors. 

The leader of the Siccaldi clan was foolish enough to test God. He fed God with the intestine of a child to test if he would know. And God was so enraged that he cast a curse on the whole clan and the descendants to come. He cursed that they would turn into a wolf every full moon and would crave human flesh. But if they dig their fangs on a human, they would be stuck in their wolf form forever.

Rhea was here in Wyverndale to help and control Nigel if he ran into problems like now, not add to the problem by transforming herself.

It had been a long time since she lost control during the full moon but the environment that she was in made it difficult for her.. And since this was the second full moon for Nigel, she knew that Nigel would turn any moment now. She looked at the others with glowing eyes and warned them, "Adeline, Fenris, run!"

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