She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 196 - Kill Me?

Chapter 196 - Kill Me?

Another loud bang echoed throughout the arena. Adeline had hit her back on the wall very hard but it was not as painful as it should have been considering the sound that was produced.

Azriel flew towards her again to grab her, however, Adeline somehow managed to evade him. She was able to jump a great distance with a single leap and she was now at the other end of the arena after taking just a few leaps. She was in for a great surprise at her own ability.

"Whoa! That just did not happen! Did I just jump as high as Theodore?" She turned around while covering her mouth in excitement. But her excitement soon vanished as the dragon looked at her very angrily.

Azriel snarled as though she was right where he wanted her to be. He faced in the direction of Adeline and breathed out hot fire from his mouth.

Adeline was stunned seeing that overwhelming amount of fire coming towards her. For a second, she kept on standing right where she was thinking that the fire was just another illusion of his. She definitely did not expect Azriel to actually breathe out real fire at her. But the heat that came whooshing at her felt too real to be fake.

And in the next moment, she dashed to the side where the fire had not reached. But her speed was too much for her to control and she ended up hitting herself hard on the wall. "Argh!!" She massaged her forehead and crouched down on the floor.

Though she was hurt, she was feeling extremely happy for some reason. "What has happened to me? Why am I suddenly able to do things that should be impossible for me? Has my strength also leveled up or something?"

But before she could relish further, Azriel finally got a chance to pick her up with his claws and he lifted her high up in the air. And before she could make an effort to free herself from his hold, he threw her down with a great force causing another sound wave to travel throughout the arena.

This time, Adeline felt a pain that was greater than just a while ago. She tried to get up and that was when she realized that the fighting mat that was supposed to protect her was torn badly. And even the floor had some cracks on it.josei

Azriel came swooping at Adeline again. His speed was too fast and Adeline could do nothing but wait to be picked and thrown again. This time, she even coughed up some blood from her mouth. And the happiness that she was feeling just a while ago thinking that she was growing stronger slipped out of her along with that blood.

Azriel continued to throw her around like a ragdoll a few more times until Adeline was covered in blood and a few of her bones were fractured.

She lay unmoving on the floor. She could feel that if Azriel threw her one more time, then she would be dead. She spat the blood from her mouth and she used the last bit of her energy to shout at Azriel for being so ruthless, "Are you trying to kill me, Dragon Immortal? I thought nobody dies in the test. Are you trying to make an exception this year?"

Hearing that, Azriel finally stopped coming at her and reverted back to his heavenly form. He came and stood beside Adeline and stared at her. And he gave an apologetic grin and said, "I think I went a little overboard. I made you look pathetic."

Adeline creased her brows and grumbled sarcastically, "If you are trying to say sorry then it is not working, Dragon Immortal."

Azriel was amused once again by the guts of that girl, asking the Deity to say sorry to her. "But then again, she is someone who managed to tame Theodore. She must be really courageous and fearless to be able to do that."

Azriel sat down beside her and asked, "How do you feel?"

Adeline kept on staring at Azriel to see if he was joking or not. But he looked serious. And she couldn't tell if he was just stupid or was ignorant enough to not notice the condition that she was in.

Either way, Adeline replied with the staggering breath, "Like my bones have shattered into hundreds of pieces and I will die if I move an inch." She was trying her best to keep a straight face despite the excruciating pain that she was feeling at the moment.

Azriel looked away as if he was not the one to put her in that condition and asked again, "I mean do you still feel a strange energy or some strange sensation flowing inside of you, or that feeling is gone now?"

Adeline was in no condition to process his question properly and she just hoped that he would stop talking so much and would stop making her talk so much. It was getting too painful to even talk. "I don't know what you are referring to but I don't even have enough energy to keep on talking with you."

"Oh, okay. Let me treat you then." Azriel placed his palm a little above Adeline's head and then closed his eyes. His palm began to glow brightly and he slowly moved his palm from Adeline's head to her toe.

Adeline felt something warm being passed to her. She could feel that her pain was disappearing. And when Azriel was done, Adeline's every wound and fracture had healed.

She tried moving her hands and feet and she could do so freely. She got up and then walked and jumped, she didn't feel a single pain remaining in her body.

Seeing Adeline jumping around happily like a baby, Azriel couldn't help but chuckle. Then he also got up and then said, "Adeline, are you ready for the next level then?"

Adeline abruptly stopped jumping and stared at Azriel. "Next level? You mean I passed this level even after getting tossed around like that?"

"Of course you passed this level. Actually, you had already passed it in the first few minutes."

Adeline's brows twitched hearing that she had passed it before he attacked her in his dragon form. She chuckled grimly and asked from between her teeth, "Then why did you-"

"Why did I turn into a dragon? I just wanted to bless you by showing you my divine dragon form. Consider yourself lucky because no one else gets to see that divine form of mine." Azriel gave a bright grin to Adeline.

Adeline kept on chuckling while giving a piercing look to Azriel and she thought to herself, "Lucky… I think whoever sees your 'divine' form is utterly unlucky."

Azriel then snapped his fingers and both of them were transported to another setting.. Adeline had now progressed to the third level of the test.

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