She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 172 - A Heart-to-Heart

Chapter 172 - A Heart-to-Heart

Theodore teleported to the hilltop where he had left Nigel and Rhea earlier. And as soon as he saw Nigel, whose bottom half was covered with a piece of Rhea's cloth, Theodore kicked Nigel right on his belly and sent him flying.

Nigel landed on his back and kept on skidding a few meters on that grassy land while groaning. And then he shouted at Theodore while rubbing his stomach and slowly getting up, "Why… the… hell… the two… of you… love to kick… meeee?"

Rhea was covering her mouth with both of her hands and was wondering if she angered the Devil by calling him at some unfavorable time.

Theodore glared at Nigel and shouted back furiously, "Because you almost killed your sister, you arsehole! You dug your filthy venomous claws on Adeline and she was unconscious when I returned back to the Palace."

Both Nigel and Rhea were stunned by Theodore's words. Rhea was stunned because she knew that no werewolf of the Siccaldi clan was able to produce toxins from their claws except the alpha himself. And Nigel was stunned because he had not imagined that he had hurt his sister so badly that she was on the verge of death.

Nigel dropped on his knees to the ground and whispered raggedly, "I poisoned my sister? And I thought I was getting better at controlling my anger. Uncle was right…"

Till now, Nigel had not thought that his sister was hurt to such an extreme. He had just thought that it was a normal scratch. But looking at Theodore's fury, he understood that his greatest fear of losing control and hurting his sister had actually come true.

And now that he knew how grave a mistake he had committed, he began to smash his fists on a rock that was lying in front of him and shouted in agony, "Why the hell did I even touch Adeline when I was angry? Why? Why? I should have just left the room and talked with her tomorrow."

Rhea was still in shock to go and stop Nigel from hurting himself.

And Theodore let Nigel hurt himself for some time. To be honest, he was enjoying watching him like that. He felt bad for kicking Nigel but he wanted to punish him for hurting Adeline, whether it was intentional or not. As Nigel was punishing himself, Theodore folded his hands and kept on watching Nigel's drama.josei

After watching Nigel for some time, Theodore flicked his fingers and restrained Nigel's bloody hands in the air so that he would stop hurting himself. He walked over to the side of Nigel and looked down at him with a smile. "Thank you for punishing yourself."

Nigel snarled and dared to scold the Devil, "How can you smile like this when Adeline is unconscious? Why aren't you treating her? Why aren't you by her side if you loved her that much?"

Theodore liked seeing that desperation in Nigel and liked it even more that Nigel wanted him to be by Adeline's side. He narrowed his eyes and said playfully, "Who said that she is still unconscious? I said she was unconscious, now she is fine. Her wounds are completely healed already."

Nigel asked in confusion, "Her wounds are healed already?" He furrowed his brows and visualized Adeline's wounds which he saw before he lost his control, "But I saw puncture marks and a lot of blood… And you just mentioned that I had poisoned her…"

And Rhea, who was lost in her thoughts till now, also interjected and asked, "But how is that possible? Wounds from werewolf's toxin are very deadly to humans. It takes almost a month for the toxin to completely leave the victim's body if they take the potion made out of wolfsbane. And it takes a few more months for the wounds to heal completely. So how did she heal so fast?"

"Oh puppy, you are forgetting that you are talking to the Devil Prince." He held his head high and puffed his chest a little. Then he boasted, his words mostly directed at Nigel, "I am a very resourceful person who can take good care of his future wife. Somebody doesn't need to throw temper tantrums just because his sister is marrying a Devil."

Nigel let out a sigh of relief. He knew that Theodore was not the type to boast unnecessarily so he believed that his sister was healed already. He glanced at Theodore with his remorseful eyes and he said apologetically, "I will not forget to wash your feet on your wedding day."

Theodore raised one of his brows and then smirked. Then he put his arms behind his back and asked, "Is that your way of saying sorry for getting angry when I said that I will be marrying your sister, and saying that you accept me as your future brother-in-law, and also a way to thank me for saving your sister?"

Nigel looked down on the ground and nodded his head. "Yes, thank you and also sorry."

"Apology accepted," Theodore flicked his fingers to release Nigel out of his restraint. "Ok, now let's go to my humble abode. I have to wa-"

Theodore was surprised by a sudden hug from Nigel. He went stiff all of a sudden and raised his hands up in the air as though some dirty thing was clinging to him. "Whoa! Half-naked man, I already said that I forgave you. No need to stick your sweaty body with me. Shoo!"

Nigel was himself surprised by his own action. He grinned and apologized again, "I am sorry! But I am really grateful that Adeline has someone who loves her and takes care of her… way better than me."

He darted his glance around and spoke with hesitance, "I will be returning back to Aberdeen after this test. I will be staying there from now on. You saw how I am. Nobody will be safe if I stay here in Wyverndale. So, I hope that you won't make Adeline feel lonely after I am gone. And I hope that you will keep on taking care of her like you always have."

Theodore felt bad to hear that. He knew how Adeline was in Nigel's absence. He even knew that she would pretend Rion to be her brother and would pretend to spar with Rion. But he also understood why Nigel had to go. He patted on Nigel's shoulder and assured him, "I will be by your sister's side forever. You don't need to worry about her."

"I haven't told anyone in Wyverndale about it, so I hope that you will keep it a secret for now." Nigel gave a mirthless smile to Theodore.

Theodore nodded his head and agreed to keep his secret, "I understand." Then he glanced at Rhea and gestured her to come closer, "Let's go then, shall we?"

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