She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 168 - Feet Cleaning

Chapter 168 - Feet Cleaning


Theodore touched the two of the 'puppies' and then teleported from the room.

"What the…? Argh! I should stop bringing more people to this sacred place of mine."

He was thinking of teleporting Rhea and Nigel to the forest behind the Palace but in all that confusion and rush, he ended up teleporting them to the hilltop where he had taken Adeline once. That was his favorite and secret place. But it didn't seem to be a secret anymore, now that he had already shown that place to three other people.

Nigel was still in the middle of transformation so Rhea quickly ran to his side and tried to comfort him. "Nigel, you don't have to panic now. Everything is going to be okay. Just focus on your transformation. It will be over in a few more seconds." But more than to Nigel, she was saying that to herself.

Theodore wanted to teleport back to the Palace and tend to Adeline's wounds. But seeing Nigel going through such agonizing pain, he couldn't bring himself to leave the two puppies alone at the top of an unknown hill.

He thought of reverting Nigel back to his human form once his transformation was complete. And he thought that he would take the two of them back to the Palace with him, but of course, away from Adeline.

Nigel completely transformed into his werewolf form. Under the bright moonlight, his fur was glistening like some newly polished coat. Nigel turned his golden gaze towards the silver moon. From the top of that tall hill, the moon looked even closer and Nigel couldn't help but howl while looking at that beautiful moon.

Rhea sat down on the grassy land and let out a sigh of relief. She was worried that Nigel would end up hurting either Adeline or Fenris from the way he was losing his control earlier. But now that they were away from human settlements, she was at great ease.

Theodore was already getting restless thinking about Adeline's wounds so he asked, "Should I-"

"Nigel! No!" But Rhea screamed at the top of her lungs and clung onto Nigel's paw that he was about to lick. His claws still had traces of Adeline's blood on them.

Nigel was growling and was trying to shake off Rhea from his foot so that he could lick the blood off of his claws.

Rhea was trying really hard to control Nigel but she was failing miserably at it. She gave a pleading look to Theodore and asked, "Devil Prince, will you help me out, please? He is trying to lick the blood. He will get-"

"I know," Theodore instantly snapped his fingers and made Nigel hover in the air, with all of his legs spread wide apart.

Theodore exhaled in frustration and whispered, "You are a real pain in the arse, Nigel." Theodore disappeared and then reappeared again with a huge bucket of water. He placed the bucket under Nigel's floating body and began to clean Nigel's claws.

Rhea also got up on her feet and began to clean another foot of Nigel. She glanced at the man who claimed to be the Devil Prince of Hell but she couldn't believe how a Devil could be so benevolent.

Theodore was feeling the stare that Rhea was giving him and asked, "Is something wrong, puppy?"

Rhea smiled at the way he called them puppies. She shook her head and then expressed her gratitude, "Thank you, Prince Theodore, for helping out Nigel. I wouldn't have been able to contain him alone."

Theodore smiled while still cleaning off the blood from Nigel's foot and said, "Oh, I am not doing this for Nigel, I am doing this for Adeline… Yeah, maybe a little bit for Nigel as well. He took care of Adeline when I couldn't. He was always there for her and this is the least I can do for him."

Nigel stared at Theodore and whimpered as if to say sorry to him.

Theodore chuckled and said, "I cannot believe I am cleaning someone's foot right now. Uff! The things I am doing for love."

Both of them finished cleaning the blood from Nigel's claws and Theodore finally let him down on the ground. He ran his fingers through Nigel's fur on his head and said in a polite voice, "Nigel, I really love your sister, I always have. And she also loves me as much as I love her, in fact, she loves me even more."

"I can understand that you feel protective of your little sister but so am I." Theodore narrowed his eyes at Nigel and spoke with intensity, "So, next time you dig your claws on her, I am going to snap your fingers and feed it to you."

Nigel hung his head in shame and Theodore instantly added with a sly smile, "And, keep in mind that you owe me a nice foot cleaning session. I am going to make you wash my feet at my wedding with your sister."

Rhea burst out into laughter upon hearing that sarcastic statement from Theodore and Nigel wagged his tail as though he approved it. Then he ran around like a happy wolf and began howling again.

Theodore looked at Rhea and asked her, "Should I turn your husband back in his human form? I can take you two back to the Palace."

Rhea puckered her lips and thought for a while. She glanced at Nigel and he looked very happy. So she said, "He will revert back on his own when he feels like it. And I don't think returning back to the Palace is a good idea today. I cannot control him if he turns again."

Theodore raised his brows and asked, "Then, are you two going to roam around on this hill?

Rhea shrugged off as if sleeping under the clear sky wasn't a big deal and said, "There was a dungeon back at Aberdeen for this very reason, to keep the new turners under control. But we had to return back before the full moon because the test is happening on the day after tomorrow. He said he wanted to rest for a day before the test. And the alpha allowed it because Nigel wasn't the one to lose control that easily."

Theodore didn't like the idea of leaving them there on the hilltop. He thought for a while and then plucked out a strand of his hair. Then he turned it into a pendant and handed it over to Rhea, "I don't have a dungeon but I own a huge cave. Tap twice on the pendant after Nigel turns into a human again.. I will come to pick the two of you."

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